
Dolphin Emulator's Steam Release Canceled; Nintendo Did Not Pursue Legal Action

The Dolphin Emulator team has recently shared a new statement to clarify the situation. The software is unfortunately not releasing on Steam.

Vits429d ago

Well, they wouldn't risk it.

Sure they could try to bury Dolphin in legal shenanigans, but they always run the risk of losing like previous lawsuits against this kind of software. And the ramifications of that would be disastrous for a company like Nintendo. That said, Dolphin not pushing their luck is also a smart direction.

Kakashi Hatake429d ago

Ridiculous, no one is buying GameCube game now.

Christopher429d ago

I really wish we adjusted our laws that if a product is off the retail market for 5+ years, it gets put into open emulation arena to maintain the content. And Disney shouldn't be allowed to vault content away from the world as well.

Who am I kidding? These people run the world. What we see is decided by them.

FinalFantasyFanatic429d ago

I'm not surprised, especially when you know how blood thirsty Nintendo's lawyers are, then again, for anyone who wants the emulator, they can probably add it with extra steps to Steam's Retro Arch or Steam Deck anyway.

FinalFantasyFanatic429d ago

Someone want to explain the down votes? It doesn't make sense when I've only spoken facts.

ApocalypseShadow429d ago

Works on someone's particular phone just fine.

darksky429d ago

Why would anyone need Steam to run Dolphin anyway? It works fine as a standalone download.

ABizzel1429d ago

Because it would open Dolphin up for easy access for all SteamDeck users, and Steam users will allow online multiplayer mods to be easily implemented for a larger community.

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The PS4 Can Run Vulkan (and GameCube Games Via Dolphin)

Using PS4 Linux and the AMDGPU-PRO driver Hector Martin has managed to get Vulkan software running on a PS4.

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Imp0ssibl32816d ago

Yes but it's not like it will have any benefits this way, it's just an exploit, not an actual feature.

2816d ago Replies(1)
Eidolon2816d ago

Pretty cool but it's like making your PS4 useless as a console and only a decent Linux machine.

2816d ago
Eidolon2815d ago

No, pretty sure you have to modify to the firmware in some way, not on the HDD alone.

KingAlistair2815d ago

decent???More like pitiful.Just tell me when the ps4 can Photoshop,create websites or 3D editing.

vega2752816d ago

And knowing sony. They will just send a update to remove it. We all remember what happened with Other OS

kevnb2816d ago

then stop updating for now.

vega2752816d ago

I don't own a ps4 nor will i ever buy one. So it doesn't bother me if they do. Just pointing out a fact.

2816d ago
Eidolon2816d ago

Other OS was Sony's wasn't it? This is a hack and obviously not supported by Sony. Either way, you're hindering your PS4 console to play some Gamecube games? It's just a tinkerers toy, nothing really useful is going to come out of it that would make it worth it.. Just get a Linux machine for cripes sake.

Razzer2816d ago

Right. Other OS was a PS3 feature that was removed. Not an exploit. lol

kevnb2816d ago

Don't you think people should be able to do what they want? I get that they don't want piracy, but I bought the Damm console and should be able.to install whatever I want.

Eidolon2815d ago

I bought my PS4 and PS4 Pro to play games designed for it, if I wanted to play gamecube games or run linux programs, I have machines for that...

hirobrotagonist2816d ago


I don't own a ps4 nor will i ever buy one. So it doesn't bother me if they do. Just pointing out a fact.

your loss

Razzer2816d ago

Of course they will. And they should.

MyDietEqualsGames2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

"only I matter" Also, what happened when they did that? Yup. Just recently Sony settled for the very thing you're speaking about.

nitus102816d ago

Providing you have proof of purchase and can provide a written statement that you did use the "Other OS" feature you can get $55 USD. If you can also provide proof that you purchased the PS3 with one the reasons to be able to use the "Other OS" feature you can get $9 USD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

Somehow I doubt that Sony will be paying much money for removing the "Other OS" feature. Of course, you will always get diehards but most people who genuinely use Linux at home and/or at work don't care.

Contrary to what some people may say removing the "Other OS" feature was the only thing that was ever removed from the original PS3 and it was optional, no other features were ever removed.

nitus102816d ago

I still have my original PS3 and it works fine since it can play PS1, PS2 and PS3 games. After all, that is what I got for anyway.

I would be curious to know how many people actually used the "Other OS" feature since if you did install Linux it really made a very poor Linux machine. I personally never used the feature since you could run Linux on just about computer such as my 10-year-old HP dv6000 laptop which even now runs the latest release of Fedora 25 Linux. In fact I actually run Linux on all my computers including the Desktop I am currently using.

KwietStorm_BLM2816d ago

Correct, knowing company _______, they will update their product to close anything deemed a security hole.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2815d ago
Pantz2816d ago

People really are too cheap to pay for new games aren't they?

