
BitSummit Let's Go: Xenotilt Already Puts Real Pinball to Shame

Those who liked Demon's Tilt or who are just plain pinball enthusiasts are likely to be quite pleased with Xenotilt. The game's set to hit early access later this summer, but what's on offer shows that WIZNWAR is serious about upping the ante this time.

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shinoff2183433d ago (Edited 433d ago )

I remember my step dad taking me to the bar as a kid and lining me up with quarters for that pinball machine. Had a fking blast. He also taught me to play chess and when his friends would come over I'd take them for their money when they were drunk.

Petebloodyonion433d ago

Really looking forward to this game.
Demon Titl was a love letter to Devil's Crush (or Crash on Genesis) and encapsulated the awesomeness and feel of said game.

shinoff2183433d ago

It's been so long since I played a pinball game. Might have to check this out. Sounds pretty cool