
PlayStation Showcase was Sony at its worst and a major disappointment for PS5

Sony’s much anticipated E3 style preview event was full of new games but few of them were by Sony and none of them stole the show.

P_Bomb429d ago (Edited 429d ago )

Will go down as a missed opportunity. Please don’t take 2 years again. 🫥

Abracadabra428d ago

This is what happens when there's no competition.

outsider1624428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

This is actually Xbox's chance to take this opportunity. Good luck to them.

Abracadabra428d ago

It's not a question of luck. It's a question of talent.
Does the Xbox have the talent to take this opportunity?

zacly428d ago

Exactly. Competing against an imaginary Perfect Dark and Fable game and two major IPs (Gears and Halo) being run into the ground by incompetent developers. Used to be an xbox guy but have given up on them. They seem more focused on buying up companies than actually making games.

jznrpg428d ago

@outside1624 Cbox can have good shows but what does that do in the end when the games have to be released? Nothing much

onisama428d ago

They have all the talents... But do they have the right management to direct them? In my opinion no thats actually why their games is all over the place hifi is great redfall is bad forza is on top grounder is nice.... Its like flipping a coin and see what you get

Sonic1881428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Yup that's facts. I hope Microsoft brings it.

ravens52428d ago

I don't like that excuse. Sony should always please their hard-core customers more than anything. That's how you end up in last place. This whole shift towards live service is trash. They better not deviate from what got them here.

Wintersun616428d ago

I was disappointed by this showcase. Where were all the new games in progress from the many Playstation studios that we know have been under work for a long time now? Then it hit me. They're still holding back because they think it will help their case against MS buying ABK. Will it help? I doubt it and I think they're shooting themselves in the foot. However, I'm still confident in Sony's ability to consistently deliver the best games in the future. They've been doing it for a long time now. And the absence of first party reveals just means that there's a lot to look for in the near future. All those studios we didn't hear from in this showcase are working on something. Also correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Sony say a couple of years back that they don't want to show new first party games years before their release anymore?

CrimsonWing69428d ago

Honestly, you're 100% correct.

I think what we'll see is Xbox take in the feedback from this Sony showcase to try and deliver a much stronger showcase.

fr0sty428d ago

Considering they don't think that making good games will help them sell consoles, I wouldn't hold your breath.

babadivad427d ago

Exactly what I kept saying. You Sony fans should WANT a competitive Xbox. Maybe now they'll finally see how ridiculous they've been. I doubt it though.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen427d ago

There's no competition because Xbox isn't even trying. Nintendo is the king of it's portable gaming segment and regularly releases good games. Sony just needs to bounce back from all the delays caused by the pandemic. Hell, where's TLOU Factions?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 427d ago
sparky77428d ago

That is what makes it such as colossal failure, two whole years of no showcase and this is the best you can do.

RaidenBlack428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

I have a feeling ... Sony'll have another PS showcase focusing more 1st parties, later this year ... September-ish maybe?
Yea ... I am just being utopic ... lol (coz the hype was through the roof, lmao. From PS on social media themselves to every gaming news site hyped it big time)
[ guess Xbox showcase might surprise? fingers crossed ]

tagzskie428d ago

@sparky77 yeah i also feel disappointed. i wondered how xboys feel when xbox have conference, its sucks to be them if they feel the same everytime. Off topic gonna settle for ff16 and spiderman 2 this year though. Looking forward for RE4 VR mode

Eonjay428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

The show content wise was fine. Sony also showed several new IP. The only real problem is that there was no gameplay. Whomever made the decision to go CGI for every Sony trailer needs to be fired. Spider-Man and Hell Divers were the only positive first party showing because they were the only things with gameplay. The rest of the show was fine. Lots of good games.

Christopher428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Weren't those two the only first party showings other than Bungie games?

I've complained about the lack of first party showcases before and while this wasn't a bad showcase it focused way too much on third parties again.

