
Bethesda’s Indiana Jones game is an Xbox console exclusive

Bethesda Softworks’ upcoming Indiana Jones game is exclusive to Xbox consoles and PC, head of publishing Pete Hines said during the Microsoft and Activision Blizzard Federal Trade Commission hearing on Thursday. The game is also expected to be available at release on Xbox Game Pass.

Sonic1881400d ago

It's like the FTC is trying to expose Microsoft but most gamers already knew this was going to happen after paying $70 Billion dollars

sparky77400d ago

Bethesda was just $7bl I believe.

Sonic1881400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

My bad you're correct but still Microsoft intentions was always going to make Bethesda popular AAA games exclusive since that's what they paid for

VenomUK400d ago

PLOT TWIST - What if... it's based on [Redacted spoiler] Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny?

399d ago
jonny897400d ago

Xbox says Bethesda deal ‘was not done to take games away' from other platforms


Obscure_Observer400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

MS is right!

No reason to develop Xbox exclusives to Playstation without getting nothing in return.

Indiana Jones been exclusive is nothing but expected.

Abracadabra400d ago

Don't worry. Bethesda games are timed exclusive... In a year or two the PS5 will get those games.

Zeref400d ago

They never took any games from Playstation. Bethesda games are still on Playstation. They didn't take anything away.

LordoftheCritics400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

''Xbox lies Bethesda deal ‘was not done to take games away' from other platforms''


crazyCoconuts400d ago

Snakes...why'd they have to be snakes

shinoff2183400d ago

Obscure but they did take games away from ps that were in development for ps , after they said they would release games being developed for ps . Redfall and starfield, probably hi fi to

Also they are taking games away from others after saying numerous times that wouldn't be the case.

I've also always though Indiana Jones was xbox exclusive who knew🤷

mkis007400d ago (Edited 400d ago )


Nothing in return? Do you not know how unit sales work? Did xbox make you forget? Heck AAA games sell more on playstation, so they would more than double their profit...Not making a statement on exclusives here, just saying xbox would earn more profit not less by releasing some games on playstation.

...same goes for playstation, except their business model, unlike xbox, relies on console sales so it would hurt playstation more long term.

sinspirit400d ago


So, what are you actually saying then? Are you trying to say that if MS released Indiana Jones on the most profitable console that they would not have got anything in return?

wiz7191399d ago

Same breath Sony was trying to make back handed ass exclusives deals , they tried with Starfield and failed ..

Obscure_Observer399d ago


Unlike Redfall, MS had never canceled a Starfield port to PS5 because it was never in development, Todd Howard himself confirmed it.


"Not making a statement on exclusives here, just saying xbox would earn more profit not less by releasing some games on playstation."

I agree. But it would also make the platform look week. I mean, why would a buy an Xbox if all of those AAA Xbox first party games will be available on PS5, when PS5´s AAA first party games will remain exclusive to Playstation?

Sounds fair to you? I remember the day MS announced the acquisition of Bethesda back in 2020, fanboys were mocking Xbox because they were under the illusion that Xbox would turn itself into a third party developer for Playstation to make up for all that money invested on Bethesda acquisition.

Given repercussions Phil hinted at the time, that Xbox don´t need to release its first party games on Playstation to be successful. People still laughed, and here we are. Those same people aren´t laughing now.


"Are you trying to say that if MS released Indiana Jones on the most profitable console that they would not have got anything in return?"

What I´m saying is that since Sony will not release Spider Man (a licensed IP produced by a Sony first party studio) on Xbox, MS shouldn´t release Indiana Jones (a licensed IP produced by an Xbox first party studio) on Playstation. Period!

Don´t ask for something that you aren´t willing to give in return!

GamerDude82399d ago

Everybody knew Xbox was gonna have some exclusives out of the deal. This is normal business. People are crying that Xbox has exclusives now. Who cares. People whining about Xbox lying though is grade school crap. Game companies lie all the time.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 399d ago
Abracadabra400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Disney made exclusive contracts with Sony (Spiderman and Wolverine games), now people are baffled they made exclusive contracts with Microsoft?

Seriously, how hypocrite can people be...

Redemption-64400d ago

I think the issue is this message from Microsoft claiming they are not taking games away and then you find out, a game that was planned as a multi-platform game is now an exclusive because of Microsoft. We all know Microsoft could have had Spider-Man as an exclusive, but they rejected Disney, so it's not out of the box to think Disney would allow MS to have an exclusive when they finally realize the fucked up. Just stop pretending you are not taking games away from a platform that the game was also supposed to release on. If anything just stay quiet

Becuzisaid400d ago

No one is baffled. The difference is MS clearly lied when saying they aren't taking away games from Sony.

mocaak400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

This is not about licensing, it's an example of a game made exclusive, developed by a recently acquired 3rd party publisher, as precedent to what we can expect from Activision buyout.