2816d ago Replies(1)
Princess_Pilfer2816d ago

Yeah, uh, wanting to play old games has nothing to do with wanting or not wanting to buy new games. I buy new games, I also still play MS-DOS and Sega Genesis games.

Why would I go buy random $20 AAA games that I don't care about anyways (or I'd already have them) when I could go play Skies of Arcadia, Fallout or Contra Hard Corps?

jholden32492816d ago

That's awesome!

I mean, I have my Wii U modded and it runs all my GameCube and Wii from SD card. Best of all they run natively, and native Wiimote support for the Wii games.

I do uses Dolphin on my PC though. Which is probably more powerful than my PS4 Pro (though not by much, it's kind of geared towards emulation with less cores but higher clock speed)

nitus102816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Dolphin is a file browser which runs on Linux distributions that are running the KDE desktop environment. In my case, I run Fedora 25 with a KDE desktop. https://www.kde.org/applica...

For those who are interested here is a comparison between Dolphin and Nautilus which are two of the many graphical file managers that are available for different Linux based desktops http://www.makeuseof.com/ta...

Of course, you can always use the command line under all Linux distributions. Dolphin has a feature where you can easily bring up a command window or an integrated command line window which gives you the best of all worlds since sometimes a command line is appropriate and other times a graphical display is a more efficient solution.

2816d ago
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Dolphin Emulator Can Now Fully Boot All GameCube Games

For the longest time Star Wars Clone Wars was the only game to receive a 1 star rating for Dolphin Emulator compatibility. The recent version (5.0-540) has completely eliminated this issue.

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2938d ago
ONESHOTV22938d ago

this is a good step the WIIU is next

sdcard4gb2938d ago

Hopefuly, yeah, wouldn't wanna buy the WiiU for just playing Bayo 2.

mikeslemonade2938d ago

lol B2 ain't even that good. Wait for B3 that comes with B2 on Scorpio and Neo.

Princess_Pilfer2937d ago

It's not. They've outright stated they aren't doing a WiiU emulator (they only added a Wii because it's basically the same thing as the Gamecube) and the only functional WiiU emulator I'm aware of (Cemu) is a long ways off. It will run some of the popular games at full speed sometimes if you have a super beefy computer so don't expect full or even mostly full compatibility for 2+ years.

quent2938d ago

Awesome, timesplitters here I come.

BlaqMagiq12937d ago

Love the Dolphin emulator. Can't wait for when there is a stable release for the Wii U emulator.

Angeljuice2937d ago

I currently earn between £20,000 - £40,000 per month for doing very little. I couldn't believe it when after a year I paid for a new house in CASH.
If you want the same success, find your own way. I'm not telling you how I make my money, I just wanted to gloat.

2937d ago Replies(1)

Dolphin 5.0 Released – Best GameCube & Wii Emulator – Features one hell of improvements

The Dolphin Emulator development team announced today the release of Dolphin 5.0 (GameCube & Wii emulator). According to the team, this new version comes with over 10000 changes and improvements from its previous build, and is available for Windows (x64) and Mac OS X.

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ryuuzakibjorn3012d ago

"Features one hell of improvements" - Uhhhh.

mockzer03012d ago

I'm just hoping English isn't the author's first language, then all would be excused. 😉

Freedomland3012d ago (Edited 3010d ago )

piracy isn't legal, it shouldn't be promoted.

@pedrami91, d3nworth1, AndrewLB,BlaqMagiq1
Emulators are the root cause of piracy, tell me who ever downloads Dolphin, will they pay Nintendo to play their games and who knows they have physical copy or just downloaded from internet.

Pedantic913012d ago

It's promoting the emulator, not piracy.

Where on that article does it ever mention the use of warez or software piracy ?

d3nworth13012d ago

Its not piracy if you own a copy of the game. I believe the dolphin plays physical games too. I might be wrong. The last emulator I use was for the ps1 and it played the physical disc.

AndrewLB3011d ago

I started using dolphin a couple years ago to play my brothers games and all of them are legally purchased.

BlaqMagiq13011d ago

You're not very knowledgeable when it comes to the legalities of emulation are you?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3011d ago
miyamoto3012d ago (Edited 3012d ago )

Time to go the the pawnshop and get some games for my Mac!
Sin and Punishment 2 baby!

MK24ever3012d ago

How playable is Super Mario Galaxy with these emulators? Can it be played with keyboard and mouse or a controller?

TXIDarkAvenger3012d ago

It's playable. For a controller, you have to config so that one of the analog sticks acts as the Wiimote movement or you use an actual Wiimote and Nunchuck.

Tallpine3012d ago

It would play well, and you can set it up to use either. You can also bump the graphics and performance up.

babadivad3012d ago

Very, So is SSB Brawl, and Twilight Princess. I haven't downloaded this new one but the old emulator is the TRUTH.

Casepbx3012d ago

Wow you can finally play Rogue Squadron games? Impressive.

Ristul3012d ago

Finally zFreeze support, Rogue Leader here I come!

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