Crows90428d ago


The first game showed in the presentation it was also a first party which blew my mind because that looked like a horrible game even though it was just a cinematic

AmUnRa428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Almost all the third party games where CGI but thats not Sony's. fault. That the fault of the third party developers, the games that where first party showed gameplay.
Sony cant demand from third party developers to deliver gameplay ore else.....
Thats not how ot works....

Theyr wil be another SoP ore showcase that will highlite the first party games in the months to come, thats a given....

thesoftware730428d ago

I agree, not a bad show; they showed a lot of different games, and that is what it's about.

Did we want more 1st party, sure, but they showed like 30 games, hard to be disappointed just because they are not many 1st party. I always thought that mentality was kinda weird and have said it in the past about Xbox, you can't claim a system has no games just because all are not 1st party.

I know 1st party games are important, and needed, but if there are tons of good games to play, I'm good.

Obscure_Observer428d ago

"Whomever made the decision to go CGI for every Sony trailer needs to be fired."

That´s nonsense! Studios will only show gameplay when they´re ready to do it. It´s pretty dumb and irresponsible to demand people to get fired for things they are not in control.

To show gameplay in this time and age is a risky business that could ruin your project in early stages of development with all the main and social media slamming developers work, along influencers with 120x zoom lens to try and find issues you can´t find at naked eye just for the heck of it.

The lack of new and big AAA first party games was disappoint, but I will not blame Sony for not showing gameplay for it´s announced games.

King_Noctis428d ago

Every company (not just Sony) by now should not use CGI as a trailer. We have the technology right now to make games that look good with great gameplay, yet those companies still rely on the same advertising tactics from a decade ago. Look at games like Spider-Man 2 and ToTK. No CGI is needed yet they are the two most anticipated game this year.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 428d ago
onisama428d ago

In 2 years they will have live service games to show... Yay so excited

428d ago
badz149428d ago

the level of double standards seen here is overwhelming. Sony has been doing great so far with the PS5, so WTH are all these skepticism and frustration all of a sudden? they just released the PSVR2 and I think they used the allocated time well on VR content because,...unless you guys forgot...THEY WANT TO MOVE THOSE UNITS! they want PSVR2 to be a success and VR to continue to thrive in the console space. hey, I'm not the biggest VR fan out there and don't even have any VR set to speak of but I admire the effort and I hope more people will embrace VR. Sure, Sony might be relying too much on Spidey2 and FF16 to maintain the PS5's momentum this year but I also understand that they also desperately want PSVR2 to succeed and I think I can understand. it's not like Sony is abandoning their fanbase to dry. they are just hoping that players will be satisfied with Spidey2 and FF16 as far as exclusives are concerned for now. more will be coming next year, no doubt! I'm just happy that earlier next year, we will finally get something Wolverine!

there was a time when Sony was in a similar situation with the PS4 and PS Vita. they just weren't able to keep pushing both. something had to take priority and we know what happened and the rest is history. it's just that back then I was really rooting for the Vita and still feeling that frustration that it was left to die and its potential wasted.

so why is it when it comes to MS it's always waiting for this, wait for that, and Nintendo basically has NOTHING huge regarding 1st party offerings either but nobody complains! but Sony not showing ALL games from ALL their studios, suddenly the torches and pitchforks are out! like I said, DOUBLE STANDARDS!

ApocalypseShadow428d ago

Happens all the time where Sony's competitors don't show anything. Sony shows a lot but it's not enough. They want more. They want some type of road map and for Sony to spill the beans on everything they got for the next 5 years. Which is nonsense.

They've become spoiled. All those games and superb looking VR games and they're complaining.

Bathyj427d ago

It will go down as a terrible show and rightly so because of how long we had to wait and for all the stuff they shouldn't have shown.
But please keep inind, not showing the games we want to see is not as bad as showing the games we want to see and them being bad, nor are they the same thing.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 427d ago
Jin_Sakai429d ago (Edited 429d ago )

Probably the worst PlayStation showcase I’ve ever seen. Talk about a disappointment.

