
NVIDIA GeForce NOW and Other Cloud Gaming Providers Reject CMA Decision on Activision Blizzard Deal

Several cloud gaming service providers have expressed their disapproval of the CMA's block of Microsoft's bid to acquire Activision Blizzard.

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XiNatsuDragnel455d ago

Since they signed deals to Microsoft for this stuff I won't be surprised why they would not like this.

Alexious455d ago

And yet the CMA says cloud providers would lose out from the merger. Clearly they know better than the actual cloud providers.

Obscure_Observer455d ago

"And yet the CMA says cloud providers would lose out from the merger. Clearly they know better than the actual cloud providers."

Indeed. Nvidia is a big player in the Cloud gaming space and yet CMA believes they´re entitled to dictate how they should run their business.

RpgSama455d ago

Big player? Nvidia? LOL.

Also Boosteroid, the only other name in that article is a "big player", SURE.

Andrew336455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

@rpgsama GeForce now has been around awhile and has only gotten better.

Obscure_Observer455d ago


"Big player? Nvidia? LOL."

FYI, GeForce NOW is available in 113 countries while PS Plus Premium is available in only 30 countries.

At least do you homework before you spell snarky and ignorant remarks.

RpgSama455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

Amount of countries or registered users do not mean anything if those people are not paying.

If in "Latveria" they have 200 "registered" users, that does not add to anything.

computeSci455d ago

I'm natural in this stance. I'm not taking sides with Sony or Microsoft, but it kind of seems the CMA was grasping for straws at the last minute. Kind of like one of those "see to it" that this deal doesn't go through. If Microsoft appeal follows through, and cloud providers are saying otherwise, how will CMA respond to this?

kingnick455d ago

They're protecting their own interests too, one of the few things competing companies hate more then each other is ignorant and misinformed regulators as they create an uncertain business environment and businesses are all about minimising risks and maximising profits (traditionally at least, now you have startups that don't generate profits for many years and live off venture capital money but that's drying up and could sink some cloud providers).

S2Killinit455d ago

Thats the whole point, the cloud providers want to maintain their monopolies, a victory for one is a victory for all of them because it shuts out any would-be competitors.

Good on CMA.

neutralgamer1992455d ago


I am neutral in this but I don’t want any console makers to buy publishers. Ms and Sony combined own 44 studios so they should manage them instead of buying more. Ms bought zenimax and took their games away from PlayStation. That’s the other thing Phil was talking about not taking games away from others and doing just that


All should object to this deal. This in no way is a pro gamer acquisitions

When you talk about Nintendo and Sony, we have a ton of respect for them, but we see Amazon and Google as the main competitors going forward," Spencer said. "That's not to disrespect Nintendo and Sony, but the traditional gaming companies are somewhat out of position. I guess they could try to re-create Azure, but we've invested tens of billions of dollars in cloud over the years."


That’s why Microsoft and Phil shouldn’t talk from both sides of their mouths with their phony statements. How can you me or anyone blame CMA without understanding the process

Some are trying to make out that CMA simply don't understand the market the level of patronising crap they've come out with during this is ridiculous.

The CMA assembles a panel of experts for each major case they investigate aswell as relies on a lot of 2nd and 3rd party research/data and interviews with a lot of experts and are meticulous in their reports

Don’t be surprised if CMA is only the first hammer and up next is EU. CMA don’t come to any conclusion unless they have done their due diligence and appeal process is still handled by CMA themselves

FTC has already objected to this deal so ms have a uphill battle

TheLigX455d ago

Not true. These are all corporations that want to monopolize a portion of the industry for themselves. All of then have monopolistic dreams. This decision is bad news for any business that wants to consolidate an entire industry.

derek455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

@Alexious, no they said that they wanted to guard against Microsoft growing even more dominant in the cloud space than they already are and stiffle potential new entrants from breaking into the market in the future.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 455d ago
blackblades455d ago

Right but also others was for there decision and joining Sony going by the other article that came out.

