
Bomberman 2 Release Date Announced

Bomberman 2 marks the welcome return of Hudson Soft's evergreen bomb-toting hero and will sees the popular franchise undergoing a visual make-over and a wealth of new elements to the gameplay. While the familiar basis of laying bombs to eradicate patrolling foes remains intact, Hudson Soft has expanded it across a more open format, creating a deeper title that maintains the addictive nature the series is famed for.

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Arsenal4Ever5647d ago

This isn't the type of bomberman I was looking foward to. I want Bomberman Ultra for PSN or a new Bomberman Live for Live.

RememberThe3575647d ago (Edited 5647d ago )

Thats too bad...

hitthegspot5647d ago

I hope the game play is more creative than the name...

Cheeseknight285647d ago

"undergoing a visual make-over"

Not again!


Eurogamer Review: Bomberman 2

EG: "There is a confession I have to make, and it's as well that I get it out of the way now. I suck. At Bomberman 2. I am endlessly found hanging around just inside the blast radius of my own bombs, joyfully entering cul-de-sacs in front of hungrier, more talented players and gleefully toddling over to poison skulls to savour their various debilitating flavours. I'll loiter quite blithely on floors flickering with the ominous orange of impending flames and stare, entranced, at the sparking laser warming up just in front of me. And this is just single-player - traditionally the relatively sedate and simple cousin of the main, multiplayer, event. The Stephen to multiplayer's Alec."

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NowGamer: Bomberman 2 Review

The multiplayer is as riotous as ever, with the usual panoply of options, settings, and arenas for play with eight of your friends. But of course Bomberman rarely falters when it comes to multiplayer. No, what's important here is that Hudson Soft has developed a single-player component that's almost as addictive as the multiplayer, and furthermore, one that's perfectly suited to the ten-minute blasts of play DS supports so well.

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ONM: Bomberman 2 Review

ONM writes: "There are approximately 40 Bomberman games on the DS (give or take 36 or so) so calling this one Bomberman 2 is a bit of a cheeky move. In fairness, regardless of the title, this is probably the best handheld Bomberman game we've played."

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