
I felt more excitement for Forspoken than I do for Armored Core 6, and that really hurts

Despite being a big FromSoftware fan, Armored Core 6 is failing to get me invested, which is something even flops like Forspoken and Redfall managed to do.

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Snookies12357d ago

It looks incredible, how are you failing to get interested? Sounds like a personal issue of losing interest in the series, rather than an issue of this new installment.

ModsDoBetter356d ago

Agreed, it's okay to not be as excited for something. We all have different tastes and taste may change over time.

For one, I used to love SpiderMan games on PS2,3 and 4 but am not as excited for SpiderMan2. It happens, still got the console pre-ordered since my partner is hyped. It doesn't necessarily mean its a bad game, it's just probably not for me but only playing the game will answer that. The author should probably just rent the game or wait for a sale and see.

Abear21355d ago

Agreed, I’m a 4/10 on the excitement scale for Spidey 2. That said I’m a 0/10 for these two games. Then again, I’m currently hooked on a train simulator so who am I to judge.

Abriael357d ago

Tell me you know absolutely nothing about Armored Core without telling me you know absolutely nothing about Armored Core.

closed_account356d ago

Ah man, but he said he dug into his psyche on this! 😂

I'm excited, I think it looks great. I've enjoyed the games since the PS1 days, but I can appreciate the more Soulslike structure of this new one, given that FromSoftware created the originals. Nice for them to get back to their roots in a scifi setting, while
utilizing what they've learned in the last decade and a half w the Souls games.

More than Armored Core though, I'm really hoping for a new Front Mission from Square Enix, after they finish releasing the remakes. Really looking forward to this though!

TheEroica355d ago

All the previews I've read/seen said if you're expecting souls like gaming you're waaaay off on this one.

closed_account355d ago

@TheEroica i had only briefly skimmed through the trailer, that's my bad. Only actually saw one fight. I've played 3 of the old ones.

-Foxtrot356d ago

It looks great but being the 6th game when I’ve never really gotten in on the franchise before puts me off a little. Just seems like there’s probably been so much that has went on through 6 instalments to just suddenly jump in at this point.

Urrakia34356d ago

As far as I remember, Armored Core is similar to Final Fantasy in the sense that each game is pretty much it's own contained universe and narrative. I'm pretty sure knowledge of prior games is going to be irrelevant in AC6 and the series' strength lies in the action-packed gameplay anyways. I'm trying to put everybody on to this game because the series is amazing fun and typically has LOTS of (free) customization. I encourage you to give it a shot if possible. I genuinely think you'll enjoy it.

Si-Fly356d ago

It’s just a mech game dude 🤣

Notellin356d ago

Just say you don't like mech games.

-Foxtrot356d ago

Eh? What you talking about?

Way to be so fragile and see something that isn’t there

Amplitude355d ago (Edited 355d ago )

There are way more than 6 Armored Core games and most, if not all are in different universes with very little plot. The name being a number doesn't mean anything beyond the fact that... it's a numbered entry for whatever that's worth lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 355d ago
anast356d ago

This writer has horrible taste and they probably should have kept this to themselves.

Crows90356d ago

The author needs help. Poor guy.

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Almost A Year Later, Armored Core 6 Comes Across As Sekiro's Rebellious Brother

Armored Core 6 is the modern, action-packed mecha game that deviates from the Soulsbornes formula orchestrated by Hidetaka Miyazaki.


From Software Parent Company's Profits Drop, but Armored Core Surprises

From Software parent company Kadokawa has released its financials for the year, and while profits are down, Armored Core has performed surprisingly well.

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zaanan77d ago

In other words, FromSoft is kicking ass; other Kadokawa game companies, not so much.

savedsynner77d ago

Name another company that has ever released only games worthy of a 90+ score for over a decade? starting with Demon's Souls, nothing but 90+s...even DS2 was a great game.

Ataraxias77d ago

Princess Peach Showtime is currently in the mid 70s

esherwood77d ago

Fromsoft is one of the few good guys left

FinalFantasyFanatic76d ago

I hope we get another AC game in the future or some DLC, I don't think we'll see DLC though. At the shizuoka hobby show they apparently announced a heap of AC model kits, even from older games like AC3.


Armored Core 6 Sales Performed "Beyond Expectations" Last Quarter According to Kadokawa

According to parent company Kadokawa, Armored Core 6 sales performed "beyond expectations" at the end of last year, as did Elden Ring sales.

XiNatsuDragnel169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Good game excited for 7

FinalFantasyFanatic168d ago

I loved it, no surprise it did well because there's nothing like it and the fans have been starved of a new game for 10 years. It also helps that the game is fun and complete, no DLC/micro transactions or season passes either, which is typical of From Software games, I can't wait for Armored Core 7!

UltimateOwnage167d ago

Its a fantastic game. It plays great on my Deck as well, so its an equally amazing portable game. No IAP's, no online requirement, just raw, exciting gameplay. The way games used to be. More of this, and they will get my day-1 money instead of waiting for sales to buy in.