
Microsoft wants Xbox to 'reach industry leadership' by 2030, plans to double Xbox revenues

Microsoft aspires to make Xbox reach global games industry leadership by 2030, and double total Xbox gaming revenues across the next 7-year timeframe.

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zsquaresoff453d ago

Yea it's been 20 years and their still in 3rd place. And with Phil Spencer still leading, I don't expect that position to change.

FallenAngel1984453d ago

“their still in 3rd place”

they’re still in 3rd place

Army_of_Darkness453d ago

This will give Microsoft an abundance amount of time to purchase all the big Publishers and Studios for Game Pass subscription enforcement in order to play any of the games

CantThinkOfAUsername452d ago (Edited 452d ago )

You can blame autocorrect for the spread of such misspellings. It keeps changing my "its" to "it's," "There" to "Their," and adds unnecessary apostrophes to nouns even though I keep blocking it from doing so. It's driving me nuts.

Gardenia452d ago

“their still in 3rd place”

they’re still in 3rd place

there still in 3rd place

chrisx453d ago

.. by buying the whole industry and not simply actually making your own games?

ChasterMies453d ago

Buying a whole industry and watching it burn is a very Microsoft thing to do. Ever hear of Nokia?

lodossrage453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

I forgot all about what they did to Nokia.

Microsoft sold it after promising that them buying it would help Finland's economy almost nosedived that country.

Edit- I don't see why the Nokia thing doesn't get more attention. It's a grim reminder that you can't trust MS. And before anyone says it, I'm not saying Sony is some sainted company, but MS saying "trust us" in the past had consequences normally paid for by their partner.

jukins452d ago

Sony may not be saints but they are, at heart, an entertainment company they at least have some passion in their products and content. Microsoft is just buy what they can see if it makes money if not oh well windows and server business makes enough money that it wont hurt themcin the long run

FinalFantasyFanatic452d ago

Oh wow, I knew they had aquired Nokia, but I didn't know it was that bad, windows phones were garbage anyway (my sister bought one, needless to say, she didn't own it for very long before swapping it out).

-Foxtrot453d ago

You can't come in last place if there's no one else to compete...


Abear21452d ago

“Last” but they have the deepest pockets, this isn’t a gaming company at heart, and it shows.

jBlakeeper453d ago

Exactly. By trying to spend loads of money and effectively ruining developers and the entire game industry as a whole. But hey at least they’ll “own” the game industry.

Godmars290453d ago

No, just a majority of it. To a point the rest can be drowned in its own bath water.

GhostTurtle452d ago (Edited 452d ago )

Did Sony not do this though? Nintendo games are actually "purebred" Nintendo games, for example. Owned and created by Nintendo. Sony didnt do this. All of their 1st party games are from studios they bought up. How quick we are to forget and judge...also, the salt from this site.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 452d ago
purple101453d ago

Xbox: "we want to double revenue"

Fans: "not with our money"

jwillj2k4453d ago

They’re trying not to give fans a choice by owning everything behind the scenes. Their vision is somewhere down the line we make money off of that game you’re playing so accept it or find another hobby.

DarkZane453d ago

I would rather eat diarrhea than buy a Xbox.

Crows90453d ago

Buy a laptop instead. Or you can kinda make it work with the steam deck ..hopefully natively at some point

PhillyDonJawn453d ago

That's adding to xbox revenue too if you buying Xbox games and using GP.

Crows90453d ago


Not if you use edge rewards...not a single dime is spent just some time to with search engine and random daily clicks.

Pickledpepper452d ago

What a sad individual you are.

453d ago
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jznrpg48m ago

I’ll get this game later in the winter. Maybe the Pro can fix some of its fps issues along with some patches.


