
Fable - Xbox Games Showcase

What does it mean to be a Hero? Well, in the fairytale land of Albion, that is entirely up to you.

sparky77379d ago

Graphics are incredible and they got the Fable British charm perfectly can not wait.

RaidenBlack379d ago

Was Not expecting to see Fable, let alone seeing mini-gameplay segment at the end.
The game's looking mighty impressive ... yes its not releasing anytime soon but I am now very hopeful.

__SteakDeck__379d ago

@RaidenBlack Why didn’t you expect to see Fable? MS teased it on Twitter. Real Fable fans knew.

Crows90379d ago

I expected it but unlike you now my interest is suddenly gone. How'd they manage to make a game I'm super hyped for so bland and dumb looking?....idk but they managed.

NecrumOddBoy379d ago

Richard Ayoade is a great get for this. He is exceptional with good British humor; perfect for the game.

-Foxtrot379d ago

It would be great if they manage a few other British comedians for cameos

They've always had a bunch of great British actors in the past games

EvertonFC379d ago

I saw Nigel Planer from the "young ones" in there sitting by the table 😊

Snookies12379d ago

Looked amazing from the glimpses we saw of gameplay! Can't wait to see more on it!

potatoseal379d ago

I love the look and feel of this one. Best part of their show imo.

KillBill379d ago

Starfield Direct for sure was something special. But the showcase snippet of Starfield wasn't really anything special compared to Fable showing.

EvertonFC378d ago

Need to see more tbh, more combat and moment to moment stuff.
Looking good though, only played fable 2 but had a blast with that years ago with my m8 and some northerners from Leeds 😂🤣

Magog379d ago

Doesn't seem like real gameplay. I doubt this is the game we will get.

starsi360379d ago

It playground games, and I get the impression they’re perfectionists. It’s in safe hands

Magog379d ago

Compare the Avowed CG trailer to the actual gameplay and see how quickly expectations fail to meet reality.

KillBill379d ago

In game cinematics as well as game play. Though they appeared to remove UI and button indications for gameplay portions for a more cinematic presentation at the end.

Magog379d ago

That wasn't gameplay in any reasonable sense. C'mon. Don't be naive.

KingKionic 379d ago

I think the parts were shes running away from the guy are all in game which look very impressive.

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Microsoft Has an Incredible Upcoming Lineup in Store for RPG Fans

Fans of Western-made RPGs are being treated to an incredible lineup of games in development at Microsoft's studios.

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phoenixwing372d ago

Going to be left waiting quite awhile for any of them except starfield

King_Noctis371d ago

Games don’t take just one or two years to develop anymore.

phoenixwing371d ago

That doesn't refute my statement. I'm looking forward to avowed to be honest. I have a gaming pc.

BrainSyphoned371d ago

No shit? Maybe don't announce Elder Scrolls 6 in 2018 when it won't be out till 2028 and it won't be such an issue.

King_Noctis371d ago


So when should they announce it? 1 month before release? Fact is, we don’t even know when this game started development. For all we know, Bethesda could have been developing this game alongside Starfield since before its reveal in 2018. So where did you guys get this 2028 date from?

Godmars290371d ago

Many of those tittles have been talked and hinted about for years.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 371d ago
Zeref371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

Avowed is 2024 so not that long.
By the time you're done with Starfield you got another one to look forward to.
Fable and Clockwork are most likely 2025 (small chance either could be late 2024 as well)
Outerworlds 2 could be 2026.

Elder Scrolls 6 could be 2027, a lot of people are predicting 2028 or later for this one but you gotta remember Starfield only took so long because they spent a lot of time upgrading the Creation Engine. So I don't think Elder Scrolls 6 is gonna be that long and it certainly won't have the same scope as Starfield since it's most likely only taking place on one planet.

For the next 4 years we know we'll have at least one Xbox exclusive RPG every year.

