
Baldur's Gate 3 Is A Massive And Hilarious RPG | Gamespot

Jake and Dan played roughly five hours of Baldur's Gate 3, and they both walked away impressed.

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QuantumMechanic374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

No PS5 disc release --> pass (which pains me because I really enjoyed both D:OS games. Oh well---I vote with my wallet!)

Tapani374d ago

You can vote with your wallet alright, but I'll only buy the digital version due to environmental concerns and also will be enjoying the game from day 1.

CrimsonWing69374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

It weirds me out how stubborn console gamers are. You never hear this from PC gamers, but yea I’ll be playing this Day 1 and I’m super hyped for it.

Sonic1881374d ago

Console gamers are the funniest lol. 🤣

anast374d ago


Steam and Epic are viruses and they can hold your games for ransom. It weirds me out to think people rush to be hustled.

frostypants374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

Environmental concerns? LOL. Cmon. If you were that hardcore about the environment you'd stop buying game consoles and using energy for video games. Physical software media is the least of concerns on that front.

I download most games but there is no denying that discs have a place and are the only way to truly "own" a copy. With downloads you are effectively paying for a rental with an unspecified expiration that will one day come, one way or the other. They should be priced accordingly.

shinoff2183374d ago

If they would atleast do pre order for the physical online , more then likely the only people buying it would be ones looking for physical so there wouldn't be much if any environmental concerns.

Tapani374d ago

I'm not hardcore about environment, but I don't support hard plastic if I can avoid it.

I guess when you say environmental concerns the first thing people think is some sort of a hippie with a sign. I'm highly educated (and know how our seas are full of plastic, and humans are filled with microplastic, and our food is full of it as well), in a very solid job, and where I live, people have houses full of solar panels on both roofs and their yards and an EV or hybrid car, but also electric bicycles and electric motorcycles. Plus, the place we live in has extremely strict recycling rules, punishable by law if you mess up.

So yeah, if I can avoid it, and if I can live partly off the grid using solar power, I'll do it. It's not cool anymore to laugh about stuff like this, you guys who are mocking me are behind the times.

sertz373d ago

I really don't have a problem with digital-only releases as long as I personally have the option, if I have a bluray burner or equivelant, to make my own physical copy of the game. That shows me that yes, I "own" it. As many websites have brought up recently, older games are harder and harder to find, let alone play. Having a physical copy at least allows me to enjoy it in the future as long as it isn't online-only.

andy85373d ago (Edited 373d ago )

It's not really stubbornness, it's sense. Once everyone's stuck digital we're at the mercy of whatever pricing they want to put on us and no alternatives. Currently I can buy a day one game, finish it, sell it and it costs me between £0 and £10 overall. That would then become £70.

NoFanBoy363d ago

The enviromental cost of running servers is the same as producing discs.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 363d ago
Terry_B374d ago

2-7 years and music, movies and video games on discs are completely gone anyway.

Christopher374d ago

Somebody thinks every country is a first world country.

PapaBop374d ago

Buying the disc version PS5 has been one of the best decisions I've made in ages. I've easily made up the difference in savings in my first four months with the console. Maybe it's different in other countries but in England, it's always cheaper to buy from retailer than the PS Store. Then there is second hand sales and such which is invaluable for younger people and those on a limited budget. I don't think physical media in gaming at least isn't going anywhere.

andy85373d ago

Not a chance on this planet. A lot of countries don't have the infrastructure and a hell of a lot are still on data caps

MIDGETonSTILTS17374d ago

I have a library of discs myself, but I stopped collecting this gen because of the SSD.

It’ll take you longer to retrieve and insert that disc than to actually just boot up a digital copy….

MIDGETonSTILTS17373d ago

I didn’t realize N4G had so many speed-disc-inserters….

shinoff2183374d ago

Same. Bigger games have no excuse to not have a physical. Do online pre orders. 20k people order it print 20k and call it a day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17374d ago

Or, they could save money 🤷

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 363d ago
Sonic1881374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

This will end up being the biggest rpg of the year and definitely GOTY contender

Sonic1881374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

Starfield didn't make it on my GOTY list. I believe Balder Gate 3 will get a better review score than Starfield. I'm doing a wait and see approach with Starfield. The game might be to similar to No Man Sky and probably have lot's of bugs during launch

anast374d ago

BG3 will be a vastly superior game to Starfield. In Starfield the choices will be limited and players will be forced to make their own fun by using mods. BG3 has the fun already programmed into the game and mods will be extra but not needed.

PapaBop372d ago

To be fair, he said contender not winner. From what I've seen so far, I think Zelda has GOTY in the bag regardless of how the two games turn out.

Christopher374d ago

As much as I would love that, it will likely go to one of the console exclusives that tend to get remembered more in news than the solid rpg that doesn't have any clickbait material around it.

Terry_B374d ago

Somebody thinks its not a clear sign that some major games and also more and more movies this year won't get a physical release..music albums on cd's is not a standard anymore as well. Its just a matter of time. 2-7 years.