Usual spread of misinformation and nonsense from worshipers of Lord Phil.

Abracadabra400d ago


Here's a little secret, and, I hope it helps you guys in the future... EVERYBODY LIES.

Profchaos400d ago

Funny thing about that is they weren't too Microsoft before Sony about making an exclusive Marvel game

InUrFoxHole400d ago

People are crying because they think MS meant all games... get real

shinoff2183400d ago

Wasn't the offer to ms first and ms passed. Is that not true?

sinspirit400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Like Redemption said.. The issue is when people come out to try and "clear the air" with the average person like they are trying to get along with people and understand one another. But they are actually trying to make themselves look good and just make up information to act like they haven't done anything that could wrong anyone. MS said they did not remove any games that were being developed for PlayStation and they clearly ended up doing that. Nevermind the fact that any future games obviously would have been developed for the most profitable platform.. They have actually been caught removing games actually in a development phase with PlayStation in mind. So they deliberately lied. The issue has never been third party exclusives or acquisitions alone. Huge acquisitions are of course one thing.. But the biggest issue is blatantly lying to damage gaming and yet we have trolls pathetically glossing over this issue and still not banned for spreading intentional misinformation, which is called disinformation.


Yes. The Marvel licensing for a higher budget and well made AAA game was originally posed to Microsoft in the first place. Marvel sought who had deeper pockets and MS turned them down. Sony literally said Insomniac is the ones to go to and that Insomniac has full choice in what Marvel IP to make a game about and that is how the entire Spiderman exclusive thing worked out. Because Insomniac is so damn good.. Marvel wanted them to do another IP and Insomniac chose Wolverine. It had nothing to do with forcing an exclusive Marvel partnership at all. It was a very organic interaction and many others turned it down first. It's funny how talented Sony is at identifying developer strengths and yet they still are not the first to be offered a lot of these contracts because money talks. MS has the money and they simply can't make it work towards a greater goal effectively. They've had opportunity time and again whether it's their own properties or potential new ones and it has always came down to their own mismanagement.

blacktiger400d ago

It's not exclusive. Marvel was going bankrupt and Sony bought Spiderman full license to own it until they stop making it it. Huge difference.

Lightning77400d ago

"a game that was planned as a multi-platform game is now an exclusive because of Microsoft."

In rarely comment on this because Idc about the ABK gibberish.

But the game was never announce for PS. Also for the millionth time they said New exclusive games will launch on platforms where gamepass exist. Hi Fi, Redfall, now Starfield were never announced on PS and Gamepass doesn't exist on PS We're goin on 2 years now ppl where they stated this. Let's get our facts straight.

And I'm out.

wiz7191399d ago

@Redemption but if MS didn’t make the purchase Sony was trying to buy Starfield exclusivity ..

MontyeKristo399d ago

Didn't Microsoft say exclusivity would be a game-by-game basis?

Joker35398d ago

Preach... How soon people forget FF16 is PS5 exclusive... but that's okay... Yeah right . Sony's been doing it for years themselves.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 398d ago
AmUnRa399d ago

No, you are talking about the Activision Blizzard deal, ...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 398d ago
PunksOnN4G400d ago

Sooo xbox claiming all that HANDS OFF STUFF is BS... FTC is showing us xbox true colors.

PrinceOfAnger400d ago

Btw Stellar blade was first announced for Xbox and pc too before sony making it exclusive you know? why is it okay for sony to make a known ip like SFV exclusive while microsoft shouldn't? even though bethesda is microsoft owned company and they help and fund their projects

Mr_cheese400d ago


Starfield, redfall, Indian Jones

Most likely fallout, elder scrolls.

Stop the BS. One game vs an entire future library.

lodossrage400d ago

Wait a minute. Street Fighter 5 only happened because Capcom didn't want to fund it. Sony chose to fund it for them and that's why that particular game became exclusive. They didn't buy Capcom and amend a pre existing contract just to make it exclusive to them

Obscure_Observer400d ago


"One game vs an entire future library."

Oh just stop with the victim complex nonsense! It´s not just one game. Don´t forget all the FF games Sony made exclusive. KOTOR Remake, Silent Hill 2, Forspoken, Rise of Ronin... the list goes on.

MS is giving Sony what they been asking for years!

