
Blizzard Monetizes The Trader’s Tender In WOW

Blizzard just made it possible for players to purchase the Trader’s Tender for real money! The decision has left the community spewing with rage.

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Dudeson358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

Never had a problem with monetization for anything that's purely cosmetic. If you want to look extra cool so badly, you must like the game to a point where it's worth the money to you. If not, you can still grind to get it in wow's case, maybe a slow progress but having that option is always a plus.

Now the moment someting that gives an edge in the gameplay is purchaseable, I'll understand the rage.

Edit: Also, a bit more on the middle side of things: when rare transmogs that needed a big achievement were to be purchaseable, I would also understand the rage of people who worked hard and want to show that off.

bababooiy358d ago

Its funny how we have have come so far that people are comfortable saying playing the game to get something is a "nice plus" like you should be grateful they even allow it. Truly sad honestly...

Dudeson358d ago

It's just that I don't really care about (paid) cosmetics, especially in games like wow. And the only plus I meant with that is that you can atleast get it both ways, not just that it's entirely gated behind a paywall. But seriously why would you care so much about cosmetic options that don't mean anyting more than showing of some style or spending ability. Just like branded clothes, really don't care about brands, just give me quality.

Kaii358d ago

Boiled frogs should be shot.

Kaozz1979358d ago

D4 next with Stash tabs, Gem tabs etc. a 'la PoE.

niiopi358d ago

The game is on the decline and so they will start monetizing everything. So many other MMOs have done this when their popularity started to wane.


The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

The Pokemon Company had retail sales worth of 10.8 billion US Dollars in the year 2023, based on the latest report.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro37m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


Unending Dawn joins PlayStation China Hero Project

Parcae’s Fate Studio-developed open-world action game Unending Dawn has joined Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s China Hero Project incubation program, the companies announce. As previously announced, it will be available PlayStation 5, iOS, and Android.


Project: Jinyiwei joins PlayStation China Hero Project

CangMo Game Entertainment-developed action RPG Project: Jinyiwei has joined Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s China Hero Project incubation program, the companies announced. It will be available for PlayStation 5.

VersusDMC5h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...