
Avowed takes us through lands filled with magic, mystery, and a fungi-covered bear in latest trailer

An Avowed gameplay trailer has now been revealed during the June 2023 Xbox Games Showcase giving us a look at its fantastical world.

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Sniperwithacause469d ago

It also takes us back to 2005 with that game engine they seem to keep wanting to regurgitate!

RpgSama469d ago

This one looked rough, was expecting better.

just_looken469d ago

not 2005 but yeah looked bad and again no blood or weight to the combat on another new xbox rpg.

skyrim looked better at launch than this

MadLad469d ago

Not exactly amazed by the visuals. That said, it's Obsidian and I'm just hoping they bring their A-game in terms of the game, itself.

Sciurus_vulgaris469d ago (Edited 469d ago )

A lot of RPGs tend to look a step back from other games released around the same. Avowed currently looks serviceable. but there is still a good amount of time before it release. So, Avowed’s visuals may improve with time.

Magog469d ago

Avowed looked good in the CG trailer but this actual gameplay looks like a knockoff Skyrim.

ConsoleAgnostic469d ago

The dude is in every Xbox video from the show talking that talk. hahahah

RaidenBlack469d ago

The game felt like a colorful Elder Scrolls and since the next ES6 is wayy far off ..... this might just be a great substitute next year? Lets wait for more news on this one.
Hopefully, since its made with Unreal Engine, might ship with less bugs than Bethesda's RPGs?

MadLad468d ago

All I'm really looking for is a more in-depth take on the ES formula with that Obsidian touch and in the world of Pillars of Eternity.

Hopefully they make it less of a lootfest by comparison. I like treasure hunting when the stuff you get is legitimately a find and feels tangible.

phoenixwing469d ago

I liked what I saw. Don't know why everyone is hung up on the graphics when it looks like a good version of elder scrolls


Avowed Should Open The Floodgates for the World of Eora

Avowed will be expanding on the bespoke fantasy world established in Pillars of Eternity, and which holds great promise for more in the future.

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Avowed’s disappointing demo betrays its excellent world and combat | PCGamesN

A wondrous world is hiding in the remnants of Avowed's vibrant take on medieval fantasy, but a rough demo marred PCGamesN's preview experience.

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PhillyDonJawn21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Huh? So he enjoyed it but the ending to the demo was too easy which left him disappointed. Did I understand this correctly? Had they removed or made grenades rare and limited would that made it better? Author didn't dive into the disappointment enough

Profchaos21d ago

Complaint over the easy difficulty it's a demo often very early stage gameplay it's meant to be easy it's also not a souls game so I think they needed to temper their expectations.

phoenixwing21d ago

I imagine they're playing a very edited version where everything is setup for them to succeed

jznrpg20d ago

It doesn’t need to be a souls game to have some sort of challenge to it. I’ve played demos you couldn’t just button
mash through. Maybe they did make it easy on purpose maybe they didn’t. Most great RPGs give you a challenge of some sort. Hopefully this does as well.

90sGamingWasBetter20d ago

This only makes me more interested, I really don't see the appeal of overly difficult Souls like games.

RhinoGamer8820d ago

Amen, the souls games essentially are losing a large chunk of their potential audiences by simply not offering difficulty levels. $$$ being swiped off the table.

Sanityrecalled20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

That would be a great way to lose their entire current audience. I certainly wouldn't play them anymore. I think Elden Ring has shown that they have a big enough fan base to not worry about appealing to everyone. Not every game needs to appeal to every audience. That's how you end up with every game becoming homogenized slop the same as every other game. There's enough AAA games like that for people who want it.

babadivad20d ago

Never played a "Souls" game but Elden Ring is in the top 5 games I've ever played. I loved it.


You should try some of the others they may not be for you I feel like they made eldin ring hard but more accessible than other souls games for players. It's a pretty good into to their genre. I've played them all only beat demons souls, dark souls 1&2, bloodborne, and working through eldin ring taking my time. I could hop into the dlc but just leveling up more and trying to get through the mountain of the giants first.


I love souls games but I also love regular games with difficulty sliders. It just depends on what I'm in the mood for. I can say playing from demon's souls on has made a lot of games super easy to me. Souls game just make you concentrate more.

Crows9020d ago

They made sure journalists played on the journalist difficulty.

But seriously this is obsidian. I have little doubt it will be good....unless this is a turning point for the studio since the purchase.

koga8820d ago

It's a preview demo designed specifically for a single slice of gameplay shown to only a select few people, not a demo for the general public. Is the writer of this too young/inexperienced enough to not remember the E3 floor demos? They are literally created to show off the game but also be tuned to allow the previewer to finish no matter what, otherwise we get the stupid previews with writers saying they didn't know how to jump or shoot properly.

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Avowed Art Director Says Xbox Series X Often Runs Better Than PC

Wccftech writes: "Still, the statement remains puzzling, especially in light of the previous comment on targeting 30 FPS for the console version."

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LordoftheCritics25d ago

Did the art director mention the PC specs or is this another xbox plug?

Number1TailzFan25d ago

Yeah, if it's even just half way decently optimised it would run far better on a high spec machine

IAMRealHooman24d ago

not much detail or even specs of a PC, just saying series x ran well, still figuring out the s

InUrFoxHole24d ago

Bro the series S was a great idea with poor execution. Sad because the potential was there.

Nooderus24d ago

The series x is a solid machine

InUrFoxHole24d ago

Yeah love it but MS really screwed up with the parity clause

1Victor24d ago

@lordo: “ Did the art director mention the PC specs or is this another xbox plug?”
Doe he need to ?
All he needs to know is that promo paycheck is already in the bank 🤣

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 24d ago
anast25d ago

HA! Yeah, this game is going to suck mostly likely. Too bad.

Crows9024d ago

Obsidian makes good games every single time. Doubtful outcome

InUrFoxHole24d ago

Idk if you've seen the recent stuff on it but apparently gamers are impressed by it. Maybe not for you though but it's getting traction

anast24d ago

The only time I was wrong was about Cyberpunk being good on release. I suppose there could be a second time. But usually, when they make statements like this, it usually means there's an issue of some kind. If it were another CRPG style game I would be more confident.

Lightning7725d ago

How's that possible when the game is running 30?

gerbintosh24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

He didnt say what PC it was. He could be talking about a Tandy 1000

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