And to think, we waited nearly two years for this!

MatrixxGT428d ago

It was pretty lackluster. Spider-Man and FF we already knew about. I think Sony trying to keep their shows to games that are coming within 12 months instead of showing stuff that’s 2yrs or more out.
Honestly though I never got into comic stuff like Spider-Man or FF so for me there really wasn’t anything to be excited about. I don’t have time to invest in live service games anymore. Guess I’m getting old now, only games I’ll probably get will be tear down and AC mirage and those are multi platform.

robtion428d ago

All I really wanted to see was an update and hopefully release date for Stellar Blade. Alas, it was not to be.

Flawlessmic428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Wasn't worthy of the showcase title tbh

Could've done another 3rd party state of play, a vr state of play and then a spiderman state of play. One each day over 3 days just to make it fun.

Spider man looked sick as we all knew it would.

I mean mgs 3 is my fav mgs so that massive but was also the worst kept rumour in the world, gameplay defs would've spiced that up.

Dragons dogma 2 I will defs be buying, I mean there was some nice games there no doubt.

Sony's offerings outside of spider man though were absolutely lacklustre, cgi trailers, no dates no nothing really.

Compared to any of Sony's previous big shows this does not compare in the slightest.

It's rare slip up and missed opportunity by Sony and hey they are only human but as it relates to 1st party or just ps exclusives in general in fell very flat, the first time I can remember watching a Sony show and feeling deflated rather than hyped.

Surprisingly the vr stuff I have to say was probs the best stuff shown

EvertonFC428d ago

"Could've done another 3rd party state of play, a vr state of play and then a spiderman state of play. One each day over 3 days just to make it fun"

That actually should be the way to do it moving fwd, at least gamers know what to expect then 3rd, VR or AAA 1st party deep dive and have a big showcase in August with 5 AAA 1st party games all with10 mins each.

thesoftware730428d ago

It wasn't mind-blowing, but they showed so many games it was hard for me to be disappointed.

Please let Phantom Blade 0 be real and good, that game looks dope.

Flawlessmic428d ago


If that was a 3rd party state of play I'd give it 8 or 9 out of 10.

It wasn't though, it was a playstation showcase where exclusives should be stealing the show.

Outside of spider man, we got cgi trailers for live service games and no dates for anything.

Phantom blade, AW2, DD2 and a few others all looked great.

But the show should have been mostly about Sony's games and it wasn't hence the disappointment, that's not to say all 3rd party games that were showed weren't great.

Ps5conehead428d ago

@flaw I’ll tell you why there were no game play footage and no set date . Because you spoiled gamers will scrutinize the in game play video. And complain when it’s not even the finished game. And if they set a date and have to extend it there will be complaints and crying through out the gaming internet sites. I thought it was fine they showed a Lot of games weather first party are third party . There’s games to play.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 428d ago
darkrider428d ago

Cool. Don't let the opinion of people that don't have ps5 wrecked your fun. Its toxic the place we are getting.

EvertonFC428d ago

Same, I found it great although I agree it was missing another 1st party game or 2 to top it off. Because it didnt have that extra 1st party game or 2 gamers have already hit the "it was shit" comments because they`ve followed what there youtube influencers have said ie; KFG, Jaffe etc.

NotoriousWhiz428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

I know yall are disappointed about exclusives. But I don't care about exclusives. I care about games and I look forward to adding MGS collection, Diablo 4, Ff16, Spider man 2, Street Fighter 6, and Beat Saber to my collection (i.e. backlog) this year.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 428d ago
Lightning77429d ago

Was this a disappointing show? Yes but let's keep it real according to this article.

"We still have no idea what studios like Bluepoint, Housemarque, and Santa Monica are up to next. There was no way all of those were going to be revealed at once but the fact that none of them were is hugely disappointing."