Ads on Xbox Consoles Are Getting Worse

Ads on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles are getting worse. Over time, Microsoft has been getting more and more aggressive with ad placement on the Xbox Series X|S. Invasive ads already clutter and ruin the Xbox Series X|S dashboard, something that has been annoying Xbox fans for a while. We also know that Microsoft is reportedly exploring a tier of Xbox Game Pass that will make players watch ads in order to play games. And this ties into what Microsoft revealed last year, which was that it was looking into ways to include ads in games, something Xbox fans threatened to boycott the brand over. In the face of public backlash, Xbox has done nothing to alleviate concerns of players, it's only doubled down.

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TheNamelessOne12h ago

If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done. That's ridiculous.

thorstein10h ago

They have been for decades.

Or do you mean, explicit ads that interrupt the game?

NFL 2K5 had the "Burger King Halftime Report."

BK paid them to put that in there. It's technically an ad.

TheNamelessOne10h ago

Yeah. I mean ads ads, not really product placements. I don't really mind stuff like that if it fits into the logic of the world. Hell, even Fallout originally wanted Coka-Cola in the game but didn't work out, so they went with Nuka. There's ads on billboards in a lot of racing games. That stuff doesn't bother me.

Yi-Long10h ago

I think if THAT’S your red line then you’re already lost. There shouldn’t be any ads on the console, at all.

Not at boot-up, not on the dash, not in the store, and not in the games.

It’s ridiculous.

3h ago
NotoriousWhiz1h ago

No ads in the store? Isn't that the whole point of the store?

Einhander197210h ago

Microsoft's Tim Stuart, Sarah Bond and others have said they want to add x second of ads every x amount of time of game played. (I say x because they have said various times from every 30 minutes to 2 hours and various lengths of ads from 30 seconds to minutes)

Heck they already put ads in their games on Windows.

People need to realize Microsoft has never cared about actual gaming, it's a means to make money and gain control, the more control they have the more obnoxious they can be. That's why they want PlayStation eliminated so badly that they were willing to spend 100 billion to control what games major publishers are putting on the platform, they are the major roadblock to their control.

I have said for years it's not Microsoft keeping PlayStation in check it's PlayStation keeping Microsoft in check.

The only reason why the xbone failed was because PlayStation offered another option. If PlayStation hadn't been there they would have ignored every single complaint and just forced what they wanted.

You only have to look at how unpopular so many decisions with Windows are yet they do them anyway regardless of complaints and as time goes on they force more and more unpopular things. (and the software gets more bloated and buggy)

ChasterMies9h ago

“If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done.”

Some games already have ads, but that’s besides the point. You’ve already accepted ads your Xbox. Microsoft’s job now is to get you to accept more.

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LG_Fox_Brazil11h ago

Didn't this already cause a lot of debate in the Xbox community a few months ago? They are still moving forward with the idea?

Zombieburger63810h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Imagine having to pay to play online and still getting ads shoved in your face. Consoles are cooked.

Lightning7710h ago

So let me get this straight. The writer is getting mad because MS is advertising Games? The very thing that MS sucks at doing which is advertising it's own games and third party? For a second he made it seem like a hot pockets ad would pop up when turning on the console. But it's video games that are popping up and are releasing soon.

Talk about about a none issue. Btw writer where's this "boycott" at? I don't see anyone on socials right now threatening to boycott, its simply all on your head. Especially, Especially if these ad are video games related and games that are releasing soon.

SimpleDad9h ago

Imagine turning your pc on and before log on screen you see MS Word ad across your whole screen.
Hey it fine, right?

Lightning778h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Talk about not knowing how to read good lord. They're advertising games not word or Doritos, or nothing like that.
Tell me which ones worse. Advertising games or something none game related?

Also read the article and you'll see what he's complaining about. Go ahead.

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago


Sounds you're coping bro

9h agoReplies(1)
SimpleDad6h ago

Being fine with ads on Xbox game related is the same as ads on PC Word related.

But, hey I learned a new term for this and it's called... Toxic Positivity...vity...vity

Lightning775h ago(Edited 5h ago)

You're right how dare Xbox advertise video games on their video game console. Why's that a bad thing please explain. Go ahead, exactly just stay silent, the smartest thing you've done.

