
Xbox controversial update slammed as 'one big ad' by fans

Xbox fans have been heavily criticising the new "ad interface".

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Jin_Sakai421d ago

They’re the worst with dashboard interfaces. The new UI is still cluttered with endless boxes and a giant recently played games ad that isn’t even from you but instead all Xbox users.

darthv72421d ago

The games you recently played are shown in the upper tiles.

Jin_Sakai421d ago (Edited 421d ago )

“The games you recently played are shown in the upper tiles.”

That’s doesn’t change the fact you’ve got a whole advertisement bar of recently played games from Xbox users on the dashboard.

darthv72421d ago

I can see you just want to be huffy puffy just for the sake of it. You really dont care about the most played... you just want to vent. If you did then youd have the same passion for any entertainment medium that has a ranking system because its all based on what others like.

Top 40 countdown, top 10 current netflix shows / movies... top sales of titles on ps or switch or steam...

But its this box that offers a most played by others on XB. Like seriously Jin you've really lost it.

closed_account420d ago

Which is funny, bc they were always primarily a software company first.

Kombatologist420d ago

"They’re the worst with dashboard interfaces."

The blades dashboard on Xbox 360 was the pinnacle of their GUIs. They've gone downhill ever since.

Jin_Sakai420d ago (Edited 420d ago )

“But it’s this box that offers a most played by others on XB. Like seriously Jin you've really lost it.“

I’d say you have lost it. Even Xbox fans are complaining about these ads on the dashboard while you on the other hand are defending it.

DOMination-420d ago

I get that it doesn't look great. But calling it an advert feels a bit disingenuous

Load up a PS5 and go to the store. The very first thing you see is a massive section labelled "Top games being played in your region".

I know the response to this will be something along the lines of this being okay when Sony does it because it's in the store. And whilst I agree the store is the best place for that, it's still a "feature" that PS5 has that's exactly the same as what's being complained about here on Xbox.

Is it also an ad when Sony do it? The funny thing is, there is a genuine advert right next to this "feature" - at least on the UK PS5 store..

PhillyDillyDee420d ago (Edited 420d ago )

Not to mention they removed a lot of the customization the previous iteration had

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 420d ago
421d ago
421d ago
421d ago
mjchitown420d ago

yeah that showing ads for games a bad thing. i forgot this the hate everything xbox site

spss11420d ago (Edited 420d ago )

Or maybe many Xbox owners, like myself, are unhappy that all our home screen customization was replaced with ads.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 419d ago
ChasterMies421d ago

Microsoft put ads into Windows 11. When you buy a Microsoft product, you know your are getting ads. This is like a member of the Leopards at My Face Party complaining that leopards are their face.

Lightning77421d ago

Here I am thinking this was something super serious a few days ago. Then I read what the issue was and didn't even bother. Hell come September SF will be plastered adverted all over the damn place for ppl who haven't downloaded the game.

EvertonFC420d ago

GP is NOT sustainable, how else they gonna try and get better revenue? Did Xbox gamers expect NO ADS with GP bleeding money.
Xbox gamers want everything NOW, everything FREE, NO ADS, ALL GAMES day 1 and GP for £1 a Month and then maybe just maybe they would be happy haha.

Asplundh420d ago

As if there weren't ads with the last dashboard? I think you're missing the point as usual.

anast420d ago

You do have a point. This model needs a ton of ads to keep it going.

DarXyde420d ago

In its current incarnation, I wholly agree that Game Pass is not sustainable. But with ABK now clearing the FTC, I think Microsoft is clearly setting the stage for important revisions: the price hike, layoffs, AI investment, elimination of "Xbox Live" and rebranding of Game Pass to drop the "Xbox" part says to me that it's really only a matter of time before they eliminate hardware and have as much of their development done by AI as possible. They're definitely going full sub service in the next generation or two. They themselves said they wanted to become the "Netflix of gaming". At that point, you're fully a part of Microsoft and not treated as a your own division—so profitability is an afterthought at that point because Microsoft is profitable. Doubters can bookmark this if you want to.

In any case, in the spirit of discussion about ads here, I wonder how far it's going to go: will they remove/limit the ads from the UI if you have a higher tier of their services? Will they show ads in the games you play on Game Pass?

I don't know how many people are really upset about it, if it's a vocal minority, what have you. But I think if it's really as bad as people are making it out to be, they'll offer some way to limit the ads. It just doesn't make business sense to keep them in if it's really annoying their customers. My sense is that the ads aren't that bothersome to people and the issue may just be with the UI itself.

EvertonFC420d ago

You make excellent points and agree MS is rich but GP is bleeding money so it makes sense to make people think GP is just MS.
Also ads wil be on GP tiers but if you have GP premium you won't see ads but it'll cost you £20 for the privilege.
I hate paying £12 for YouTube premium but it's worth it just to get rid of the ads.

Joe913419d ago

I agree with your first statment it is only a matter of time before MS games on GP will be mostly gaas. They will be doing exactly what Sony plan on doing but you will be charged for GP then whatever microtransactions that is in the game. I think MS will do a deal with Sony that they will stop making Xbox consoles if Sony allow GP on the PS console.

Fonsecap420d ago

If fans let them get away with this, next you'll have an advert after you press A to start a game

EvertonFC420d ago

That will come soon enough, trust me.

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