So not sure what you mean by "waiting quite a while"

Reaper22_371d ago

I'm sure goers don't mind waiting if the game is good. Playstation gamers waited an entire generation for The Last Guardian.

sparky77372d ago

Yep Xbox is they hard to WRPGs, it will pretty much have one every year.
2023: Starfield
2024: Avowed
2025: Fable
2026: Clockwork Revolution
2027: The Outers Worlds
2028: ES6

sparky77372d ago

JRPGs are great but their biggest pit fall is they are usually one and done games with little replayability except extra difficulty modes. WRPGs last for years since you have a new experience every play through.

porkChop372d ago

Entirely different styles of games. Neither is better than the other because they aim to provide different experiences.

TheColbertinator371d ago

I have tremendous respect for Xenoblade, Elden Ring, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy but they are different games in nearly every aspect of design

Sonic1881371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

Dark Souls and The Witcher series is all I need for RPGs. I'm about to be 30 year's old and I'm hoping that they continue to make these games before I get real old

FinalFantasyFanatic371d ago

I prefer JRPGs, I can barely sit through more WRPGs, but then again, it's hard finding good JRPGs these days.

RedDevils371d ago

Sparky no JRPG fans, play the games only once.

blackblades371d ago

Borderlands drained my soul from me at one point. Looking at Bethesda stuff its meh to me but i played some other wrpg I could never finish them. I just lose interest and they went know where I believe.

Maybe but they both are RPG

BrainSyphoned371d ago

Western Fantasy/JRPG FF16> all

Kerppamaister371d ago

A blanket definiton like that is bullshit and you know it

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 371d ago
Crows90371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

Not sure that will be the release schedule at all.
First off Im concerned for avowed though I trust obsidian.

Fable Im also concerned since no real gameplay was shown...2025 might be on the money for that one though. But they could release it next year...its been in development for quite a bit. Same with clockwork revolution. MS has been saying they dont wanna show games too early...so Im hopin for next coupler of years.

Elder scrolls 6 is going to be at least 2028...that is likely.

2024 will likely be a big year for Microsoft with all the games theyve shown. Id say between 2024 and 2025 will realease most of the ones they showed off.

GhostScholar371d ago

I think clockwork revolution will be out by 2025 at latest. That game has been in development for like 3 years

371d ago
Christopher371d ago

It's amazing that you know all of these release years. Can you share your crystal ball? Fairly certain Clockwork Revolution will be released within 2 years.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 371d ago
Obscure_Observer372d ago

Who would believe that Xbox under Phil Spencer´s leadership would become the house of first party RPGs and single player games.

As an RPG fan myself, I couldn´t be happier!

A universe of wonders will be upon us Xbox fans and gamers, coming September with Starfield!

I can´t wait!

Crows90372d ago

Except you would have gotten all of that regardless of ownership. All Xbox accomplished is taking them off competitors platforms. Of course you'd be happier.

Obscure_Observer372d ago


All of those studios has been Xbox first party studios since 2018, so it´s past time for you to get over it. It isn´t anyone´s fault if your preferred brand won´t invest in first party RPG games and studios.

If Phil acquired/created so many RPG studios and teams, is because RPGs games are in line with his vision for a more genre diverse library of games for Xbox.

So take your frustrations and complaints elsewhere. Demand more and better from whatever company you support, and enjoy your games.

TripleAAARating372d ago

Seems the ubiquitous delusions of the Xbox 360 era is back after one decent summer showcase from MS, it's like the last 10-12 years of nothingness has been forgotten... the consistent vitriol, chimera and hogwash spewed from the likes of Obscure, 343, KingKionic, sparky, Magog and others is disgusting to see, times like these is where the openzone was a much needed cesspool for this lot... They takeover EVERY positive Xbox related articles along with every negative Sony one.. I know the toxicity isn't as bad as it used to be, but It's really tiresome visiting this website most of the times, I know the easy thing would be to try and ignore, but for a guy like me who sporadically comments and likes to read the intelligent and insightful opinions of others its difficult.

