
Xbox and PlayStation sign Call of Duty agreement

Phil Spencer tweeted "We are pleased to announce that Microsoft and @PlayStation have signed a binding agreement to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation following the acquisition of Activision Blizzard. We look forward to a future where players globally have more choice to play their favorite games."

sparky77376d ago

Good to see Sony finally "bend the knee". They obviously can see the deal closing and likely begged to get some form of contract before it was too late.

To think this whole drama never would have occurred if Sony did this at the beginning.

Flawlessmic376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Bend the knee lol

Ms need those Sony sales as much as Sony needs cod.

Don't think that if Sony were be spiteful and say no cod on ps that that wouldn't hurt xbox.

Until xbox make the funds back for the purchase they are desperate to keep that Sony sales rolling in which is why it was never in question whether it would still be on ps for the forseable future anyway.

Sony hardly needed to beg

sparky77376d ago

Jim said "I don't want to make a deal I want to block the acquisition". Him signing a deal means he came crawling back or like I said begging.

MS always wanted to keep COD of PS since it would mean Playstation gamers would be funding Xbox Game Studios.

Sony wouldn't remove COD from PS because that would be $800ml a year lost and their player base would die. MS would still be fine though since they are a trillion dollar company and can easy make up the losses from PS converts and PC.

Flawlessmic376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Exactly lol Jim wanted to block the deal from happening but the deal has been on the table the whole time literally, so again where did he need to beg for the deal?

If anything Ms were doing the begging for him to sign it for the last yr and a half.

Now that the deal is going through and fighting any further is futile Jim signed the deal.

But sure if that helps you sleep a little better at night you can create the extra little fan boy win in your mind.

Then again I don't know why I bothered lol seeing your name should've been enough to tell me to move and leave the blind fan boy alone.

Abriael376d ago

Whether they bent the knee or not is irrelevant, really. We'll never know how it went, albeit it's obvious that Jim Ryan didn't get what he wanted and had to take a step back when the situation turned against his view of things.

What I'm more interested in, at the moment, is whether he'll have to take a bigger step back or not. On purpose or unwittingly, he's made this personal, and his stance caused a *ton* of laundry that PlayStation likely preferred to keep under wraps to be hung out to dry in the sun. On top of that, he soured the relationship with a business partner (yes, Sony and Microsoft are business partners in quite a few areas).

Despite PlayStation's turn toward the West, Sony is still a Japanese company led by Japanese executives, and in Japan, this kind of thing is not irrelevant. I wouldn't be so surprised if they asked Ryan to step down.

Personally, I certainly wouldn't mind. Jim Ryan may be a shrewd businessman, but he's crass and completely out of touch with gamers. He pales in comparison to his predecessors in terms of charisma and class. Besides John Kodera, who was never really visible, I'd absolutely rejoice if PlayStation went back to having a CEO like Andrew House or Kaz Hirai. They were on a completely different level compared to Ryan. I miss these times.

P_Bomb376d ago

“Ms need those Sony sales as much as Sony needs cod. “


Abriael376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

PS: to add to my previous post. I vote for Shuhei Yoshida as PlayStation CEO. 👍

If you can beat Bloodborne's bosses on stream before the game is even released, you're my kind of CEO. 👀

darthv72376d ago

Regardless of who did what... everyone can all rest easier knowing this is almost over. Then we can all debate and argue over the other games coming out in the next several months and into the next several years.

MIDGETonSTILTS17376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

I’d disagree only in that M$ could afford to be spiteful.

S2Killinit376d ago

These xbox fans are power tripping hard. Its cringe.

wiz7191376d ago

@Flawless I believe the plan was to always keep COD on PlayStation , it’s makes to much money annually .. it’s not desperation it’s common sense

4Sh0w376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Well like it or not Yeah Jim Ryan did bend the knee....I mean what else do you call saying this:

"I don’t want a new Call of Duty deal. I just want to block your merger.”

-But Now:

Signing a deal ONLY AFTER the FTC case to *help *Sony FAILED. lmfao, if that ain't bending the knee I don't know what is.