Obscure_Observer455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

CMA didn´t gave a damn about Sony´s claims and concerns. According to them, the merger poses no risks to console market. CMA blocked the deal due concerns about monopolization of the Cloud gaming market, which according to their own data, MS has 60-70% of that market already.

blackblades455d ago

No duh i was just stating that others was against the deal like sony that counters the ones that was with ms thats for the dealm

RauLeCreuset455d ago


All you said was others joined Sony in supporting the decision. Pay no mind to misrepresentations from anyone trying to punch a hole in your argument who shies away from accountability for their own claims. Not that it's relevant to your argument, but, for the record, Sony does not just compete in the console market and was specifically cited in the CMA decision on cloud gaming. Some people weren't paying attention and prematurely thought Jim Ryan was a fool for not taking the 10 year deal and would end up having to beg MS for COD. Had he signed that deal, it would have bolstered Microsoft's arguments pertaining to the cloud market and increased the odds of the deal being approved.

Crows90455d ago


So then you agree with the CMA? If you don't then you're whole comment is pointless. Either they know what they are saying or they don't. If 5hey know then the cloud issues is valid. If they don't, then their comment on the console market is invalid.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 455d ago
-Foxtrot455d ago

Yeah pretty much

They are expressing this from a business point of view…nothing else

kingnick455d ago

Because Nvidia and other streamers now know if they gain sufficient marketshare regulators will try to dictate their business in a way they have not done for other sectors of entertainment using the CMA's decision as a precedent.

For a sector in its infancy with a lot going against it like high upfront costs for infrastructure and the variable nature of internet connectivity meaning customer retention will likely be hard to impossible in many regions it's not hard to see why streaming companies oppose regulation especially the type based on what ifs.

What's next? If a streaming provider drops x packets customers get partial refunds? Creating regulations around what if's is a sure fire way to kill an industry that isn't established. Many companies have abandoned streaming services and/or gone bankrupt already.

Many of the smaller streamers likely aren't thrilled at competing with MS and its vast resources in the present and/or future but they may gain some users if more games are available on their platforms as opposed to bleeding out and dying like streaming companies of the past.

It will also discourage other companies from licensing out their IP to cloud providers and investment in porting games to the cloud. Microsoft is probably the only company that has the scale and would have stumped up the funds to port many of ABK's games to the cloud, assuming the merger doesn't go ahead that probably won't happen or at the very least MS won't have much motivation.

If we follow the CMA's reasoning to its logical conclusion, if MS release their games on most/every streaming platform the CMA could make the decision of declaring all users on said platforms whether they play MS's games or not as x% of the total playerbase and use it to block future acquisions/mergers and possibly even try to force divestment, so in effect you are reducing consumer choice and competition because it will be in content creators favour to make their content available on less platforms or run afoul of regulators with theoretical customers that the content creator gains no revenue from.

Counting every Game Pass user as a cloud streamer is incredibly flawed as users aren't paying for cloud streaming standalone and the actual stats will show most Game Pass users do not do the majority of their gaming via cloud streaming. Microsoft has all this data and will be forced to provide it in their appeal (if they haven't already), Sony and other companies should also be forced to provide the same data if they object to the merger.

Personally I do not game in the cloud and I do not see that as being a possibility any time soon given my geographical location yet I'm counted in this data because the CMA clearly doesn't understand the nature of streaming nor its business model.

I think MS acquiring ABK would have positive and negative consequences for the gaming industry.

It could encourage ABK/MS to become lazy and complacent, ABK mostly do decent ports not but who's to say post merger given other developers/publishers seem to be putting unfinished games out and getting away with it and it'd be very hard to police parity since regulators have NFI when it comes to tech. If ABK/MS's games are being ported to many platforms it wouldn't be surprising if the average quality of ports dropped probably moreso for smaller platforms where there isn't as much incentive to release games in a more optimised state.

