
Seven Ways To Reboot The Twisted Metal Games

The WellPlayed crew gathers to pitch an appropriately deranged set of options for the future of Twisted Metal.

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crazyCoconuts371d ago

All I ask for is a new Twisted Metal that allows flat screen & PSVR2 cross play that also supports a wheel.
Would be heaven.

Babadook7370d ago

Wow. I like the idea of VR twisted metal with a wheel.

Rebel_Scum369d ago

They need to get the enemy AI balance right. Thats what made 2 the best in the series. Black was abysmal in that dept.

neomahi369d ago

You don't. Do sequels. If you've gotta reboot, might as well do a new IP. God of War is the only game I can say that did a successful reboot

TiredGamer369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

Isn’t the new GoW just a sequel technically?

I personally think they can leverage the roots of the series. The original TM in 1995 took place on Christmas Eve 2005, and it was the 10th contest in history. Why not “reboot” the franchise by making a prequel of sorts showing the origin story of the series and maybe linking all the future games in a brilliant way. Seems like such an obvious idea to leverage old with the new (kind of look how Doom 2016 did with its lore).

Knightofelemia369d ago

Just make it a good game Twisted Metal has it's fan base.


Twisted Metal Retro Review – Nothing Short Of Iconic

Everyone knows Twisted Metal... I mean literally everyone! Whether it is simply a childhood classic for you, or one of the worst, mind-corrupting disgraces to entertainment you can think of, you've at least heard of this iconic title.

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PlayStation confirm they are working on Twisted Metal series

The rumours were legit. The Twisted Metal franchise is coming back, Sony
officially announced at CES 2022.

NecrumOddBoy932d ago

I hope this is camp as all hell.

bouzebbal932d ago

They should have made Destruction All star with a Twisted Metal skin as launch title.. With some more content of course.

NecrumOddBoy931d ago (Edited 931d ago )

Rumor mill is that the team used All Stars as a test bed game to make a PS5 Twisted Metal in the future. No idea why they made this though. Total miss and it could hurt them in the end. Twisted Metal is really awesome. I honestly hope they take this series the Forza Horizon route. Maybe a big open world like a destroyed city in an apocalyptic setting. Still can have arenas and races, battles etc, but also add RPG elements and quests, challenges etc.

Dirtnapstor931d ago

Agreed. I am mildly surprised they did not do a Twisted Metal iteration vs DAS. Could have easily reskinned everything, no?

sourOG931d ago

Agreed. I’m playing serious Sam now and I think it’s awful in a great way. I’m enjoying it.

Majin-vegeta932d ago

Looks like the new game is pretty much confirmed now.

Bobertt931d ago

Idk David Jaffe had said he has seen stuff about the TV show but Sony has never told him anything about a new game. I find it hard to believe they would not tell the creator of the franchise they were going to make a new game.

Army_of_Darkness931d ago

Sony owns the franchise and Jaffe is no longer associated with them anymore, so Sony doesn't have to inform him on anything really...

NapalmSanctuary930d ago

...says f2p with Lucid developing. Might wanna keep them expectations low.

isarai932d ago

I hope it follows the gameplay style of hardware rivals, seriously that game was awesome to play

Godmars290932d ago

How about having to race through a destructible city with tons of people to mow down.

burnout with rocket launchers and ability to drive on skyscraper roofs or through office floors.

DarXyde931d ago

That sounds like Carmageddon meets Warhawk.

I'm iffy on reviving Twisted Metal personally. I replayed it on PS3 via PSOne classics because I loved the originals and I must say, these titles haven't aged well. We're now two generations removed from then, which was already 1-2 generations removed from the originals.

There needs to be some serious modernization efforts for these games to do well.

Godmars290931d ago

And what would be wrong with a "Carmageddon meets Warhawk" game? Pretty much what you'd want of a PS5 version of a PS1 title.

NapalmSanctuary930d ago

@Godmars Thats not Twisted Metal. Its one thing to do something like that with an alt game mode but Twisted Metal already has an identity. The gameplay needs to stay true to it.

--Onilink--931d ago

The only thing confirmed by Sony so far was a TV series, not a game

Neonridr932d ago

that's great, looking forward to some next gen destruction!

TheDoomedGuy932d ago

Imagine how it'll feel with the dual sense.

--Onilink--931d ago

I get the feeling that most people arent really reading the article. The only thing confirmed by Sony is the TV series.

Anything about a new game is just rumors and speculation at this point

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Twisted Metal director says ‘I’d be very hurt’ if a revival rumour is true

David Jaffe says he doesn’t believe a new game is in the works; “I haven’t heard a thing".

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brewin1075d ago ShowReplies(25)
porkChop1075d ago

That doesn't take anything away from his accomplishments. He still created the franchise along with Scott Campbell. If a new game is made he should at least be brought on as a consultant.

UltraNova1075d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony has cut ties with Jaffe considering how pro-XBOX and Gamepas (bordering shill level) he has been in recent times. I mean he is known for speaking his mind (to his detriment at times) but he hasn't learned that a certain etiquette is needed in this line of business in order to keep relationships alive. That said, I don't know why he would be surprised if Sony went ahead and revived this IP without him.

porkChop1075d ago


As Jaffe has said, Sony came to him and connected him with the people creating the Twisted Metal show. They obviously wanted and valued his input. It would make no sense to not seek the same if they were planning to make a game as well.

