
Avowed - Official Gameplay Trailer

Explore the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger.

anast375d ago

Pretty much. It's a let down for sure.

Snookies12375d ago

Man, gotta say I was actually very underwhelmed by this footage... It just doesn't look great to me. Maybe that's just me? We'll find out when it actually launches, I suppose.

MadLad375d ago

Yeah. I was definitely expecting more here. It's Obsidian though, so I'm still optimistic for the game.

RpgSama375d ago

The game I'm sure will be good as a whole, Obsidian is a great developer, but the graphics and gameplay looked really dated.

Goosejuice375d ago

Ya graphic it's very eh. But I did enjoy outer worlds a bit so will give this a go.

bababooiy375d ago

The art style has that dollar store toys vibe to it. Even down to the text its all so cheap..

randomvoice375d ago

Thought the same. Obsidian is always remained in Bathesda's shadow. Really thought this game would put them in the same class but it feels like Outerworlds in medieval times.

__SteakDeck__375d ago

@randomvoice The problem with Obsidian is that they’re more quantity over quality. That’s not to say that their games aren’t quality. But they have too many teams imo, they need to scale their teams back. Have 1 or 2 teams.

Lifexline375d ago

Graphically not the most impressive but it’s obsidian so very excited for this.

-Foxtrot375d ago

I hope Obsidian aren't stretching themselves too thin

I would have rather see one big team focused on one project

With how great Starfield looks I wonder why Microsoft greenlit them doing The Outer Worlds 2, another Sci-fi RPG game flying to other planets and the like, Starfield looks like The Outer Worlds but on steroids so why do a sequel to it?

You'd think Microsoft would give Fallout to Obsidian and let Bethesda focus on Starfield and The Elder Scrolls. By the time we get a new Fallout from Bethesda it could be another 10 years.

They managed to do New Vegas within such a short development time and resources, imagine what they could do now.

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Lightning77375d ago

For me it was the graphics I think the gameplay can be fun though.

RaidenBlack375d ago

The game felt like a colorful Elder Scrolls and since the next ES6 is wayy far off ..... this might just be a great substitute next year? Lets wait for more news on this one.
Hopefully, since its made with Unreal Engine, might ship with less bugs than Bethesda's RPGs?

Shadowsteal375d ago

They should have never revealed the game with the CGI teaser that mimicked how gameplay would look.

Now that we have gameplay, not only has the art direction changed, but it looks really underwhelming.

bababooiy375d ago

It originally looked like a proper dark fantasy world, now its all plastic toy soldiers. I loved that initial trailer and for me this is definitly the biggest letdown of the showcase.

RpgSama375d ago

Looks really low budget, like when the big spider is coming at you looks very cartoonish, before this proper reveal it looked like a more serious ES.

Magog375d ago

Exactly. Such a letdown in comparison. It went from Tolkien to Fortnite.

repsahj375d ago

Exactly! Yes the graphics can be 4k but the texture is very old gen. Maybe if we didn't saw Immortals of aveum gameplay, we will be impressed a little bit about this game.

Tacoboto375d ago

The lighting does look like something is disabled in the darker areas, but if the game actually looks like this at the 4K60fps of the trailer on Series X, I can't be more excited. The gameplay itself with Obsidian's writing and attention to detail - oh man. This is my second pick of the show behind Clockwork Revolution

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Pillars of Eternity Lore to Know Before Playing Avowed Later This Year

Avowed is set to continue the legacy of Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity RPGs, and the world of Eora is filled with complex fantasy concepts.

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Avowed: Deep-Diving into Quests, Skills, Party Members and More on the Official Xbox Podcast

Xbox Wire : Dive deeper into the gameplay for Avowed with Game Director Carrie Patel, who joined a special episode of the Official Xbox Podcast

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Lightning7710d ago

Much better shape than last years show. Glad they took feedback well.


So many great games coming late this year and next year. These current gen consoles finally showing up and showing out.

SimpleSlave9d ago

I'm sure this game will be great. It's Obsidian after all. But holy molly does this looks like a PS4 game... But I do really hope it's successful for their sake. Maybe they can even buy their freedom like Toys for Bob did later down the road.

Obsidian is too good to be wasted under Microsawft.

SimpleSlave8d ago

Thank you. I tried my best 🤣🤣🤣

But even I can't save Obsidian from one flop and done under Microsawft. So good luck to them.

MontyeKristo7d ago

Unfortunately, I'm inclined to agree.. graphically, it looks dated. I'm sure it will still have the potential to be a great game, as I thoroughly enjoyed Outer Space, so time will tell.

Just graphically, it looks dated.

repsahj9d ago

I am very impressed with this game compared to perfect dark and stalker 2. If I have a series X, this will be my day 1.

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Avowed's director says they "don't believe in living in fear" after Microsoft closed studios

"As a developer - and as a player - it's always sad and it always sucks to see studios close and devs lose their jobs. I really hope all those people land on their feet, because I know our indusutry is better with them in it," Patel tells the outlet. "As for me and how I look at things, I guess first and foremost: I don't believe in living in fear," the Avowed director.

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Lightning7710d ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel10d ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake10d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor9d ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda9d ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.