-I mean yes of course Microsoft obviously wants to make their money back off of ps BUT REMEMBER it was Microsofts position the whole time to sell CoD on ps at least for 10yrs, so lets not forget that. -It was Ryan running around behind the scenes with the FTC & CMA to block it. NOW, he has no choice, but to take a deal HE DIDN'T WANT. Also think about it, between the 2 companies who do you think can least afford to lose money? While ps is big for CoD remember Microsoft is expanding to Nintendo and just about every platform known to man, so some of its losses would be made up by expanding & you gotta be seriously delusional if you don't think alot of the those *casual ps gamers won't buy a xbox or pc to play CoD if they don't already own one, which means some of ps CoD sales would be *naturally offset by increased sales from other platforms. Sony on the other hand would just wholesale lose all of CoD annual profit percentage they normally make.

itsmebryan376d ago

Sony is only about @16% of COD revenue. People overstate how much revenue COD makes from Playstation

Chevalier376d ago

Sparky doesn't need to be bright! Dim bulbs only for the Spark

Army_of_Darkness375d ago


It's actually more than that. Roughly 42% of COD players are from playstation platforms.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 375d ago
Sonic1881376d ago

But didn't Microsoft tell the judge they were in last place? I see Sony taking advantage of this deal just to by time but I could be wrong 🤔

talocaca376d ago

And they will probably continue to be in last place 🤷‍♂️ I mean, Activision Blizzard has more flops than hits now (and pretty much every release will be crippled by a mandatory Series S version).

TheProfessional376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Honestly the way Sony handled it Microsoft should've just made it an exclusive. Jim Ryan is a joke. This whole process of them fighting it was pointless and made them look weak and also revealed that they're more dependent on revenue from a third party studio than their own exclusives.

They're also hypcorites for making an issue out of exclusivity and acqusitions while they acquire a massive company like Bungie and make Marathon exclusive. They have always had (and currently have) exclusives from third party studios themselves.

Sonic1881376d ago (Edited 376d ago )


Playstation fans should be concern because if Sony reacts and starts buying publishers it will definitely mess up the gaming industry. This will definitely create a monopoly if Sony reacts in that way.

MrBaskerville376d ago

Marathon is multiplatform and Activision isn't just COD, it's like 12 studios under the biggest publisher in the entire industry.

blackblades376d ago

10 years MS said is enough time to create there own. Maybe they can help market the hell outta that UBISoFt shooter or have there own.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 376d ago
Christopher376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Yeah, all that knee bending. Wasn't it the argument before this that Microsoft would be crazy to lose all that money that PlayStation makes for the series? Now it's knee bending? And weren't people saying this is to allow Microsoft to compete with Sony but now Sony is beneath Microsoft.

Gotta love the narratives.

maniacmayhem376d ago

I'm sure there were a few squats made by Jim Ryan to fit the narrative here.


darthv72376d ago

Well.... did they really have a choice? They go from block block grumble bitch to agreeing to the deal they didnt want in the first place. Im sure there are a few concessions to it but they agreed.

They could have stood their ground and that might have looked strong to the eyes of fans [on this site] but outside there are more happy they did than didnt. Now im seeing tweets about all the other PS related games like crash, spyro, tony hawk... some people are never satisfied.

Im just glad its nearly over.

-Foxtrot376d ago

It's called moving the goal posts

It happens a lot

Othegamer5376d ago

the guy simply didn't want to take the deal. wanted the merger to fail. Didn't get either one that is a L. simple as that.

Christopher376d ago

***Im sure there are a few concessions to it but they agreed. ***

But can't Sony just bully Microsoft like they did Activision?

This is the narrative I'm talking about. Big bully Sony is too powerful and forces Activision to do things but now they must kowtow to third place can't complete with Sony Microsoft. How quickly we flip narratives and the power between these two.

PunksOnN4G376d ago

Also im sure Sony took away that 80/20 split they had now abck to a 70/30 so in the long run Sony will make more off the deal then they had before... HAHAH You know damn well Sony went back to that 70/30 lol

thesoftware730376d ago (Edited 376d ago )


You took that "Bend the knee" comment way to literal and you know it, you are purposely saying this just to make Sony not look like idiots for going through this whole ordeal to only end up signing anyway. It is clear they knew the deal was going through and decided it's better to have CoD than not.

At this point it's Sony that is changing their tune, not MS,
the deal has been on the table for a long while now. So "bending the knee" is applicable to this situation...it's just means they loss their fight, not that MS is now the market leader lol..u already knew this tho.