Wrex369372d ago

Dude spare us all the tears and use money to obtain the games lol

wiz7191371d ago

@Crows90 first off Bethesda went to MS looking to be bought not the other way around LOL .. and judging by the way things were going before MS bought them who knows if we would of got those games ….. second , bruh if it wasn’t for MS helping Bethesda get into the console space you wouldn’t be getting a damn thing. Todd Howard barely even likes Sony , and that’s been know for years ..

NXFather371d ago

Without Phil:
We would have gotten a BUGGY and cheap small scale State Of Decay with multiplayer banding.
We would have gotten a small scale low quality and cheap avowed unlike the one shown that still needs some work.
We would have gotten a small scale cheap Hell Blade instead of one with that level of facial physics animations and yes they can do it like ratchet and clank because it is not open world like Horizon but super linear like Rift Apart.
We would have gotten No Initiative Perfect Dark and Setup to Purchase Tomb Raider.(Give Time)
We would have gotten No Open World Clock Work rpg just like open world State Of Decay, avowed and Pillars Of Exile. Instead Only Isometric Pillars Of Exile Only.
We would have gotten No Open World Fable.
We would have gotten A Bugthesda Starfield that had a much smaller scale on multiple competing platforms instead of one with way less bugs and console industry leading scale. (If Starfield was PS5 exclusive and No Mans Sky was Xbox exclusive you and all like you would say No Mans Sky Quality is not comparable to StarField)
We certainly would Not get any of this for 10 dollars a month either.
We would Not be getting a South Of Midnight without Phil.
We would Not be getting a ContraBand.(Open World most likely)
We would Not be getting a Indiana Jones.(Open World most likely)

Phil can be annoying but, that is simply a lie.

King_Noctis371d ago

Companies like Obsidian, Ninja Theory, and inXile would still need to find publisher for their games anyway. Under MS they have the cash to do whatever they want without having too much worry.

Crows90371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

Oh geez has it really been that long??? Thats a shit ton of time with no results...except for mostly bad ones. A bullshit deal is still a bullshit deal no matter how long ago it occurred. I dont prefer a brand but I dont like bullshit either. Microsoft reeks of it through all their PR and purchases.

As far as his vision...wasnt it to make sure more gamers get access to games? Cant keep track with the lies. But no it has nothing to do with RPG studios being in line with any vision. Their vision is content for gamepass. They didnt buy a bunch of new, noname rpg studios. They bought the most well known and holders of some of the most beloved franchises and IP in the western gaming sector. Yeah...vision of rpg my arse.

I demanded better form xbox, which i supported throughout half of the xbox one generation but never wanted bullshit deals and no new IP. I demanded better from them and instead, after all this time and saying to wait and how gaming and games are for everyone and access to said games is the vision...they go on to buy a bunch of my beloved IP...and now arkane released redfall. Arkane...how does that happen. I do demand better form those that would buy their way through the industry without earning any respect or trust from most gamers.

Starfield will be great...yeah no shit, its bethesda...they made morrowind, oblivion, fallout and skyrim. Who wouldve expected them to release a title with their style again??

Youre making a lot of guesses there. And I guess a ton of fortunetelling...none of what you say is true since it hasnt happened yet.

Dont need money for gamepass on PC. Its practically free.

Charlieboy333371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

@Obscure "It isn´t anyone´s fault if your preferred brand won´t invest in first party RPG games and studios". Thank you for saying this....now I never wan't to hear another single complaint out of your mouth regarding any third party exclusives such as Final Fantasy 16 or any future ones that come to Playstation. Because as you just said it isn't anyones fault if Xbox won't invest in bringing those games to you either. Right!!!?

Obscure_Observer371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

"Oh geez has it really been that long??? Thats a shit ton of time with no results...except for mostly bad ones."

Tell me more about the bad *ones* plural. The only bad result was Redfall as far I can recall.

And yes, game development takes time, especially considering current gen AAA games development. Booty already said that modern games takes 4 to 6 years to be developed. That´s why MS is acquiring so many studios, to meet their goal and release 4 first party games in a year.