Abracadabra454d ago

CMA's reason to block this deal doesn't make much sense. The other big players in gaming, Sony and Nintendo, don't care about Cloud gaming and the CMA blocked the deal because Microsoft would control Cloud gaming? It's not Microsoft's fault that Sony and Nintendo don't care about Cloud gaming...
Basically CMA is blocking the deal because Microsoft would control something that other big players don't care about... Very Strange Indeed.

454d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 454d ago
cthulhucultist455d ago

Come on MS, its for the best. Those games should remain multi platform (even if when the deal was announced, certain console fans stated that they never liked those games anyway).

MS should use those funds to
1) first manage its studios so that they can release on acceptable rate quality games, no Redfall or Halo fiasco)

2) grow studios in size so that they can develop 2-3 games per studio

3) buy 1-2 studios only that develop franchises that are missing from their catalogue with which they have already worked in the past without taking away huge multiplatform franchises

SoulWarrior455d ago

Nah this doesn't compute with MS, they just want to put their logo on bought IPs and act like they are gods gift to the industry.

DOMination-455d ago

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Just because they had 70Bn for ABK doesn't mean they have it for building new studios of growing existing ones.

One was a strategic purchase that would have resulted in big profit over the next few decades. The other is much more risky

Don't disagree with the sentiment BTW. Just don't think it's likely

343_Guilty_Spark455d ago

They should be punished for investing heavily in cloud technology while other major players ran from it?

It would be one think if games were locked behind Xcloud but how is it bad if it’s on multiple streaming platforms?

shinoff2183455d ago

I hope you felt this strongly about other big tech mergers.

darkrider455d ago

Monopoly. Can do whatever they want. With the history of Microsoft on pc. Is scary stuff. But blind followers they were getting ready to do huge party this week and blown on their faces can't accept the reality.

darkrider455d ago

They can't. They put everything on gp and can't comeback. Without buying publishers Microsoft doesn't have content to put on gp. Just look at the flop of 2022, where indies was the best thing they got... Look at this year. If they didn't get beteshda. It would be a big fat zero blockbuster. But forza. No launch date.

They can't manage the studios they have. Much less another huge publisher...

kingnick455d ago

ABK's management would likely largely stay in place, hell MS would likely look at ABK's management specially around COD and try to emulate that.

dumahim455d ago

1 is correct
2 should be to throw around some cash to bring in quality people
the end

kingnick455d ago

As others have said MS's board would have to approve of acquistions/mergers and ABK have a proven track record of delivering returns for shareholders, there's no way the board would approve a similar level of spending on many smaller, unproven developers and/or publishers.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 455d ago
JEECE455d ago

Who would have thought that the companies MS bought off in exchange for their public support to regulators would publicly support MS to regulators?

JEECE455d ago


And just to save you the reply, when I said "bought off," I didn't mean Phil Spencer met the CEO of Nvidia under a bridge at 2 a.m. with a bag of cash. I meant they gave them a licensing deal. You already knew this and knew that's what I meant, but I'll just go ahead and clarify to save you the "that isn't evidence of an illegal bribe!" comment.

shinoff2183455d ago

Jeece told you but you failed to read.

455d ago
Sonic1881455d ago

Lol. I were thinking the same thing 😂

shinoff2183455d ago

Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Congrats jeece. Your absolutely right

kingnick455d ago

A future at the behest of MS is better then no future at all, Nvidia would be fine either way but some of these smaller companies potentially had/have a lot to gain from having access to part or all of the ABK/MS library.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 455d ago
onisama455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

CMA if they were honest: we only care about what benefit sony the most
Sony has always being late in term of services since xbox live was presented thro the 2 monthly free games then to gamepass and finally now cloud gaming, why ignoring biggest compitition in cloud gaming just to support sony benefits

DarXyde455d ago

...... This only benefits Sony as far as.... Nothing changes. ABK is going to continue spreading their games everywhere. Business as usual, the issue was the threat of that no longer being the case for most people.