Just like it is on PC since around 10 years already.

raWfodog374d ago

This was my thought also. The developer industry has already chimed in that they don't want BG3 to become the 'standard' that all other RPGs will be judged by simply because of all the work and resources that went into it. They all seem to love it and think its great but they want it considered an 'anomaly'. I think industry politics will prevent it from becoming the GOTY at the The Game Awards, but I'm sure a few other smaller media outlets will give it GOTY. I never put much stock in that title anyway as my favorite game of any given year is 'rarely' what is picked as the 'official' GOTY.

shinoff2183374d ago


I gotta say baldurs Gate won't touch starfield imo, plus there's already a bunch of those types of rpgs, we don't get many sci fi rpgs at all.

Sonic1881374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

You're going to be disappointed then. Baldur's Gate might end up winning GOTY I can almost guarantee it won't be Starfield

slayernz374d ago

Shinoff have u actually seen any of the previews and gameplay features for both games?

Bg3 looks amazing, the detail and impact of choices and even perception checks alone...just wow

Verses starfield which IMO looks pretty average, nothing screams out i need to play this....so unless you are just running off the hype train, very interested to know why you think starfield is gonna be better???

Chriswheeler22374d ago

There's really not many AAA high quality titles that use the DnD ruleset and lore i don't think. Not really any with this level of polish and presentation.

RiseNShine374d ago

It has "instant classic" written all over it.

anast374d ago

The hype is real for me. I can't wait to play this.

franwex374d ago

What a good year for gaming. Not that innovative-but very good quality.

Christopher374d ago

"Always look on the briiiight side of life!"

Yeah, lots of good quality, finally, and we can hope that this at least becomes more common even if we lack that innovation growth.

raWfodog374d ago

I think Larian definitely deserves all of the success and accolades that I believe this game will bring. I can see why a bunch of developers are coming out and saying that they hope this game doesn't become the standard that all other RPGs are judged by. It is rare to see a 'true' RPG videogame this deep with choices and consequences in this day and age (if ever). It was a perfect storm of quality developers, tools, time, subject matter, resources, etc. that all came together to produce this potential classic.

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BG3 is still seeing 100k concurrent players, proving that not every game needs to be live-service

With so many live-service games to choose from it can be incredibly overwhelming to decide what to play these days.

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just_looken19h ago

Gta from 2008 can at times have ten times the player count than suicide squad 2024.



There is a pool of players that want to be milked bdsm style that pool is not growing as fast as the amount of players that are needed to support so many of these live service titles. The limited time crap is also a chore for alot of users like how diablo 4 forces user's to max out a character every 3 months to get the new gear.

andy8519h ago

Not surprised. Probably the most attention to detail in a game ever.

Popsicle12h ago

I have 300 hours in the game, and while I see why it isn’t for everyone, I never played a game with such freedom and attention to detail. The world feels alive in a way I have personally never experienced.

On a side note, my wife has never liked video games, but I got her to try this one. She now has 150+ hours in the game. It took 17 years, but I can now share one of my favorite hobbies with her. Amazing game!

CrimsonWing6916h ago

I think GaaS proves not every game needs to be GaaS. Sony’s finding this out the hard way.

StormSnooper13h ago

How about MS? Their games are almost all gaas.

CrimsonWing6910h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I mean, that’s like picking on the special needs kid. MS hasn’t been doing so hot since they launched that sh*t show of an Xbox One. In their defense their exclusives coming up look a lot hotter than say Concord, Marathon, or whatever that GaaS Heist game Sony has.

My point was less console wars and more that GaaS is the most volatile of all models of games to produce. Jim Ryan made it an initiative to double down on them. I see far more failure than success and yet these scum bags keep pushing it almost out of spite for most of them not being supported. It’s pretty revolting to be honest. There’s literally ONLY one reason GaaS exists and it’s pretty damn greedy reason.

VersusDMC10h ago

What did Sony find out with the 12 million sales of Helldivers 2? And we didn't even find out yet with Concord as it hasn't released yet.

And is every PS5 exclusive this year GaaS? Check your math on that.

CrimsonWing698h ago(Edited 8h ago)

First off, pull your head out of Sony’s ass. There’s no math to check. I said Jim Ryan’s focus on GaaS. So, work on your reading comprehension skills.

While we’re at it, since I know this is going to twist into an Irrational discussion, let’s just table this for when Concord releases. I get that it’ll ruffle fanboys feathers.

I only name dropped Sony because of their GaaS focus and, well you’re on this site quite frequently, let me know the ratio of Concord negativity articles to the positive ones…

I’m also shocked at the support for GaaS. This is why we’re at this point in the industry, though.

VersusDMC7h ago


Who is supporting GaaS?

I'm just pushing back on your statement that "every game is GaaS". Which is obviously brain dead looking at the single player games Sony published or had exclusively released so far this year compared to live service. And after Concord there's Astro Bot and Silent Hill 2.