"As far as his vision...wasnt it to make sure more gamers get access to games? Cant keep track with the lies."

Well, he delivered on his promises. I lost track of how many platforms Xbox games will be available to play. Especially with the advancement on the Cloud Gaming space.

Now, Phil have no compromise or obligation to release Xbox games on competition´s platform. That would make zero sense, from a business standpoint, at least of course, we´re talking about very specific type of games like Minecraft, for instance.

"They didnt buy a bunch of new, noname rpg studios. They bought the most well known and holders of some of the most beloved franchises and IP in the western gaming sector. Yeah...vision of rpg my arse"

Yes, vision of RPG. You can scream and shout all you want. But the truth, is that Phil acquired studios that suits his vision for Xbox just like the competition has been doing the last couple of years, focusing on... well... let´s just say... elsewhere.

Besides, by the time Phil acquired most of those studios, there´s many people referring to Bethesda as shadow of its former self, InXile as a small not relevant studio and Obsidian as a broken near-bankrupted studio. Now that those studios are Xbox first party studios, the same people feel like they have the right to demand Xbox to release games on their beloved console. Go figure.

"I demanded better from them and instead, after all this time and saying to wait and how gaming and games are for everyone and access to said games is the vision...they go on to buy a bunch of my beloved IP...and now arkane released redfall."

Phil bough Bethesda because it was for sale, that´s how business works. You don´t have to like it, but it is what it is. You should blame Bethesda for not caring about Playstation.


"Thank you for saying this....now I never wan't to hear another single complaint out of your mouth regarding any third party exclusives such as Final Fantasy 16 or any future ones that come to Playstation"

You´re in luck then, because for all I care, Sony can buy SquareEnix today and I won´t give a sh!t.

Quite contrary, I´ll personally salute them for doing so. I said many times that I rather have Sony or MS buying those big publishers over other larger companies like Nextflix, Amazon, Embracer, Meta, Google, Tencent... etc.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 371d ago
S2Killinit372d ago

Well, it depends on what you mean by “house of”. Most of these games aren’t going to be released anytime soon. So, i wonder what will be on offer elsewhere during the next 5 years. In other words, a little too soon to declare victory.

Obscure_Observer372d ago

"Well, it depends on what you mean by “house of”. Most of these games aren’t going to be released anytime soon."

I´m not worried and most definitely not in a hurry, since Starfield will have tons of content to keep us busy for a long time before the next big Xbox first party RPG got released next year.

S2Killinit372d ago

That is great news. You will have something hopefully great to play. I’m going to be enjoying Final Fantasy 16, and my backlog of games and hopefully catch up to PS5’s next masterpiece. Hope you enjoy yourself as well. Gaming is much shorter than most people realize because life catches up with you and suddenly you cant play games like you used to.

Obscure_Observer371d ago

"Gaming is much shorter than most people realize because life catches up with you and suddenly you cant play games like you used to."

Indeed. So many games I like to try and I simple don´t have the time to play the vast majority of it all. We not getting any younger so we have to enjoy the most of gaming as we can.

I hope you enjoy Final Fantasy next week and that game turns out to be awesome! Happy gaming!

MIDGETonSTILTS17372d ago

I mean, let’s not count our eggs before they hatch.

Right now, they just need a consistent output of any capacity.

Crows90371d ago

Specifically a quality output Id say.
Starfield could be that first big game with quality.

MIDGETonSTILTS17371d ago


“Consistency” requires more than a single data point to establish, by definition.

Even 2-3 data points could be jumping the gun.

And Xbox has alotta misses and empty years to make up before they can change what they are are known for consistently being: disappointing.

purple101371d ago

This Xbox new found pizaz has made my week

Xbox under Phil Spencer´s leadership would become the house of first party RPGs and single player games.