Microsoft doesn't get their SECOND MAJOR PUBLISHER PURCHASE, games remain everywhere with certainty and none of this contract stuff, and best of all, Kottick loses his golden parachute. Yes to all of that. Is it safe to assume that you just don't want to pay full price for Call of Duty?

Oh, and to remind you: PlayStation Plus was the first to do monthly free games. Games with Gold followed. You should also know that Sony purchased Gaikai well before this cloud stuff from Microsoft was a thing.

onisama455d ago

Yeah like we get square enix game spreading everywere too along insomanic and our friendly neighberhood spiderman... Double standard

SoulWarrior455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

"Yes to all of that. Is it safe to assume that you just don't want to pay full price for Call of Duty?"

It's that on top of just wanting a one up over Sony, whereas now all games will remain everywhere for much longer, if not forever but that's not good enough, they don't get to stick it to Sony or get their 'fwee' Call of Duty :(

p.s I've absolutely no idea what he's getting at with that reply to you, insomniac who almost always worked with Sony IPs before being bought, MS turned down the marvel deal, but this is somehow the same as *trying* to buy ABK, complete apples to oranges comparison lol.

455d ago
Crows90455d ago


Does ratchet and clank do a spiderman cosplay???
Oh NVM you're cherry picking 1 game in their entire catalogue that Sony was given the rights to...i see...makes no sense.

DarXyde455d ago


So we're picking and choosing what to respond to, it seems. Whatever.

Square's isn't owned by PlayStation. I'm pretty sure that's their decision. At worst, PlayStation is funding the development of these titles, which I can't really take issue with. I reckon Xbox did exactly that with Sunset Overdrive. Again, I don't see that as a problem. If Sony bought Square, I would have a big problem with that. I have never been shy in saying that. Hypothetically, if Square's games were spread everywhere like ABK, the irony is that, in both instances, they perform commercially better on PlayStation than Xbox.

Regarding Insomniac, Microsoft refused Spider-Man. They had a chance and said no. And it went on to be super successful with a smaller successful sequel, and a mainline sequel and Wolverine game on the way.

There is no double standard at work. What are you even talking about?

GamerRN454d ago

Games with Gold was first...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 454d ago
shinoff2183455d ago

Welcome back. Didn't miss ya. Where you been on all the articles

darkrider455d ago

One create huge blockbusters year after year, generation after generation. Another wants to buy to win. Create content, don't steal from the other consoles. Microsoft had generations and money to create the best games ever. Where are they?

Chevalier455d ago

"Yeah like we get square enix game spreading everywere too along insomanic and our friendly neighberhood spiderman... Double standard"


Double standard?! Xbox turned down Marvel. Blame Xbox not Playstation. Playstation got offered Marvel games exclusives AFTER Xbox turned it down.

Aloymetal455d ago

Hey, one upvote from me but it seems it won't be long before you reach that ''magic'' number of 39 downvotes.
No doubt I'd reach that number as well...Let's see. 3, 2, 1...Go!

azzkikr8502455d ago

To ur point about square Enix, deals have been made but this does not stop Xbox from approaching square to make other games for them which can also be exclusive to them. With abk and Bethesda, theres jack shit anyone can now do to get their games on another platform as they are solely owned by Xbox unless it's via gamepass. Do U see the difference here.??? One is still open and free to deal with, another is closed off from all competing platforms. Can't believe this needs to be explained.

darksky454d ago

This benefits gamers, not Sony. If MS took control of all the major game titles, then it destroys the competition leaving just them.
That is certainly not good for the consumers who wants choice and the freedom the play games without the requirement to be online only which MS is pushing.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 454d ago
343_Guilty_Spark455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

An actual cloud company wants the deal. People going to say MSFT paid off Nvidia? I’m sure this will be downvoted.

Crows90455d ago

License deals have already been issued. Money is already involved.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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