
10 Years Ago, the Best PlayStation Game of the Century Redefined an Entire Genre

A decade after its release, one PlayStation exclusive's influence is still felt.

closed_account271d ago

I loved The Last of Us too, very much... but damn, Game of the Century?

ClayRules2012270d ago

This game is that loved. Why’s that hard to believe some would say “Game of the Century”?

closed_account270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Like I said, I love the game and it's certainly near the top of my list. I just have a hard time seeing it as the most important and most influential game of all time. Edit - so this would only include games after 2001 though.

KrystofKage1270d ago

Because a century being over 100 years implies it's the greatest playstation game of all time. I love the game but the fan base are ridiculous.

S2Killinit270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

It was the game of the century for me. Nothing like it existed.

closed_account270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

@KrystofKage1 Actually "the" Century, being the 21st Century, only started Jan 1st, 2001. It doesn't say "a" Century, as far a a length of 100 years.

I acknowledge a mistake though that I made, thanks to @__Steakdeck__ below..

I accidentally read this as overall "Game of the Century" and not "Playstation Game of the Century". I own that mistake and apologize.

As stated below though, I'd tie a number of games as #1 in this timeframe, such as Uncharted 2. It was just as pivotal in my view in changing the way gamers viewed 3rd person games as cinematic experiences just as much as they are games. Uncharted 2 also generated a lot of buzz, and helped turn Playstation around from the XBox 360 lead. TLOU was built on the framework of what Naughty Dog learned from Uncharted.

JackBNimble270d ago

Why is that hard to believe?

Because there is an awful lot of century left, and if the last of us is the peak of gaming this century then that's a pretty bad sign if it's all downhill from there.

Seraphim269d ago

@ OtterX - whichever way one looks at it, stating game of the century is a bit much.

Best game in 100 years? Ok, but games weren't even around 100 years ago. Best game of the 21st Century, ok, but we're not even 1/4 through that time period/century. Thing is this is very subjective so instead of simply giving the game a crown, why not simply state one of the greatest or phrase it more broadly. The game was great, it deserves credit, but it's simply silly to characterize it in the timeframe of one century. 2 cents.

Angyobangyo269d ago

Because there’s no such thing as a game of the century. It’s a made up title which is purely subjective for fanboys to throw around.

Notellin269d ago

Because it's a dumb hyperbolic statement used as clickbait.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 269d ago
blackblades270d ago

Thats why fans was upset about part2 cause it didnt go the way they wanted it to go. Its like those fans that make fan fiction shyt or shipping characters

shinoff2183270d ago

I enjoyed the last of us 2 , it's not my story to tell. Was I happy what happened happens, of course not but its still a pretty damn good story/game

__SteakDeck__270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

@OtterX He said “PlayStation” Game of the Century. When you look at how TLOU inspired most other PS studios, (which made them dominate the competition for a decade, and still going), the awards it won, and how it translated to tv and became a pop culture hit. It’s hard to argue against it. The game may not be for everyone, but a decade later it’s impact is still felt.

closed_account270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Good point. I somehow glanced over the "Playstation Game of the Century" and read "Game of the Century", so I'll own that mistake. My bad!

With that said, I'd still have to give it a tie along with some other titles within the last 22 years. I can't crown it exclusively, but this is just my opinion. I can respect this view though as only the "Playstation" Game of the Century. :)

**Edit - I'd argue Uncharted 2 was the game that changed the industry, in the way cinematic 3rd person games were received. Last of Us still has a better story still, as it has that emotional impact, and gameplay combat is evolved. That experience from Naughty Dog with Uncharted though helped build the framework of TLOU. I'd still tie them for their particular period of time of release. I don't like one more than the other. I love them about equally. It's really when Playstation started to win back an audience from XBox's gains with the 360.

__SteakDeck__270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

@OtterX Yeah Uncharted 2 is a great choice. After that game released. It changed the PS3’s momentum and it only went up from there. Also like you said about building the framework for TLOU. Without UC2 there probably is no TLOU. Still it’s insane that ND released both of those generational games on one console. The only other devs that can do that is Rockstar and Nintendo, imo.

closed_account270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

@__Steakdeck__ very true.

And particularly part 2 had a strong emotional moment.. I felt gutted when I thought Elena was about to die, but ND played it safe in that regard and we felt relieved when she pulled through. Uncharted 4 had some great emotional beats too, that conflict between Nate and Elena. Going towards the end, many people thought Nate would die.. but again, they played it safe. What The Last of Us did was remove that safety. Definitely an evolution, and you can see the outcry of part 2 how many fans actually wanted to return to safe storytelling. I didn't like that Joel died, but I like that it made me feel something raw, true love and sadness for a fictional character. To feel anger towards Naughty Dog for Joel's death is still to acknowledge that they successfully created a character worthy of love and heartbreak.