"Wasn't it the argument before this that Microsoft would be crazy to lose all that money that PlayStation makes for the series?"

Yes it still is, Sony didn't care, the deal has been offered a long time ago, but MS never backed out, even when Sony said no, we don't want a deal, we want it BLOCKED! Part of the issue now is that Sony clearly saw that MS would proceed one way or another, with or without PS, and Sony clearly realized they loss the fight to block the acquisition...like why are you acting confused about this Chris? Sony had to figuratively "Bend the knee" buddy...they did something they were hellbent against doing...(that's what people mean by "bending the knee", so don't take it literal.)

"Gotta love the narratives"

You mean like the silly one you just spun? Because what you said had no real point or meaning, it didn't really make any logical sense.

Christopher376d ago

***You took that "Bend the knee" comment way to literal and you know it***

Did you even read the user's full comment? Read it and tell me I took it too literal when they followed right up with begging. Here it is for ya:

"Good to see Sony finally "bend the knee". They obviously can see the deal closing and likely begged to get some form of contract before it was too late."

***you are purposely saying this just to make Sony not look like idiots for going through this whole ordeal to only end up signing anyway***

I'm literally quoting people who claimed this deal should go through because Sony has been bullying the industry, has a stranglehold, and forced Activision to work with them but suddenly flip it to "Sony had to go begging for CoD."

Which is it, is Sony smart enough to bully the whole industry and control it by buying exclusives or are they so incompetent they had to go back to MS and beg for something? I can't tell when the switch flips.

What I'm arguing against I the hyperbole that's been used this whole time. People said one thing to sell why Microsoft needs this deal and then flip it once they have it, as if Sony lives in some box where they are both a superpower monopoly company that must be stopped and who won't be affected by this deal or an incompetent company that wasted time, money, and now has to beg Microsoft for CoD.

*** Sony didn't care***

About as believable as Phil Spencer claiming this deal is better for gamers. They say what they need to sell what they want. Let's not try and assist them with hyperbole.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 376d ago
jwillj2k4376d ago

PlayStation is a huge part of COD sales. If PS decides to make a great exclusive shooter year over year they’ll hop off COD because of comments like this.

Vengeance1138376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

You may not realize it but Sony doesn't control the FTC or CMA. Shocking I know so yes it still would have occurred without Sony.

Also Sony begged? Pretty sure MS was desperate to have Sony agree since the vast majority of CoD sales are from PlayStation.

Othegamer5376d ago

that would make Sony desperate lol. Sony without cod was not an option they could afford. while Microsoft would take a hit the could also afford it.

COS376d ago

LOL you so beat me to that GoT line...lets move on and enjoy gaming everyone gets COD

Redemption-64376d ago ShowReplies(1)
Greg2801376d ago

It was supposed to be a 10 year deal first, don't know the details yet, but if it is now a forever on playstation deal, then thats a Big W for Sony.

-Foxtrot376d ago

Yeah that's what I was looking for

Is it the original 10 year deal or is it more?

gold_drake376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

yea sure, let big tech companies do whatever they want.

i swear, this one track mind really has to get in the way of your everyday life.

-Foxtrot376d ago

Bend the Knee...lmao

You guys are hilarious

" To think this whole drama never would have occurred if Sony did this at the beginning "

The FTC and CMA act on their own, you know their jobs, hell the shit the CMA are going for isn't anything Sony has been going on about but a totally different reasoning.

neutralgamer1992376d ago

Y’all think these deals are happening between Phil and Jim. Some lawyers from both corporations are working on these long before deal closes. These don’t happen after a deal closes, the deal was probably in place and as soon as acquisition went through it was completed

ChiefofLoliPolice376d ago

Bend the knee?? You gotta be kidding me. Think about how truly embarrassing this is for MS. MS was lagging so far behind Sony and even Nintendo in exclusives and sales hardware and software wise they had to resort to buying up whole publishers. And not just any publishers we are talking two of some of the biggest publishers on the planet with well loved and renown IPs that have WORLDWIDE appeal in most cases. Didn't even have the talent or patience to build their own studios with their huge wallet. I understand this is business but I have no respect at all for MS going this route.

376d ago
Jin_Sakai376d ago

Meanwhile Crash, Spyro, Overwatch, Diablo, StarCraft, Tony Hawk and so on…everyone forgets Activision is about more than Call of Duty.