I don´t give a damn about those games Sony has made exclusive because there´s nothing preventing me from buying a PS5!

Just buy yourself an Xbox or PC and go enjoy the games you want!

Sephiroushin400d ago

Because Capcom at that time was basically crapcom and didnt want to fund the game, so Sony offered to fund it only if it was console exclusive, Sony didnt go out of the way and then bought capcom then halted development of projects on going for xbox and made them exclusive to the PS ...

343_Guilty_Spark400d ago

Curious SF5 couldn't happen because Capcom didn't want to fund it.

So why did they fund SF6 and make it multi-platform? Sony helped them with that one?

lodossrage400d ago


Why don't you shoot Capcom an email and ask THEM why they had no issue with funding SF6 while they didn't want to fund SF5?

If they give you a response, please post it to give us ALL clarity

Christopher400d ago

***why is it okay for sony to make a known ip like SFV exclusive while microsoft shouldn't?***

We know this happens. Microsoft was the one claiming they weren't doing this sort of thing. In documents to the CMA and FTC, btw.

blackblades400d ago

See the problem with guys like you. You go around throwing SFV out there without knowing the facts about the situation just to prove a point that falls flat. Same can be said about Spiderman and maybe stellablade.

shinoff2183400d ago

Stellar blade more then likely a timed exclusive. Sf5 idk about really. Sounds like Sony funded the whole shit and it wasn't in development like starfield.

shinoff2183400d ago


You know damn well ms made 360 what it was by 3rd party deals. Stop the bs. Now yall play victim. Ms paid 50 million for gta 4 timed exclusive dlc for fk sakes. Every company has had 3rd party deals from the jump sega Nintendo ms and sony.

Let's not also ignore the elephant in the room either as far as gamepass ruining xbox players buying habits.

PunksOnN4G400d ago

Your right??/ But why dont you speak about how the DEVS were on brink of closing down till Sony Step in and fully funded its project and saving them... Yeah bet you wont talk about that. Street fighter 5 would have never happned without Sony stated Many times over by the main devs themselves

Rude-ro399d ago

If Microsoft comes bouncing in with the Xbox 360 and creates a lot of exclusives from third party publishers, EA, activision, Ubisoft etc and taking major market share away from Sony because of this….
What do you expect the results to be?
Sony lay down and hand over the market?
To Microsoft?
Do not confuse fighting fire with fire with WHATABOUTISM to hand Microsoft a major chunk of the markets leading publishers.
At any point Microsoft could have and should have been financially backing their publishers and producing competitive games in order to compete.

Sonys returns across all of gaming with helping push gaming forward for not only themselves but third party publishers is more than enough reason for third party developers to utilize Sonys strengths to make great games and return with exclusive rights.

I understand the short sighted vision Xbox fans have…
But Microsoft created all of this and their monopoly tactics.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 399d ago
343_Guilty_Spark400d ago


You seem mad. We've been told for years Sony funded SF5. That is a lie. They blocked it from coming to Xbox just like they did with Xbox. And honestly I'm not mad at them...if I were Sony I wouldn't do anything to help Xbox and its struggling games portfolio.

Sony also paid to keep Ghostwire Toyko and Deathloop off Xbox. Phil said I'll raise you one and just buy the publisher. Sony was going to make more of these deals.

lodossrage400d ago


Mad about what? Sony funding SF5 isn't a lie. Google is your friend, readily available with Capcom's own statements.

As for paying to keep games off Xbox? So what, Microsoft does the same to Sony. Splinter Cell Conviction, Dead Rising 3, Alan wake, etc. Nintendo does the same.

But let's not sit here and act like buying rights to a single game's exclusivity is equal to trying to buy up major publishers.

343_Guilty_Spark400d ago (Edited 400d ago )


You talking about old ass games from 1-2 generations ago. Alan Wake eventually came to PS. Splinter Cell Conviction and Dead Rising were the only true exclusives.

Final Fantasy 7, 16, and SF5 are NEVER coming to Xbox platforms.

Where did the money come from to make SF6? And not just make it but make it for Xbox, PS, and PC? Sony funding.

Cmon think about that.

Chevalier400d ago

"You talking about old ass games from 1-2 generations ago"

Spark not too bright. Stalker 2? Contraband? Ark 2? Scorn? Warhammer Darktides? Redfall? Hellblade 2? Outerworlds 2?

shinoff2183400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Sony paid for timed exclusive ghostwire and deathloop atleast get your sh right dog. TIMED being key word on that.

Back in the nes day if you as a third party game wanted your game on nes you couldn't put your 3rd party games on other platforms.

sinspirit400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

". Phil said I'll raise you one and just buy the publisher."

