
Comical FPS High on Life Really Is Coming to PS5, PS4

High on Life is coming to PS5 and PS4. Trophy lists reveal all.

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darthv72371d ago

Pretty fun & funny game. DS5 enhancements will make stabbing bad guys feel so good.

Profchaos370d ago

Tried to get into it but couldn't play more than an hour before the humor got old.

Christopher370d ago

Exactly. Can't begrudge people for enjoying what they enjoy, but much like R&M, it got old fast and felt very repetitive in concept and setup.

CobraKai370d ago

Same. My son liked it, it had its moments, but i spent more time watching clips of Tammy and the Trex than play the game.

Markdn370d ago

I didn't find anything funny about it and was a bore fest.

Amplitude369d ago

Profchaos: Id quote the high enough IQ meme here but I think it's too old at this point

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 369d ago
JEECE370d ago

So the publisher wasn't confident this game could sell a la carte when it launched half a year ago (steam charts show they were right to think this), but they think I'm going to want to pay retail price to play the game later? No thanks. Plus I mean, Rick and Morty humor is basically Marvel humor that people think is more sophisticated because they curse more, so no need for that.

ocelot07370d ago

Played on my steam deck via gamepass xcloud. Didn't finish it so I may get this when it's cheap.

Amplitude369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

Steamcharts are pretty extremely meaningless for games that are on GamePass tbh.
That's like looking at physical disc sales for the Series consoles. As much as i buy all my games on Steam and buy all my PS5 games physical, i'm well aware the VAST majority of people that played High On Life would have played on Gamepass

JEECE369d ago

For a game that only launches on PC and Xbox and is on Gamepass at launch, steam charts are the only method we have of seeing who was interested enough in the game to pay for it. Steam users are the only group who has to buy the game to play it, so those are the only meaningful numbers we have.

Amplitude369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

yeah my point is, if there's 10 people that bought the game on Steam there could still be 7 million that played it on Gamepass. Without the Gamepass numbers, there's no meaningful numbers to look at. It's a meaningless number whether its 1,000 people, 10,000 people, or 100,000 people - literally does not matter.

I'd assume anybody that wanted to play this and doesn't have Gamepass would just subscribe for a month, play it and cancel for 1/4 the price.

JEECE369d ago

The Gamepass numbers are meaningless for determining who was interested enough in the game to pay retail price. I don't care how many people played a game on Gamepass , because all that tells me is that people who already had a subscription were interested enough to start the game one time. Regardless of how high or low that number is, it tells me nothing about how many people were willing to pay retail price for the game.

Of the places this game launched, Steam is the only place where everyone who played the game on that platform actually bought it (ignoring smaller stores like EGS). So if I want to know who was interested enough in the game to pay for it, Steam users are the only relevant group.

jznrpg370d ago

I might check it out in the bargain bin.

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You can get these 7 Steam Deck games for $25 right now, and some are actually decent

Humble Bundle has introduced a new bundle, thanks to which you can get seven games for your Steam Deck for only $25.


High On Life PS5 and Xbox Series limited print physical editions announced

Squanch Games will open pre-orders for physical standard and Collector’s editions of High On Life for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 27 via Limited Run Games and IGN Store, the developer announced. Pre-orders will close on March 31.

ravens52153d ago

I guess it's better than no physical at all. I was using LR when they first started. I have Oddworld New and Tasty, Octodad, Shadow Complex etc. I fell off at some point and just felt I couldn't continue so I stopped. I just would much rather be able to purchase these games off Amazon.

LoveSpuds153d ago

I used to give into fomo a lot in the early days but I am much more choosy these days. I did play this on Gamepass back in the day and had a good time with it, so I have pre-ordered a copy as I'd like to Plat this on my PS5.

jznrpg152d ago

These aren’t super limited prints so whoever preorders will get one.

BrainSyphoned153d ago

Does it come with the layer of dust this game deserves or do you have to work at it?


High On Life's DLC Hilariously Mocks God Of War Ragnarok's Puzzle Spoilers

The recently released High on Life DLC, High on Knife, takes a jab at God of War Ragnarok's puzzle-spoiling mechanic that irked many players.

ravens52291d ago

Lol. I always got em before he said anything anyway lol

Seth_hun291d ago

How? Because boy spoiling the puzzle before you even see it :D

MrNinosan291d ago

Same, wasn't there a setting for how quickly Atreus would spoil shit 😏

JEECE291d ago

Yeah I heard a lot about this before I played, and then it almost never affected me when I played the game (the few times it did were with bird form Freya).

Honestly it makes me wonder if a bunch of people are just really terrible at puzzles and took forever to do them and got hints. It's either that or they patched the game to slow down the hints (I played about 5 months after launch).

H9291d ago

Couldn't get more accurate tho

GoodGuy09291d ago

I like GOW puzzles but honestly I felt there was way too much in Ragnarok.

LoveSpuds291d ago

Perhaps another dev will include content in their game mocking devs who devalue their work by giving their games away on streaming services and then expecting to be able to charge full price for it a year later?

PhillyDonJawn291d ago

That doesn't devalue their work. They get paid regardless. How you wanna spend to play is up to the consumer

LoveSpuds291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Getting paid my MS still devalued their work squire. Rightly or wrongly, when they announced the PS5 version of the game, I didn't give two hoots. It was an old game by the time it came, all the buzz had gone and I knew it was free elsewhere; there was no chance I was paying full price for that
now old game, it wasn't worth it in my view.

Lightning77291d ago ShowReplies(2)
babadivad291d ago

Even in articles that have absolutely nothing to do with GamePass, someone will inevitably bring it up.

Welcome to N4G.

Rgbsquad291d ago

Yeah I cringed when I read his comment. Like fr

porkChop291d ago

It's just a lighthearted joke. Don't take it so seriously.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 291d ago
jambola291d ago

Sad when other developers put more effort into Mocking a flaw than Santa Monica does into fixing it

Christopher291d ago

Literally a setting in Ragnarok to turn it off/lessen how often it happens.

Juvia291d ago

There is

All you are doing is showing that you never played it. What a fool.

jambola291d ago

Then tell me where
and if you're saying that, you're saying the same about the actual developers too

Christopher290d ago

Nah, jambola is correct and I was misremembering the setting. It was Time Delay for puzzles, not hint delay.

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