Sonic1881376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

They haven't made a new Starcraft and World of warcraft in over 15 years because majority of the developers left. A lot of these games are just sitting in the shelves especially Spyro and Tony Hawk. It'll be interesting too see if they bring back WOW without the original developer's since it's been 20 years. I'm sure the quality would be lower if it's on gamepass day one

thesoftware730376d ago

Yup, now I get them on GP...

Good time to sub for people on the fence, a bunch of A/B games and SF.

Oh...it's you Jin...your not an Xbox fan...

376d ago
AmUnRa376d ago

Oo Sparky, now you are deflecting, you where singing another tune when the whole circus started, and the last weeks you where very vocal..

DOMination-376d ago

PS: to add to my previous post. I vote for Shuhei Yoshida as PlayStation CEO.

I don't want to be rude but this guy is as overrated an executive as you can find.

He completely failed as head of first party games and was quickly replaced for good reason as he was out of his depth. Then he was demoted to head of indie games where he's done bugger all. It's embarrassing that Xbox indie program is doing much better

I get that he's a gamer and people relate to him but he should stick to streaming because he's as bad as Phil Spencer at his day job. And that's saying something.

TheKingKratos376d ago

How the F did Sony Bend it knee ?! ... I am glad that this sh1t show is over but in no way Sony bend it's knee ... In fact, Microsoft tried it best to please everyone so that deal could go through including CMA

sonysks376d ago Show
Lexreborn2376d ago

What is with this weird fetish Xbox guys been having with “bending the knee”? Every comment section from sites reporting on this has them saying that. Are you guys okay?

thesoftware730376d ago (Edited 376d ago )


"They were not going to do what everybody expected, to bend the knee and lose."
Times, Sunday Times (2008)

The above is a quote, an example of how the expression is used, and in this case it's quite fitting. The expression indicates a person, or in this case a company, were forced to do something you didn't want to, and are completely against, but ultimately gave in, in resignation.

So it's not a fetish, as much as it's an accurate use of an expression that suit this situation. It means nothing more than they gave into something they didn't want to...nothing more nothing less.

Your welcome :).

VariantAEC375d ago

If that's true (and I haven't looked) it's probably Bing chat bots with accounts saying all that crud and Xbots on N4G just took up the slogan because they're all as unoriginal as MS is.

376d ago
376d ago
King Nezz376d ago

Jim Ryan became a Boyz II Men fan fast.

376d ago
376d ago
fr0sty376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Don't forget that Call of Duty sells more copies on PlayStation than on any other console... a LOT more. Microsoft needs this from Sony more than the other way around.

thesoftware730376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Not really, MS we're fully willing to move forward and close the deal without Sony signing anything, that is clear and undisputable so "needed" them is a stretch...now I'm not denying the PS money isn't sweet, and absolutely MS wants it..but not sure about the needed it a LOT more that Sony part. MS have show a willing ness to take short term big losses in preparation for future endeavors.

They are gaining a lot more revenue than just CoD btw..that candy crush money and Mobile CoD money is big buiesness brother.

DefenderOfDoom2376d ago

Not sure but if deal does not happen by the July 18
Microsoft must pay a I fine of 3 Billion dollars.

Crows90376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Don't think they had to beg. MS loses if cod doesn't release on PlayStation

ChasterMies375d ago

Hardly. Activision/Blizzard already contracted a few years worth of CoD on PlayStation. I doubt Satay Nadella wants Microsoft to lose $ in Call of Duty sales on top of the $70B already spent. Long term, Microsoft wants to lock players onto the Xbox platform and GamePass subscription. But we all know that won’t happens this gen. Meanwhile, Sony is spending more and more of its own on-line multiplayer games from the studios it bought. The console wars may be over but the wars of consolidation are only beginning.

375d ago
blacktiger375d ago

If you think that's bending knee, then as a video game fan that's embarrassing.

Both console gamers pls don't be a fanboy to corporate. They don't care about you. Just look the price of the game first and look how they talk. They all manipulate you.

375d ago
TheEroica375d ago

I signed in just to like this post.

blacktiger375d ago

Actually Microsoft bend the knee to get the acquisition. Otherwise if Microsoft reject, the acquisition can still be blocked. It's not like Microsoft said no and Sony bend the knee.

So kid doesn't know what's bend the knee means

shinoff2183375d ago

How the orginal deal was 3 years. Saprky?