Never laughed so hard. If it was sarcasm....well done...if not... See previous 12 years of drought + doctors appointment, for a headcheck

371d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies371d ago

Who would believe? Anyone! Phil has done a good job of turning Xbox around after the disastrous launch of the Xbox One, but he didn’t really do anything to turn Xbox into a RPG powerhouse. No Fable during the entire Xbox zone generation! All the Bethesda games were launching on Xbox anyway, regardless of whether Microsoft’s board approved spending $7.5B! The only decent decision for Phil was buying the developer of The Outer Worlds. I didn’t like the game but I expect The Outer Worlds 2 will be better.

Flakegriffin371d ago

Who would believe that Obscure would become N4Gs biggest L account ever made?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 371d ago
KingKionic 372d ago

Yep. Xbox will forever be king of WRPGS. Lord Phil holding down the west quite well.

Nothing but the best for xbox gamers.

Crows90372d ago

If only they would sell as well as on the PlayStation...the actual king of all games sales.

Othegamer5372d ago

as a gamer what does that do for you. do you get a check?

Chevalier371d ago

Yep which is why worrying is silly. Games like Baldurs Gate 3 won't skip such a large audience and plenty of other studios making these type of games so no worries Playstation will lack anything.

Good for Xbox fans for sure though. Hopefully their fans support those games

King_Noctis371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

By that logic then Nintendo is actually the king of all games sales (for console maker that is). Go look at their sale chart compared to Sony and MS.

Crows90371d ago (Edited 371d ago )


How many copies of skyrim did nintendo sell?
What backwards logic are you using? With multiplats sony consistently sells the most. Exclusive sales is where Nintendo shines. All those games microsoft can now claim exclusivity from come from traditionally 3rd party multiplatform developers.

Why would I get a check? You could reply that to nearly any comment here. Not sure the point youre trying to make. I dont think you have one.

King_Noctis371d ago

So how can PS be the king of all game sale when Nintendo is actually the one selling the most amount of exclusive game? I fail to see your logic here.

And talking about taking away games, didn’t Sony recently just acquire Bungie, Insomniac, Bluepoint Game, Fabrik Games, Firesprite, Firewalk, Haven Studio, Housemarque, Savage Game Studio, Nixxes Software, and Valkyrie Entertainment? Why aren’t you calling out Sony for taking 10 multiplatform developers away from Xbox, Switch, and PC as well?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 371d ago
ravens52372d ago

"Lord Phil"... So much makes sense now.

S2Killinit372d ago

Wow cringe. The brainwashing of xbox fanbase was so effective. Its turned into a cult of personality.

MIDGETonSTILTS17372d ago

That’s what happens when you buy all of the western rpg studios…

Let’s see if the talent stays long enough to maintain these established IPs.

gold_drake371d ago

considering that even diablo 4 sold more on playstation should tell you who your "king" is.

371d ago Replies(4)
Flakegriffin371d ago

“Lord Phil”?

You Xbox fanatics are weird.

MIDGETonSTILTS17371d ago

Lord Phil doesn’t even wanna waste time trying to compete with Sony’s games

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 371d ago
slayernz371d ago

Yep all this talk recently about starfield and all these other rpgs, yet barely anyone mentions bg3. This game is gonna be way better than all these ms rpgs

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Fable is coming to Game Pass on Day One

The Fable series is famous for getting some well known UK talent, and it seems the new game is no exception.

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TheColbertinator379d ago

Where is the excitement? My panties were soaking from this opening to the showcase

VenomUK379d ago

It’s been three years since the teaser - I was expecting to see gameplay.

RpgSama379d ago

I thought we were going to see gameplay from all games, but a good bunch had no to barely there gameplay (like Hellblade 2 WTF), These are all games that were announced YEARS ago.

Also State of Decay 3 and everwild are MIA.

Snookies12379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

There were some glimpses of gameplay in there, but yeah I get what you mean. I was hoping to see a bit more in the gameplay department too. Either way, it does look to be shaping up really well! I'm definitely excited to see how it turns out. I just hope it doesn't take 2-3 more years or something.

