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Sony PlayStation 5 review: still the generation king

The PS5 will celebrate its third birthday in a few months. Are we still as big on it as we were at launch?

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Community422d ago
StarkR3ality422d ago

Amazing little machine.

Please Sony don't release a PS5 pro, you really don't need it when there's still crossgen going on. Especially when said pro is supposed to be equivalent to a 3070 in performance, a nearly 4 year old card, pfft pointless.

andy85422d ago

If you don't want one thats fine, but why limit people who do? Whether it exists or not doesn't affect someone with a base PS5. Some of us have had the console 3 years and would welcome something new. 7-8 years is a long time with the same tech.

MrNinosan422d ago

Totally agree.
I'd take a upgrade every year if there was one, but 3-4 years in is about perfect 👍

MrChow666422d ago

I wouldnt call it little lol

Babadook7421d ago (Edited 421d ago )

Small for a PC though. Lol

DrRobotnik422d ago

In the 90's, a 4 year cycle for the next generation of consoles was the norm. I think everyone got spoiled during the 360/PS3 Era. That generation was far longer than normal.

Babadook7421d ago (Edited 421d ago )

"Especially when said pro is supposed to be equivalent to a 3070 in performance, a nearly 4 year old card, pfft pointless."

Under 3 years, not 4. The irony is that's how old the PS5 is.

And don't kid yourself. The PS5 punches way above its weight class. Makes average gaming PC's (including much more pricy ones) look foolish. The pro will too. No matter how you add it up, the Pro makes a lot of sense to gamers.

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Brazz422d ago

I would call switch the generation king. I mean...
8th gen: WiiU < X1 < PS4(king)
9th gen: Séries X/S < PS5 < Switch(king)

RupeeHoarder422d ago

I mean other than sales….the switch does nothing better than the PS5.

TheCaptainKuchiki422d ago

If the Switch didn't have Zelda or Mario, it would've flopped and no one would've even considered buying it.

DOMination-422d ago

Sales seem to matter a lot when it comes to PS5 v Xbox. Funny how suddenly it's not a metric when we consider the Switch.

"If the Switch didn't have Zelda or Mario, it would've flopped and no one would've even considered buying it."

Obviously it wouldn't be as popular without the established Nintendo IP but what's your point? If the PS5 doesn't have first party games like GT and GOW then it would be... like an Xbox.

DarkZane422d ago

Switch isn't even a console, it's a handheld that can also output to TV. It should be classified with things like 3DS, GBA, PSP, Vita and others. It really is a successor to the 3DS and not the Wii U.

Chevalier422d ago

Well revenue Playstation absolutely destroys Nintendo. Eshop doesn't even do a 10th of what Playstation store does.

Asplundh421d ago

I get what you're saying but it's a console. There are handheld (or portable) consoles and home consoles, either way it's a console.

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Cockney422d ago

Switch stands at 125 mil, when switch 2 rolls out the original sales will drop off a cliff so I'd hold off on that coronation just for the time being

Pk323420d ago

Try closer to 130 million

ClayRules2012422d ago

I wouldn’t call switch the generation king, solely based on sales alone. I’m not blind to it’s success, it has done incredibly well, with its design allowing players to dock their switch, hook up to the TV and play or detach it and take it and their games on the go with them, and having that option for many is an “Instant buy” it’s cool.

But honestly, looking at the consoles themselves Nintendo’s Switch cannot match the PS5, and as this generation gets further in I believe PS will continue to showcase its dominance as they always have.

Rude-ro422d ago

It took the Nintendo 5 years to hit to 55 billion in revenue

It took Sony 1 year to hit 22 billion
In this same year, Microsoft gaming hit 4 billion.

If you are talking money, Sony has that

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Elda422d ago

I own all 3 current consoles & I'm always playing my PS5 while the other 2 I play much less.

ClayRules2012422d ago

I hear ya. We have 2 PS5’s in my home, the wife and I play the one in the living room while our son has his PS5 in his room along with his Nintendo Switch he got earlier this year. Unfortunately it doesn’t get played much at all. But his money was spent on it so yeah. The PS5’s are the two consoles that don’t collect dust so to speak, and he’s planning on taking his to college with him here soon.

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fr0sty1h ago

I tried mercs, I wanted to love it so badly, as I grew up playing Mechwarrior, but a few missions in I just started getting my ass kicked and couldn't figure out a way around it. Maybe I'll give it another go.


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SimpleSlave7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

While I understand I can't look at a gift horse in the mouth, this is giving me mixed feelings. The Combat, while back to the good ol' Yakuza style of bombastic beat 'em up and direct control, it does feel like it could've fit more in a themed spin-off in the same vein as the Fist of the North Star game instead. At least this is not that Turd Based garbage. So there's that


But I'll stay cautiously optimistic about this game meeting me halfway and hopefully it'll be fun. But that Kart racing mini game looks absolutely god awful... Sheesh!