Positivity? No its called a severe lack of common sense and stupidity. Willful ignorance is the number one thing that gets me heated.

@natsu coping tf are you talking about. Read the article (if you know how to read) he's complaining about game Video game ads on a video game console.

Nacho_Z4h ago

"You're right how dare Xbox advertise video games on their video game console. Why's that a bad thing please explain."

A: people have been enjoying gaming for decades without adverts and we are all used to that.

B: Everyone hates ads.

C: It's an extremely slippery slope. If people start making excuses for and suggest they're willing to accept advertising in gaming then that will be exploited to ridiculous levels in the future.

Charlieboy3332h ago

Making excuses for Xbox's bad decisions is all the Xbox zombies ever do. Their console, brand and it's games have become synonymous with mediocrity.......unrecognisabl e from the excitement and quality they possesed in the past.

Yet their fanatical fans don't seem to care, so of course MS will continue pushing the boundaries with the crap like this. You can bet your ass that in the not too distant future they will definitely have ads popping up during your gamepass game....interrupting everything just like a youtube ad. But don't worry, I'm sure they will offer a more costly 'ad free' tier for you so it will be fine.....right.

Oh and something I also predict is that one day the ONLY way to play MS games will be through gamepass. MS has already dropped physical completely for the future and you won't be able to buy digital either.

Nope, if you want play e.g.COD you are going to be forced to subscrbe for it and it won't be cheap.....I'm calling it.

Lightning771h ago

You're right let's not advertise any game related content while you're online on your console. Matter of fact let's get rid of the games section where new games are available to play so devs won't know that their game is out, or that your favorite game is available to download or in store shelves. If we're talking 360 type of ads where it was lots of none game related stuff y'all would have point big time. But getting pitchforks out over something that's game related is dumb. It's like going to a car club and getting mad that they're selling you car parts.

I would say do you hear y'all selves but no you don't, at all.

That's it, I'm the only one with a brain on here.

@charlie "Making excuses for Xbox's bad decisions is all the Xbox zombies ever do."

Seeing how you don't know what's happening or you never know what's going on especially in this article which congrats nobody else can read either because everyone's slow in here. Tell me where all the times I make excuses for Xbox go, I wanna know.

"Yet their fanatical fans don't seem to care, so of course MS will continue pushing the boundaries with the crap like this."

Advertising games on your console is bad now. I guess Nintendo and Sony are terrible to use that exact same logic.

"You can bet your ass that in the not too distant future they will definitely have ads popping up during your gamepass game....interrupting everything just like a youtube ad. But don't worry, I'm sure they will offer a more costly 'ad free' tier for you so it will be fine.....right"

MS was talking about an ad based GP tier at one point it might happen or it might not. This isn't what this articles about at all if only you did basic, simple, easy ass research such as reading the article. You'll know what's going on. So far it's all tinfoil hat that the article isn't even about. Read, if you don't how to read then get some that can read the article.

Charlieboy3332h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Except it's not just game ads....I recall ads from places like McDonalds popping up, so what's the excuse for that then hmmmmm?
Also the only place that new games should be promoted on your console is in the damn store like Playstation does. If I'm interested in what's coming up I'll go and check out the pre-order section.

Lightning771h ago

"Except it's not just game ads....I recall ads from places like McDonalds popping up, so what's the excuse for that then hmmmmm?"

Uh huh sure you did, you don't have an Xbox so how would you know? Show that proof?

Wait you actually read the article!? I didn't think it was possible on here. Finally someone on here did basic human function and its you of all ppl. I'm proud of you. I didn't think it was possible, I'm not joking either I really think it was possible. Take back what I said about you up top. Again good Job bro.

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RhinoGamer8810h ago

How are they going to pay Phil's mega salary peeps?!

raWfodog34m ago

And they’re likely trying to recoup more of the $70B that they paid out for their acquisition.

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