Right... Now imagine if this was actually a good argumentative retort to every time there was every a third party exclusive. Microsoft would have ruined a hell of a lot more third party devs if they acquired them because of one or two third party exclusives... Sony has historically done a lot more unique third party games with in house partnership with Sony. MS has unfortunately just stuck to the store shelf method of seeing one that might work and buying the third party exclusive rights to. But, realistically, third party exclusives has been done by both parties, and in fact was more heavily relied on by XBox than Sony to sustain their console in lack of first party games. This has been done by both parties and the desperately banged on drum that rings to say "they acquired them because so and so paid them for this" is absolute pathetic gaslighting and intentional disinformation away from the fact that both have done what you and other keep bringing up as a fake counterpoint to try and swing favor towards your bias. This is trolling. If you know better and intentional refuse actual conversation and real community involvement to speak to anyone here objectively and try to come to a conclusion then it is just trolling. The deliberate act of leaving out convenient truths and other things to try and make one party look worse is trolling. If it wasn't trolling to just reply and laugh at individuals that are trying to uphold a facade of fake intellectual replies I would certainly be on board to state this but I'm going to keep leaving the actual thoughts needed that explain the act people keep putting on in these comments. It's quite ridiculous.

Oh.. And where is the SF5 funded by Sony ever been proven a lie? Capcom was actually in deep trouble during those years and had no guidance or good slew of games. They had no reason to release SF5 because, even in desperate times, Capcom was not so desperate as certain other parties to regurgitate IP's for the sake of growing their catalog, because for non-exclusive third party companies, regurgitating IP's means growing stagnant and growing a catalog means nothing when the sales numbers aren't there. Capcom was actually saved by Sony for SF5 because it helped them get back up on their feet as they figured themselves out and realized that in the process of making remakes that they lost a key aspect of what made their games great and found that thing again to keep their games going. Now they have been returning back to being a big developer again. Do you have any actual factual retort to any of this or do you just think that if you spread disinformation that you will make people forget the factual information that proves that your platform of choice has actually lied directly to peoples faces?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 400d ago
Zeref400d ago

Lol you really thought Bethesda games were coming to Playstation? They literally told you they wouldn't beyond existing games.

KingKionic 400d ago

Excellent. Another solid title for the xbox collection. Microsoft has done nothing but increase the quality of xbox gamers lineup to be a fantastic legacy.

Xbox gamers stay eating in deez streets.

Sonyslave3400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Yes sir it coming to game pass day 1 ,crazy how people are crying about Disney making this a Xbox/Pc.

Disney had no problems making Spider-Man & Kotor remake & Wolverine exclusive. 😏

KingKionic 400d ago

Yep. Disney seem to shade Microsoft a lot and not even make a partnership.

EA has a partnership with Disney.


Ubisoft has a partnership with Disney


As well as Skydance New Media ,Niantic,Firaxis Games


Microsoft is just keeping it a buck.

Magic_Spatula400d ago

There were multiple articles about how the Spider-Man deal came about. You can blame Microsoft for that one. In short, they turned down Marvel when approached about making licensed games. Head of Marvel Games can even confirm that since he was the one who revealed it. KotoR, that was all Disney. Wolverine pretty sure was also Marvel when Sony decided to have Insomniac develop it too. Given how overwhelmingly positive Spider-Man was, why not go with the same developers who made it for another IP?

crazyCoconuts400d ago

As indicated Xbox gamers would have already had that game pre-merger. So you would have been eating in deez streets with MS. MS just took the food away from PS. Instead of creating, destroying

KingKionic 400d ago

The game is still in "active" development. It will only be better now as it will be made as a "first party" exclusive.

Xbox secures the way towards gaming heaven. Jump in.

Crows90400d ago


5hat logic only works when it's actually to one title...Xbox has had many bad 1st party titles...or average.

Noskypeno400d ago

How is it any different from Spiderman, Wolverine, Final Fantasy, and many more games that were on other consoles that suddenly became exclusive to one console?

Magic_Spatula400d ago

You really believe that? Look how RedFall turned out. Was being developed for multiple platforms. Microsoft bought Zenimax. Game was in "active" development for a few years before the buyout. You really believe that Microsoft will make the game better? Especially with their whole hand's off approach to development. Friggin fanboys(that includes Sony and Nintendo fanboys) ALWAYS, for some reason, ignore history even when it's been recent.

goldwyncq400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Just like how Playstation took Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Final Fantasy away from Xbox fans?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 400d ago
sparky77400d ago

Yep this FTC stuff is just acting like a mini showcase for Xbox gamers lol.