+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 375d ago
Flawlessmic376d ago

Will be interesting to see what happens when the next round of consoles arrive, will Sony give them info on there next console early.

Redemption-64376d ago

At a later date, it would be stupid of Sony to give a Microsoft own studio a dev kit during R&D

-Foxtrot376d ago


Not like Call of Duty harnesses the full power of consoles anyway, especially within the first year or so

If it runs on a MS console then it should run on PlayStation

gold_drake376d ago

i doubt that.

cause now its not Just Activision anymore, its Microsoft-Activision

Rude-ro375d ago

Microsoft and said developers do not push boundaries per hardware or game engines.
The engine is still the core 1998 engine.
Sony could easily not be concerned with “giving away secrets”.
They just have to know how Microsoft thinks… cheap and easy.

gold_drake376d ago

alright then. atleast its over now.

the rest of the bethesda games may or may not be on it.

its just such a shame that it had to go that far for ms to let it be on playstation beyond the 10 years, given that is what this "deal" means.

We'll see what nonsense comes next from ms

maniacmayhem376d ago

Crazy that this was the only concern from Jim and PS. All that ruckas, and the game still ends up on PS. The only thing Jim Ryan doesn't get is to pay for timed exclusive content.

What a waste of time

talocaca376d ago

Well, Microsoft has a tendency to destroy / mismanaging studios they buy 🤷‍♂️

One of the few games they have that will sell huge numbers no matter what is Call of Duty.....therefore the whole drama.

maniacmayhem376d ago

*therefore the whole drama.*

Yeah, nothing you said relates to one another. Good job

FinalFantasyFanatic375d ago

I really wonder if this will kill off Call of Duty in the end.

Redemption-64376d ago

Microsoft literally has a history of paying for timed exclusive deals and games. I wonder why you and your ilk never cared or ignored Microsoft doing the same thing. Also they signed a legally binding agreement. That means Sony is getting something they want, since they literally rejected Microsoft's 1st two deals, or should we pretend MS never approached Sony with 3, then 10 year deal. Hell, until the details leak, we will never know what Microsoft offered to Sony. As far as anyone is concerned, Microsoft could have agreed to not purchased anymore publishers, giving Sony a much bigger cut, allow COD on Plus for cheap or fee or even given them 20 years.

maniacmayhem376d ago

*I wonder why you and your ilk never cared or ignored Microsoft doing the same thing.*

Where did I ignore that and when did I ever care? Why do you and your ilk always bring up points no one ever makes?

*That means Sony is getting something they want,*

You say this but then go on to rant about not knowing the details of deal, you should have stopped there but then you increase your cope levels to 10 maximum by leaving this doozy

*Microsoft could have agreed to not purchased anymore publishers, giving Sony a much bigger cut, allow COD on Plus for cheap or fee or even given them 20 years.*

That's hilarious! Hell, why didn't you also throw in "MS must provide free pot stickers from PF Chang's" since we're just making shit up.

Sony didn't get what they wanted because one and most important, they didn't stop the merger. Second of all they won't get timed exclusive rights as MS will have parity across all platforms as they stated during the trial, UNLESS of course Sony pays MS for some exclusive content. Either way MS comes out on top.

darthv72376d ago

If you think Sony agreeing is them getting what they wanted.... its the polar opposite.

They wanted to block the deal... no more, no less. And they settled for something else.

PunksOnN4G376d ago

Well we know for sure that 80/20 split gone. You guys know damn wel lsony went back to the 70/30 if not even used it base for an even higher CUT. .. So in the end they will make more then that had before with a bigger split

Redemption-64376d ago (Edited 376d ago )


Anyone with a brain can see Sony would not sign a deal if it wasn't better than the 1st 2 they literally rejected. But we can pretend that never happened if that makes you feel better.

Sony literally said the two deals Microsoft gave them 1st wasn't good enough, so why would they now sign a deal if the new deal didn't have what they wanted? Why would they sign a deal that is worst than the two they rejected? I get thinking is not part of your DNA, but use whatever brain cells you have left to think and ask yourself this? Why would Sony sign a deal that is worst than the two deals they rejected before? Something clearly changed in the deal for them to agree to it

maniacmayhem376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

* Something clearly changed in the deal for them to agree to it *

You're right, something did change, wait for it, (drum roll please)

Microsoft won!! They own Activision, they have complete rights to CoD.