Still, I can't raise TLOU above UC2, because it was also pivotal. Equally impactful for the industry to me.

P_Bomb269d ago

Uncharted 2 is a good one. Uncharted in general turned the tide for PlayStation and PlayStation Studios.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 269d ago
Christopher270d ago

Yeah, I still prefer the first Uncharted game, even the first inFamous game. It did a lot of things really well, but I really hated the flow and the pretty consistent interruptions of cut scenes or the like from gameplay. I get it is a story-focused game, but I'd rather that be played out with gameplay than just losing all control and waiting to see when I can do something else.

closed_account270d ago

I remember working Gamestop during the PS3, then Uncharted 1 release... hardly anyone knew about it then, and I remember hyping up the game, told everyone about the movie feel of it all. Not because I was trying to sell product, but bc I genuinely loved the game. I wanted more people to play it and help make it a success. So it's funny to see how much Uncharted and Naughty Dog have blown up as a whole since. I just remember getting hyped up about Uncharted from all of the previews, bc I was already a big Jak & Daxter fan.

Ashunderfire86270d ago

Seeing Joel sad 😞 look on his face when his daughter got shot, was the definition moment of gaming become very close to movie drama! Joel and Ellie chemistry is that emotional moment you just can’t forget! It was unlike anything we saw in gaming before!

ClayRules2012270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Yeah, I understand you love the game, which is great, and you by no means are required to hold it to the same standard as some others do.

I’d comment more, but I see how @SteakDeck went into more detail about why The Last of Us is viewed the way it is, and I saw your responses to him, so I don’t need to make any long drawn out comment.

I certainly agree with you, in you saying Uncharted 2 changed the industry, which it really did. I won’t argue that. ND talked about wanting the Uncharted series to be that “Summer Blockbuster” for video games, and Uncharted 2 nailed that goal with a 10/10 with the epic set pieces (building collapse and the much talked about and praised train level that goes into the Himalayas. But along with that the performances were way above the original games, and playing for a brief moment the possibility of Elena dying at the end was pulling at the heart, it was emotional. And we all know, U2 was that generational leap graphically, it was astounding how advanced the sequel looked from the original game or others that were out at that time.

Uncharted 2 was the blueprint/building block for ND to do something more out there/challenging. That game really did set them into overdrive and with that they were able to move onto something new, risky, yet challenging and rewarding like The Last of Us.

I know fans still go back and forth on which is better between ND’s games regarding Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us, which I can understand, as both games were massive successes in that generation, not only showing ND’s remarkable talent and near perfection when it comes to crafting incredible games, but they both brought something different and special for the industry at large, and in that, both have cemented themselves as masterpiece titles, which few others can stand tall against (and there certainly are some that can do just that) no question.

Lastly, I’d say Naughty Dogs best game to date is The Last of Us Part 2, which I know is controversial, for various reasons. For me, it’s not just the most emotional, impactful, and interesting story they’ve made, it’s the best one. Now, that doesn’t mean I think the story is perfect, because I didn’t agree with some decisions (Joel’s death wasn’t an issue with me, neither was Abby killing him in the end, after I played her story. But other things could’ve been fleshed out a bit more, I never cared for Ryan or that pregnant women, and had no emotion when they were found dead, they were just hollow to me. The risks taken overall in the storytelling I appreciate and admire, being challenged to fight Ellie (not knowing if you were going to actually kill her, her dying possibly by your hands 💔) that was intense! But also just the remarkable motion matching technology that still puts TLOU2 above any game today, in my view in terms of gameplay, for its fluidity, quickness, and realistic presentation of human movement, that tech mixed with ND’s animators work is a sight to behold and to me nothing plays or feels better.

closed_account270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Yea, that Ellie, Abby fight in the theatre is crazy intense! I actually placed the controller down, had to decide if I really wanted to finish this, bc I really thought there was a possibility of Abby killing her with you in control!

And your UC2 analysis is very good, better than mine so kudos on that! It really was a game that you needed to experience back then at its time of release. Somebody playing for the first time today may not fully appreciate what it meant for the industry, bc these things are common now, but I have confidence that they would still enjoy it on the game's own merits.

