
Redfall Review: The prey bites back - Stevivor

Stevivor's Redfall review: "Redfall is a truly exciting experience. It's great solo, has the potential to be great with friends and will be perfect for anyone who's loved an Arkane game in the past."

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Bathyj508d ago

"truly exciting experience"

When I think of some of the PlayStation games that have booked on Stevivor and then I read this? Well that's all I need to know about this site.

Now I know there could be different reviewers and I don't care enough to go back and look it up but still, come on.

Flawlessmic508d ago

Stevivor enough said.

Any reviewer recommending people spend there money on this deserve to be black listed honestly.

Thank God it was on gamepass, if I wasted 120 dollars on this shit I'd be fuming.

Game is bad in every objective way you could score a game

SullysCigar508d ago

I heard he went for 9.5/10 at first and then changed it to 7.5/10. Not sure if that's true, as I didn't see it, but that tells you everything you need to know about this absolute joker. A total shill.

Flawlessmic508d ago

Yea I heard that aswell, but yea stevivor isn't to be trusted lol 7.5 for this underwhelming mess but they gave forbidden West a 6.5 it's just laughable.

generic-user-name508d ago

Blacklisted by Sony and you can see why.

SullysCigar508d ago

He should be blacklisted by N4G. Other sites have been in the past for far lesser indiscretions.

MrDead508d ago

So according to Stevivors review scores this game is as good as Bloodborne, which they also gave a 7.5... !?!

rippermcrip507d ago

Ghost of Tsushima 7
Horizon Zero Dawn 7
Horizon Forbidden West 6.5
TLOU Part I 6.5

Bathyj507d ago

Those reviews say more about their site than they do about those games.

anast508d ago

This is an anti-gamer review.


Concord and the Other Biggest Flops of This Generation

Some of the biggest success stories in the history of gaming have happened during this generation of gaming. At the same time, some of the biggest flops in the history of gaming have also happened during this generation of gaming. To this end, a few games particularly stick out as, unfortunately, disastrous flops for those who made the games, sold the games, and ultimately, for many that played the games.

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15d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies15d ago

What a strange, short list. There have been many more games that arrived DOA, were never released, didn’t make their budget back, etc. Why cherry pick these games? Is this list based on the size of internet hate boners?

EternalTitan15d ago

These flops have a similarity that you may not be allowed to point out.

15d ago Replies(2)
127maXimus15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Skull and Bones gets my vote, at this point just completely remake AC Black Flag. If the Concord developers had made the game free to play, and toned down the in your face messaging via the mods and design choices, this game could have been serviceable eventually. I never understand why pandering to 5% of your audience and giving the finger to the other 95% seems like a good idea to these people. They never seem to learn. Disney has lost 1/3rd of its value and they keep doubling down on political messaging. I don’t get it.

BlackTar18715d ago

Some of these companies are paid huge amounts of money to do this stuff. They get truck loads of money to give “the message”
By blackrock and vanguards and multiple other venture capitalists even though it’s been proven over and over they fail.

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion114d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv72113d ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood114d ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis007113d ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos132d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv72132d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k4132d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos132d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing69132d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex132d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay131d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos132d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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