And Helldivers 2 is clearly the game the devs wanted to make and Firewalk is a self proclaimed multiplayer game studio so they wouldn't have made a game you wanted to play anyways.

So take your head out of your own ass and stop with the hyperbole.

CrimsonWing696h ago(Edited 6h ago)

First off, “the every game as GaaS” was staying on the same line as the article title, “proving that not EVERY game needs to be live-service.”

I mean, holy sh*t, why get a wild hare up your a** over that? You saw me mention Sony, which I did over Concord’s reception and the fact that they have plans for more GaaS, and you totally go into defensive fanboy mode.

“Who’s supporting GaaS?”

Literally brings up how successful Helldivers 2 is.

It’s like impossible to discuss anything with fanboys because as soon as they pull away from swallowing Sony’s gravy they’re so out of touch with any negative fact over their precious brand that it just turns into a sh*t show to have any sensible discourse.

Facts: reception to GaaS games are mostly negative than positive.

Facts: More GaaS fail over GaaS games that do succeed.

Facts: Concord is getting poor reception

Facts: Sony has a bunch more GaaS in the pipeline.

So, yea get your head out of Sony’s ass and learn to interpret and comprehend what’s being said instead of losing your sh*t and claiming hyperbole. It’s super f*cking annoying.

VersusDMC5h ago

You're just a baby that throws tantrums when a game genre comes out that you don't like.

And when you see one be unpopular you claim they all are so they stop making it like a child without considering there are people that like these kind of games and would like new ones. I don't like them. But i'm not a narcissist to go out and demand people stop making that type of game.

You have the same mentality as the executives that closed down Japan studio. "They don't sell, nobody likes them, spread the devs to other studios to make games that people actually like and buy."

Sony had one break records and one that might bomb. That won't stop them from making more. So keep seething.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5h ago
Furesis12h ago

What? Live service is there to milk money. Even if BG3 had 5 mil concurrent players it still wouldn't generate any extra money, that is the point of live service and for u to not own anything. BG3 being popular will sell more copies sure but this is not the point. And this is one of the best and biggest game in recent history of course it will have good numbers, it is relatively new too. I get what you are getting at but you are kinda brute forcing your point. Kinda of a no brainer take anyway tbh

phoenixwing10h ago

What dumb sh!t article and thinking is this that concurrent players means a thing worth talking about? It has zero influence on how much lifetime money these companies make. Bg3 sold millions of copies at 60 dollars a pop and made bank. Having a bunch of players later on revisiting the game does little to say anything other than ppl like to play it. If the numbers go down compared to a live service game it makes no difference.

Tldr: concurrent players means nothing for single player games amd this article is a waste of time on what must have been a slow news day

Christopher4h ago

Are we arguing for company profit or for player happiness?

phoenixwing47m ago

It doesn't show player happiness either only a snapshot of ppl liking to play it at that point in time. It makes nonsense

Christopher6m ago

***It doesn't show player happiness either only a snapshot of ppl liking to play it at that point in time.***

You really need to reread what you just typed phoenixwing. Number of people playing GaaS doesn't show profit either, btw. But, 100k people regularly playing a game, let alone a SP game with no season pass or the like, absolutely is a sign of player happiness.

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Unveiling Baldur's Gate 3: The Art of Crafting an Acclaimed RPG

Having spent three and a half decades playing games and the best part of a decade writing about them, Adam Smith embodies a lifelong passion for gaming. His journey led him to Larian Studios during the nascent stages of Baldur’s Gate 3's production, where he now serves as Writing Director. In this exclusive interview, Adam shares profound insights into crafting narratives, balancing rich lore with innovative storytelling, and his vision for the future of interactive narratives in video games.

TheNamelessOne12d ago

Amazing game. Glad to see Larian finally being recognized with games like Original Sin and this.


The Indie Genre Has No Exact Boundaries Anymore

In recent times, the Indie genre has lost its charm by becoming a loose term. There are no borders to decide whether a title is Indie or not.

OtterX14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

The defining factor is creative freedom. If you answer to a publisher, and they push ideas, changes and their own vision, then you are not indie. If you have a small publishing agreement that brought in funding, but the publisher's stake in the company or project is not large enough to give them creative reign, then you are still indie bc you still remain independent of control.

It's that easy. Indie means independence of creative control, not independence from funding. Many times small time publishers of indies will take control of only the marketing side of things, which is usually very much appreciated. I've worked in this side of gaming.

*It's the same thing in indie films or indie music really, with varying levels of quality and funding. It's about retaining the creator's original vision without unwanted meddling.

Vits14d ago

Unfortunately, yes. Indies were originally games that were outside of the main market, created by studios with no ties to publishers or larger companies. Then, at some point, they started to include pretty much every game that looks smallish. And even that went the way of the dodo, and budget size started to be compared, which we often don't know; now it's pretty much whatever you are feeling that day. Some will say that it's about creative freedom, which is also basically impossible to measure in most games and could very well mean that a bunch of smaller projects by Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc., are actually indies.

So at the end of the day. It's another label that has very little meaning.