TheKingKratos269d ago

Agreed with everything you said

ClayRules2012270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Omgosh, yes! I’m so glad you shared that detail about putting the controller down (because I did as well) I played Part 2 with my wife, and I was so conflicted, hurt and cussed out ND right there in the living room saying “I hate you ND, what the F were you thinking?? I won’t do this. I’m not going to be responsible for killing Ellie! F this. And as much as I wanted to not continue 1. I knew my wife would’ve done it if I hadn’t lol, but also, I wanted to do this, no matter how much it freaking hurt. It’s so cool that that specific time really got to you too like that!

And your Uncharted 2 analysis I liked, I totally see what you say there, you know what you’re talking about! Thanks tho bud🙏🏼 And I agree. Those of us who had the opportunity to play Uncharted 2 back in 2009 really were experiencing something special in those moments. Today gamers who’re new to U2 and experiencing it for the first time I think will really enjoy the characters still and the gameplay/set pieces, really all the game has to offer (that Nathan Drake Collection remaster still looks beautiful!) but it really isn’t the same as having been in the moment when the game was doing things that had never been done before.

closed_account270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

I'd actually like to see a poll of The Last of Us 2 players who either paused the game or made them put the controller down! haha that was great to read your account of it too. Absolutely amazing that a game can make you feel so deeply.

The game certainly had issues. Mine wasn't the fact that you play as Abby.. it's the fact that you play as her for like 10 hours. It felt too long, bloated and I was ready to hate the game... but Ellie's final act completely redeemed the game for me. I really enjoyed the game too, and the combat is top notch. Can't wait to see it in Factions!

ClayRules2012270d ago

Oh I’d definitely like to see a poll for players regarding that as well. Yeah, it really is amazing when games can make you feel that, it’s something I appreciate as a gamer who loves a good story.

And yeah, the game did have some issues, one being the pacing, which I think ND did an exceptionally great job of throughout most of the game, even when playing Abby’s sections. But I agree, the length at which you did play her did go on too long (much like with RDR2’s story which was amazing throughout had a drag after Arthur and the group leave on that boat and arrive to that island. At that point I was bored, found the island gameplay to be VERY restrictive, boring and an area I did not enjoy whatsoever. Along with when you arrive back to the mainland, the story picked back up and the game started getting great again, but going back and forth between helping the Indians out with their problems and so on, I was ready for the game to end. And when it did at that final bit I loved it.) but when Ellie’s final chapter came along I was so ready to end it, emotionally drained were my wife and I were. Too much bloat for sure. But Ellie’s last chapter had me feeling like Rambo on a mission somewhat haha, and when I saw Abby it was a relief, as was the fight, and the moment when the fight ended it was a weight lifted off. No more lol.

I look forward to Factions as well. I hope whatever ND does with that it’ll turn out great!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 269d ago
GaboonViper271d ago

A masterpiece and one of the greatest videogames ever.

ClayRules2012271d ago

“Everyone was excited for its release, but nothing prepared us for what we actually got.“

THIS, this is true. Naughty Dog had already delivered great games on the PS2 that were loved by many, and than the PS3 generation came along and we see this new and interesting game from the studio “Uncharted” a series that would span 3 games on this console, and delivering one of the single greatest games of all time with its sequel game Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. A game that still does set pieces in video games better than games of today, that ND magic. A masterpiece for sure!

After ND’s success with the Uncharted series who woulda thought they’d deliver something like The Last of Us? I didn’t expect it, but I so much appreciate it. It was a story that some say didn’t have an original idea, think what they will, the characters we met, became like real people to us (while video game characters) characters that we saw and felt depicted real human emotion with every line of dialogue delivered, showing the absolute ugly side of us as humans, selfishness and greed, and what some will do to get what they do desire (especially in this world of chaos, loss and despair. But also showing the beautiful side of humans, honesty, truth, trust, building towards that trust and how not everyone is the same, and people can be trusted. Joel finding something to live for again, which was Ellie, and not just merely living to get by another day for himself. Many emotions. Along with that, we were shown this unforgiving world, that does not care who you are, death will come for each of them, either by the hands of the infected or by the hands of some man, women or even some cases a kid like Ellie, who’re merely just trying to survive.

It was an emotionally draining game, in the best way possible (just like Heavy Rain was with me, and the message that game displayed in its story beautifully) but the last of us was something on another level entirely. I could go on for days lol.

To me, The Last of Us is one of the finest games I’ve ever played, one of the best games I’ve ever played and is one of the few examples when it comes to games I mention to people who don’t play games or do but don’t know what’s really good (regarding storytelling) that I mention, because it really is a special gem and a shining example of a game studios hard work paying off as they achieve excellence that’s near perfection

shinoff2183270d ago

It's in my top for sure , with all the games that have came out from the late 80s to today its up there.