Crazy right? Sony has no choice but to sign the deal, the same 10 year agreement that was offered to Nintendo. Unless of course you have insider knowledge about the deal that we here aren't privy to, please let us poor dead brain cells with inferior DNA commenters know, please.

Oh and check out this deal that was once on the table that isn't anymore...


"Microsoft’s original deal offer to Sony in January 2022 included keeping “all existing Activision console titles on Sony, including future versions in the Call of Duty franchise or any other current Activision franchise on Sony through December 31st, 2027.” The deal terms have clearly changed since that opening offer, with an extension to 10 years that’s limited to just Call of Duty."

Definitely sounds like Sony got the better end of the latest deal, right?

Sony should have held out for the "Please don't buy anymore publishers" and "give us a bigger cut" deal you were suggesting.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 376d ago
gold_drake376d ago

"only concern"

you dont seem to understand the reason.
COD sold extremely well on ps, of course theyd be fighting for it. why wouldnt they?

its business.

-Foxtrot376d ago

I don't care for Jim Ryan but can you imagine with the position he's in if he just didn't say a thing and let COD go

I doubt there would even be a deal to keep it on PS consoles, if Jim didn't do anything Microsoft would think without resistance they'll just keep it for themselves.

He'd have been fired on the spot for not doing anything.

Tacoboto376d ago

"Crazy that this was the only concern from Jim and PS"

Jim Ryan was never once actually concerned about COD, as revealed in court documents and emails from Jim Ryan himself.

S2Killinit376d ago

Its crazy that xbox fans just jump on bandwagons. Did you forget that timed exclusivity deals was MS’s main mode of operation? They relied so heavily on it that they neglected their own studios to the point that they are leagues below what competitors’ developers can do.

maniacmayhem376d ago

*Did you forget that timed exclusivity deals was MS’s main mode of operation?*

What's happening here? Do you guys just read things and then automatically go into defense mode?

When did I say anything about MS never doing it too?

I'm literally saying Sony won't be able to pay for timed exclusive CoD content anymore, that's it. What does that have to do with MS and what they were doing in the past?

S2Killinit376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Well everything is relative, if we are going to complain about one, we should mention the other as well. For fairness sake. You know?

Im just pointing out the fact that MS tends to buy exclusivity at the beginning of each generation, then slows down halfway through each generation when buying exclusivity becomes too expensive. Its how they have operated throughout their time in the gaming industry.

Aloymetal376d ago

Don't waste your precious time, the only thing that they need to acknowledge is that PS will continue to be the market leader with the most hardware/software sales and the platform of choice for most home console gamers around the globe. Each and every month the gap will continue to grow to embarrassing levels and that's something that hurts them a lot;)

Lightning77376d ago

Tbf Jim's job is to fight against it after all. He was just doing his job.

Outside_ofthe_Box376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Hello fellow true and great neutral gamer!

What publisher shall good guy Microsoft buy next for the greater good of the gaming industry and prevent Lyin' Ryan from paying for exclusive content even though the good guys at Microsoft also pay for exclusive content but it's okay because they're in 3rd place!!!?

maniacmayhem376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

*the good guys at Microsoft also pay for exclusive content but it's okay *

This is getting very strange now. For the third time, I never said that MS didn't do it.

Why do certain folks here constantly have to bring up "MS Does it Too" when no one said otherwise? Either the comprehension level is low here or some people are too emotionally invested.

(In your case I'm guessing both)

375d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 375d ago
SPEAKxTHExTRUTH376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

As if Sony had a choice. MS needs Sony to sell CoD and Sony needs the money from sales on their console. It’s common sense and smart business.

derek376d ago

Sony always had a choice, but there stated concern and with good reason was the removal of COD off their platform like Bethesda games.


Sony was NEVER concerned about CoD being removed we all know that and it’s been proven. MS was never going to remove CoD from PS it’s the main source of revenue. This is fact and has been proven already. Like I said Sony doesn’t have a choice but to sign and MS has no choice but to keep CoD on PS5. Both companies would suffer financially otherwise.

derek375d ago

That is not correct. The email from Ryan that is referenced regarding access to COD was from early 2022, before Spencer formally offered COD for only an additional 3 years which triggered Ryan public response that it wasn't enough.

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