Obscure_Observer400d ago

"Yep this FTC stuff is just acting like a mini showcase for Xbox gamers lol."

Lmao! XD

Christopher400d ago

"Yup, we're totally ignoring the lies Microsoft has been telling us about games going more places and not about taking games away from gamers so let's let them buy up Activision with those same level of promises. CoD on PlayStation just like we didn't change pre-purchase game plans. Trust us. Sony is the bad guys, we're the unicorn equivalent of a good guy business."

Crows90400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Solid title??? At least wait until it releases.
PC gamers get to enjoy both streets.

KingKionic 400d ago

When i say XBOX i mean PC gamers too.

PC gamers are XBOX gamers. There is no misrepresentation.

On X everyone is the same.

Crows90400d ago


No PC gamers are not Xbox gamers. That's like saying PC gamers are PlayStation gamers since there are ps titles on it as well.

"On X everyone is the same."
Okay now you creeping me out. Walking away

400d ago
Mr_cheese400d ago

Increase the quality of gamers lineup by what, taking something they were already getting and removing it from their competition?

Absolute waffle coming from some of you during this case.

Redgrave400d ago

That mountain dew koolaid being drank has hallucinogens in it, or something.

jznrpg400d ago

Maybe a a solid title maybe not. Bethesda has had plenty of misses

KingKionic 400d ago

Bethesda actually has great quality in terms of titles "developed" directly from them.


Obscure_Observer400d ago

"Excellent. Another solid title for the xbox collection. Microsoft has done nothing but increase the quality of xbox gamers lineup to be a fantastic legacy."

Indeed. We´re in for some Epic games!

Rainbowcookie400d ago

How do you know it's solid?...we literally had seen the same amount of gameplay from Half life 3 than this game...zero

Aussiesummer400d ago

What the fuck kind of shit talk is that? Sounds moronic.

shinoff2183400d ago

Stay eating , what shit still hasn't even released. Wtf you eating

Redgrave400d ago

You don't know if it will be solid.

Additionally, Indiana Jones is neither Nathan Drake nor Lara Croft.

Even with the best of circumstances in play, I really don't see how this IP gets made into a must play title. Nothing to do with the exclusivity.

He's not a hyper action star, so no huge action setpieces like Uncharted or the recent Tomb Raiders.

It seems ripe to be a mid title simply because of the IP.

SonyStyled400d ago

I had a great time with Indiana jones on the ps2. I played uncharted a year after, and was really bummed when Lucas arts cancelled their Indiana jones project after showing a demo, because I really wanted to play uncharted like that

Rimeskeem400d ago

The way you type makes you seem like some kind of fantastical villain. Like some lawyer for a company that says they treat their customers with respect while exploiting their labor the highest extent.

Samonuske399d ago

Xbox went a generation and a half with barely any releases while Nintendo and Sony put the work in to release high quality content. It’s honestly weird how anyone can act like Xbox is doing anything crazy when they’re barely catching up.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 399d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box400d ago

Their underhanded tactics are getting exposed?

Terry_B400d ago

Lol..Indiana Jones is a pretty dead IP. I am sure the movie will bomb. And this game here won't find many buyers as well.

Asplundh400d ago

The last movie made over 800 million, what at all gives you the indication that the IP is dead?

purple101400d ago

Times have changed. Now a cartoon movie (into the spider verse). Makes 500million .. nothing but animation.

No actors to pay (voicecap only)
No SFX. Pyrotenhics.
No shooting on location.
No travel insurance.
No expensive cameras
No building/ hiring sets
No art dept. No Stunt men etc.


Terry_B400d ago

The last movie was..2008. And Harrison Ford is an old man that won't drive as many people into the theatres anymore..also Indy is damn boring.

Asplundh400d ago

There was a 19 year gap between the last one and one before it, that clearly didn't stop it from making a lot. I don't think the game will be big, but I have no doubt the movie will rake in money.

jznrpg400d ago

Could be good could be bad could be mediocre game wise . No idea

Othegamer5400d ago

Lol praying on downfall for no reason. The hate is real

Terry_B400d ago

I did not pray for any downfall of the movie or the game. I am - predicting - the downfall for the movie and the game. I hope both are good and if they are..they deserve success but no matter on which console it is released..I predict that the hype for Indy is pretty low.

Christopher400d ago

The thing that spawned notable relic hunting video games as we know it is dead? I think we need to wait and see, the IP is very strong in potential in this day and age.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 400d ago
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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing28m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno20m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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