ClayRules2012270d ago

That’s awesome to hear, I’m glad you enjoyed it that much!

Did you ever play the Remake on PS5?

Sonyslave3270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Last of us story wise top notch no doubt, but gameplay lol it really didn’t do anything new or revolutionary.

It a damn shame Shinji Mikami don’t get this much love considering the franchise he birthed and games he influenced.

shinoff2183270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

I know he created resident evil but at some point you can only do so much. Last of us gameplay was perfect for what they did. Not every game needs to innovate something all the time.

When forbidden west was released I seen some crying about innovation and sh. I was perfectly happy. I wanted more of the same. It's cool though cause I know your a little tinted

ClayRules2012270d ago

Exactly. I agree. Last of Us had brutal and great gameplay for its time which complimented this unforgiving world. It worked well considering it was ND’s swan song title for the PS3 hardware.

Forbidden West improved the gameplay so well, adding things to freshen up the combat, while improving in the areas that needed improvement from the original game. GG’s did a great job with the gameplay in the sequel. This idea that some gamers have about Sony’s sequels needing to innovate is really something else…people said the same thing about Ragnarok, that it looked all to familar to the original game iyiyiy.

270d ago
isarai269d ago

I dunno, to me ND games have always been far greater than the sum of their parts. Like are there TPS puzzle platformers with cover based shooting? Yeah, quite a few! But nothing even comes close to playing like Uncharted, especially at the time of their release. Same with TLOU and pt2. There's nothing particularly new that they do, but due to how they're executed, nothing plays or feels like them.

Vx_269d ago

Who said we always need revolutionary gameplay ? I would rather have a typical gameplay mixing perfectly with all the other ingredients (gfx, sorry, character, atmosphere, music..etc) to have a memorable experience playing the game .

StarkR3ality269d ago

I would actually say that RE4 is one of the influential games ever, like that bred an entire new perspective almost. And the remake is defo up there with one of the best games ever made, honestly I cannot believe how good 2023 has been so far when I think of it

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 269d ago
Vits270d ago

I just watched the whole Billy Mitchell Gamer of the Century debacle. So this title came in really poor taste.
But the article itself is inoffensive enough if a bit of exaggeration. Not saying that TLOU did not have an impact on the industry. Sony's own output after it basically become different versions of that "cinematic experience" for example. But Outlast probably didn't have that much time to absorb that influence given that it was released a couple of months later.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.


The Last Of Us Series Has Remarkable Potential For Spin-Offs

Najam from eXputer writes "It's time fore a new installment in the series, not another pointless remaster."

anast85d ago

They are working on something new. Not to be rude but it is impossibility stupid to think ND next major announcement is going to be a remaster or their next Last of Us entry is going to be another remaster.

AlterRecs82d ago

I think this is in response to them releasing a remaster for the sequel, a game that didn't need a remaster.

Basically a "why did you put out a remaster no one asked for when you have all there options available"

anast82d ago

They remaster is to put out something quick while they are deving new stuff. I don't get how people can be so static.

AlterRecs81d ago

There's no news about a third game being in production, you're just assuming that they're working on something that they aren't

anast81d ago

When they release the news to start the hype-train, you can give me my props then.

DrDoomer85d ago

I want an alternate timeline spin-off, where part 2 never happened.

CrimsonWing6985d ago

They’ve already done Remasters of 1 and 2… what else is there to Remaster?

AlterRecs82d ago

Considering they remastered the first game twice, who knows lol

CrimsonWing6982d ago

That was a Remake. I guess they could do that to 2, but man…. They should wait a couple generations so it can look like a major upgrade.


The Last Of Us Online Devs Celebrate Their Experience With The Canceled Game

The team is sad for losing out on such a great project but celebrates its growth because of spending time on it.

Chocoburger129d ago

All they had to do was make a basic online mode like their previous games. Instead they wanted more money and choose to go live service which makes games worse in my opinion.

What a waste of time and money, what a shame.

seanpitt2385d ago

I can't wait for season 2 so they can kill Joel off in the first 2 episodes!! Then it will be just Abby and Ellies revenge plot!

Something is telling me that this won't happen though because it wouldn't make sense, oh wait

Linzoid129d ago

Not sure why they didn’t just make Factions 2. There was no need to make it a live service.

TLoU Factions was a great addition such a shame they couldn’t be bothered to remaster that for PS5 considering the crazy high price tag of the remaster of a remaster…

anast129d ago

This is something to be celebrated. This studio is smart and they get it, even factions 2 wouldn't've have been worth the time. I am surprised they didn't just remaster the first one though, but actually how popular was Factions?