__SteakDeck__379d ago

@VenomUK The Game is at least 2 years away, so I never expected that.

maniacmayhem379d ago

We saw a lot of gameplay from a good amount of games shown. Not sure if you all watched the same show everyone else did.

Bobertt379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

In an interview with another developer he said a lot of the games Microsoft showed back then weren't even in development like Senua 2 and the trailers were the trailers the game developers pitch to Xbox or other publishers as for what they expect a proposed game to look like to get funding for it. The problem is Microsoft didn't have much to show so they just decided to use those same pitch trailers to build hype for Xbox long before the games were even really in development at best they were in early development. So it explains why a lot of these games don't even have gameplay years later.

Lifexline379d ago

Did you blink it was there

-Foxtrot378d ago


3 years since the reveal and we only got that

Yeah it’s funny, the humour is there but they could have shown more.

Is the giant a mission in the game or was this all just for marketing?

repsahj378d ago

Up until now they've only been showing how many facial expressions Senua can make. XD

Abear21378d ago

3-5 years dev time + Covid means 2024 and 2025 games that actually took their time and were developed with proper sized teams will be bangers. I don’t think anything big, Perfect Dark, Fable, those types of games will be another couple years out.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 378d ago
DickyD1226379d ago

It was an okay show case. I'd give it a b - just like sonys showcase.

Lightning77379d ago

Definitely not like Sony's showcase. I'll put my review up in article talking about the showcase. It's much better than Sony's show.

sparky77379d ago

Sorry if you think Sony's was a b then MS's is an SSS.

Godmars290379d ago

So you c**e in your pants, before anything was shown.

Its called pre-ejaculation my friend.

Christopher379d ago

Let's not judge. We all have our issues. Being excited shouldn't be shamed upon.

poppatron378d ago

Never has the underlying disdain for Xbox here on n4g been more apparent. I think objectively this show was great, subjectively I can go all in and say show of the year. Game after game that was exciting, lots of announcements, it was by no means perfect but was very good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 378d ago
neutralgamer1992379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

Ok but when? All exclusives will come go GP so this isn’t news. Hopefully this game is amazing by fable 2 for me has some amazing moments

RaidenBlack379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

Was Not expecting to see Fable, let alone seeing mini-gameplay segment at the end.
The game's looking mighty impressive ... yes its not releasing anytime soon but I am now very hopeful.

repsahj378d ago

That Giant gameplay reminds me of Atreus fighting Gryla. XD

Shadowsteal379d ago

No gameplay, we learned nothing since the teaser 3 years ago. 2025 game at the earliest.

__SteakDeck__379d ago

@Shadowsteal The only thing we learned is that the game will look great. But it’s Playground, so it’s not that big of a surprise.

bababooiy379d ago

Well we heard plenty of rumors how the game is in development hell lol. This likely why nothing ever gets shown, i think MS just keeps teasing it so people stay excited. Wouldnt be surpirsed if behind the scenes theres barely anything there.

Godmars290379d ago

So, no release date, or did I just forget seeing one that quickly?

Regardless, its as much about what shape the game's in when it releases as when its released. Especially given examples such as Redfall and Halo Infinite.

Lightning77379d ago

A release date was never teased or expected by anyone. Hell we didn't even know if the game would show up at all.

__SteakDeck__379d ago

@Lightning77 The Xbox Twitter page teased it.

Crows90378d ago

So...it's been how many years and you didn't expect it? Wow....I guess the whole waiting game has really been engrained in the Xbox fanbase.

Lightning77379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

@Steak Omg talking about before the tease obviously hardly anyone expected the game to show up unless you just predicted it like everyone else predicts things. The general consensus was a mystery if the game would show up or not. Only after the tease did it actually happen. Insiders were scratching their heads if the game would show up. Nobody knew until after the tease are you keeping up still? Even then a Release date was not expected here I and most ppl weren't expect a release date here. Especially after the rumors through the recent years on the game.

You understand what I'm saying to you? Use your head.

Besides where did Xbox twitter page teased a release date?

Absolutely no where they tease a release date.

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