So if Sony already showed games at the showcase that was CG, far out or just a logo what the hell do you think would happen if they announced those studios that weren't there? More CG, teaser and logos and no release date that's all we would get. Either way this guy would complain regardless if they showed up or not. Not just the writer but everyone who's expectations that were through the sky. So what would the point of those other studios showing up?

outsider1624428d ago

I mean it's disappointing sure but another reason where im letting pass is because even if they did show say a trailer or some cgi announcing the game. It'll be a few years before they even release. And people would whine of showing too early. And sony did say they don't want to show games too early.

Still..i was disappointed..

Lightning77428d ago

"It'll be a few years before they even release. And people would whine of showing too early. "

Exactly. If SP showed a CG trailer they would whine because it was a CG. That's why I said it wouldn't make a difference if Sony's other studios showed up or not. People would complain that it was all CG. Because that's exactly what it

Reminds me of Xbox show in 2020 when they showed a bunch of cg stuff.

Truth is allot of Sony's Studios are still early in development. Not much we can do about it.

EvertonFC428d ago

Gamers hype themselves into a frenzy because of the youtubers bigging things up and when it doesnt happen the shit hits the fan.
I thought it was very good showcase as i now have a big list of games to look fwd to which i didn`t have before the showcase.

ApocalypseShadow429d ago

Some of you guys need your heads examined. What were you expecting? They showed a lot of games, awesome looking VR games and new tech and that's not enough. First party, third party, Indies, etc.

It's like you guys were expecting Sony to show PS6 games or something. Or that there isn't more games coming besides these that we know Sony's good on. Most shown were games coming soon. Not games coming 3 years from now.

Abriael429d ago

Absolutely asinine articles like this are the result of the fact that most websites nowadays rely entirely on Google search and SEO to dictate their traffic.

Websites can write stuff that is absolutely inane, and not care about their reputation with readers. Poor writers don't need to write articles that make a lick of sense. As long as they follow SEO and clickbait, Google Search will bring them traffic anyway.

rippermcrip428d ago

You rely on Star Citizen videos. You have no room to talk.

Christopher428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

@rippermcrio this site has worked with Abriael for over a decade now. While we don't always agree and we have very different opinions on content at times, Abriael has regularly posted about things that interest him and not just things that will get hits or notice on SEO. He isn't the journalists being discussed. He doesn't write targeted opinion pieces on hot topics just because Google is prioritizing them at the moment. He focuses on bringing us news and usually news that you'll won't easily find on Google or similar news sites where the focus is on bigger games and topics. A lot of the games that fall through the cracks are here because of him and others like him.

BriBri428d ago

From my point of view as a developer the gaming media is mostly clickbait garbage, which is unfortunate because there are a few decent writers and outlets, they're just buried underneath piles of junk .. much like the decent games on the Nintendo, steam and PlayStation stores.

Abriael428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

@Christopher: thanks man :D it's nice to hear someone understands. Funnily, I quit my previous job partly because of the overreliance on SEO. Turned out I was right because after a few months the owner fired most of the staff because when you rely on SEO and Google exclusively, you don't really need good writers.

@rippermcrip: I don't "rely" on anything. I write about games, regardless of whether you or anyone else likes them or not. If people cared purely about games a bit more instead of unrelated aspects like whether they're exclusive or whether they've been in development for a long time, they'd probably be less disappointed by showcases and enjoy them more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 428d ago
tay8701428d ago

I'm a huge playstation fanboy and I was VERY disappointed.. bluepoint, bend and sucker punch all have to be very fsr into development and they showed none of them. Not to mention where the hell is the last of us online and twisted metal online. Lots of other studios like London, asobi, ballistic moon could have made a small appearance. Add in stellar blade and FF7 rebirth (which are both supposed to release this yr) they no doubt missed a great opportunity. Have a feeling they are sandbagging because if the pending ABK deal which is also very irritating.

ApocalypseShadow428d ago


**The show will run a bit over an hour, focusing on PS5 and PS VR2 games in development from top studios from around the world. Expect a glimpse at several new creations from PlayStation Studios, as well as spellbinding games from our third-party partners and indie creators.**

This is EXACTLY what was shown. They didn't say "look forward to us showing all of our first party titles in one hour."