Regardless of him praising Game Pass, he still maintains good relations with Sony. When his PSN account was auto-banned Sony reached out to apologize and said it shouldn't have happened. That doesn't sound like a company that wants to cut ties.

UltraNova1075d ago


For the record, I'm a fan of his work and generally his opinions, and follow him on both Twitter and youtube. Now, I'm not saying they should cut ties with him, actually, they would do well if they seek his advice if they ever decide to revive TM. What I'm saying is that I will not be surprised if they actually have, seeing how critical he has been with Sony lately. He would go on how good Phil is and praised Gamepass while taking jabs at Sony for not having something similar. He was so into it sometimes that I couldn't help but wonder what would Sony execs who came across his content would do.

The whole PSN ban thing is irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make since he was more or less treated as any other customer and helped solve that. (being a public figure with an audience obviously helped speed up the process).

fitofficial1075d ago

Disagree strongly. His last attempt at a Twisted Metal game was a miserable failure and he was basically given full control.

Jaffe has been overrated for a long, long time. He never grew.

Unknown_Gamer57941075d ago

The thing is, when a product is developed for a company, that company owns that product, regardless of who created it. If the individual who created said product is no longer part of the team, they no longer have any more to do with any future products created under that IP than anyone else who's no longer part of the team.

There is prestige in being the creator of a popular franchise, but that really only amounts to people knowing that individual created that franchise. Sure, Sony could look Jaffe up if they really wanted him back, but they're well within their right to not do so, and one of their studios could create a new Twisted Metal regardless.

porkChop1075d ago


No one said a new studio can't make the game though. I think people are misunderstanding what Jaffe is saying. He'd just like to know a new game is in the works and consult/talk with the devs about the new game and their direction.

It's no different than the new God of War. Kratos moving to norse mythology wasn't Cory Barlog's idea. That was Jaffe's. Jaffe talked about it during God of War - Game Directors Live back in 2011. Jaffe consulted with Barlog on the new game, they bounced ideas back and forth, and it led to an incredible game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1075d ago
Bobertt1075d ago

He has worked on the majority of the Twisted Metal games and made the last one in 2012 and is consulting on the TV show. The article doesn't mention it but in the video he says he thinks if there is a game they didn't tell him about it's most likely a mobile or short game related to the tv show and not a full fledged Twisted Metal game. He has said in previous videos about a Twisted Metal sequel that he doesn't think Sony will make it because they wouldn't make enough money for the cost of a next gen AAA game. The only way it would work was if it's full of micro transactions and online only and the fans wouldn't want that type of Twisted Metal.

BLAKHOODe1075d ago

IF a new game is in the works (I hope so), I don't care if Jaffe is part of it or not. There are a lot of talented game directors out there. Twisted Metal might be his baby, but Jaffe isn't a guarantee lock in developing the best version.

brewin1075d ago (Edited 1075d ago )

Id take remakes of the first two games at this point. PS5 needs games. Twisted metal was always one of my favorite franchises. They just focus on these big story heavy single player games, its so limiting. They need to spread it out make some smaller games why not remake the classics like twisted metal 2?

13sentinel1075d ago (Edited 1075d ago )

Ps5 has more Exclusives compared to its Immediate competition. If you are complaining about lack of games then you need to keep the same energy. The pandemic has also clearly affected the gaming industry and games in their early to mid development have been severely disrupted. This isn't only a 'Sony' thing. I know it's frustrating with Sony not having a ps5 future showcase event, but the silence doesn't mean they are in trouble or dont have any games in development. You'd be lying if you say there aren't any, Herman Hulst has already made it clear on the number in the works.

It's almost as if people forget about Sony's output in 2020, which was phenomenal:

Final fantasy remake
Tlou 2
Ghost of tsushima
Miles morales
Astro bot
Demons Souls
13 Sentinels

Then 2021

Ratchet and clank rift apart
Ghost dlc

I dont think they could've done a better job with game releases thus far, especially for the ps5.

SpeedDemon1075d ago

The system has been out for 9 months and a pandemic has slowed development of games, you can't expect them to have a bunch of new games just yet.

roadkillers1075d ago

Honestly, he paid for the system, he can expect whatever he wants. The only reason I'm content with Microsoft is Gamepass has been phenominal. Without Gamepass, I'd feel like I wasted my money.

deleted1075d ago

Exactly - most everyone has applauded the torch exchange from Jaffe to Barlog with the God of War franchise. The originals still hold strong as pillars of gaming history, but Barlog has advanced the series forward with new breath and vision after its stagnation. I'd be absolutely fine with Twisted Metal given new vision IF handed to the right talent.

sourOG1075d ago (Edited 1075d ago )

Jaffe is all over the place now. Whenever he gets brought up it’s on some weird shit. I wouldn’t blame Sony for leaving him out of the mix even though I still respect his older works.

fitofficial1075d ago

Well his "revival" of the franchise sucked out loud, so not sure what he expects.

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