If you expected anything else, that was your problem. Doesn't matter what you wanted. They covered multiple developers like they said in the write up. And you know they are not going to show games way out when they want you to focus on games coming soon. You disappointed yourself.

Soulsborne428d ago

They will show when ready, simple as that.

SeTTriP428d ago

Sony raised the bar to high even for themselves.it just seems to me that ppl are proactively seeking bad Sony news because of the other guy.

It was a decent show I saw atleast 3 games that peeked my interest besides spider man.

I give it a c+ it was mid for sony not they're best but definitely not the worst.

BehindTheRows428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Nah, let ‘em gripe. While they do, Final Fantasy is about to drop, Spider-Man is releasing soon after, and plenty more are on the way. Today’s online crew likes a spectacular “show”, but most of the world couldn’t give a toss about a State of Play. When the games release and break records, as usual, this show will be irrelevant again.

It is funny watching it, though. Sony isn’t a company struggling to release high quality games. A “disappointing” show does change anything just like a spectacular show wouldn’t, and won’t, move the needle.

Also: https://twitter.com/riotrmd...

SeTTriP428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

I mean I get it sony's fanbase is very vocal about the direction the console and software are going, but saying this was a horrible showcase is stretching it.

I guess it's Playstation fanbase virtue signaling that look, we harp on Sony just like we do MS.

derek428d ago

@Apocalypse, It was not a good showcase and it's ok to admit that. Showing a f**king movie trailer in a playstation game event was beyond stupid and smacked of dumb corporate group think. There were some games that caught my attention, but playstation needs to do better.

ApocalypseShadow428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Were there bad games shown? Nope. Did they show some great looking VR games? Yep.

Did they say they were going to show games from Sony Bend, Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica? Nope.

Did they say they were going to show some games and some from 3rd parties and Indies? Yep.

Go look at the *INVITE* one more time. Did they say what you imagined or what I said?

Obviously, you guys expected some GOW E3 presentation from years ago and for Sony to spend millions wowing you with flash and fireworks and not substance. You were disappointed. I wasn't. You can admit what you want.

Sony is a movie, music and television powerhouse besides gaming and just released The Last of Us TV show to rave reviews and an uptick in sales of the game. GT Movie is being pushed to do the same. The difference in Microsoft trying to be a media company like Sony and Sony actually BEING a media company. It's like you forgotten who Sony are as a company. CD, DVD and Blu-ray. Who do you think supported that media in gaming that allowed you to watch movies on your console?

Ps5conehead428d ago

That’s your opinion. I enjoyed the show.

EvertonFC428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

Gaming fannies who are sheep and just listen to what youtube influencers say. I too thought it was a very good showcase, although I agree it was missing an extra AAA 1st party or 2 like SH or tlou factions.

gleepot428d ago

90% of the show was multi-platform titles. 10% was first party VR and spider-man.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 428d ago
isarai429d ago

I'll admit I was hoping for a bit more 1st party stuff. Just seems odd how many studios are still radio silent on major projects for 3yrs or more. But worst? No, it was cool, not amazing, but ok.

blackblades429d ago (Edited 429d ago )

Right its just weird but like i said before they probably arent ready yet and just waiting for some to drop. Whats also weird that they usually go after MS but they announced this and showed it week later with indie/3rd party which wouldve been shown at summerfest. I say they'll have another either later on this year around september when Spiderman releases or early next year. You also gotta look at the games coming thats not out yet. Ff16, Spiderman, lost soul's, Stella blade, ronin. Im satisfied phantomblade, ghost runner2, cat quest that side scrolling game, tower of fantasy coming. Games that already was showned off like Stella blade and ronin. I'm good I got different love of games then others.

EvertonFC428d ago

Hopefully bring back the "playstation experience" event in December

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing25m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno17m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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VersusDMC6h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...