
Two Years On And Battlefield 2042 Is Finally The Squad Shooter Fans Deserve

Adam from WellPlayed writes about how DICE has managed to turn Battlefield 2042 around into the game it should've been at launch.

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isarai469d ago

No, it's better but still garbage. Everyone is a bullet sponge, the controls feel like something I'd expect from a 2008 free to play title, the levels are bland, oversaturated attachment system making most of them useless,

The entire feel of this game made sense when it was revealed that it was supposed to launch with a mobile cross play version that was cancelled. This game feels like a mobile game

just_looken468d ago

Very true played it few months back the servers are still 48htz it became free for ea access users last year yeat cant hold high player numbers and the amount of cheaters/exploiters is high.

Very common to see 180 plus kills with 1-2 or 0 deaths

Then you got the xbox players using there modded controllers with latency thanks to crossplay

I also love the big streamers of 2042 are defending them selves when they "seem to have 0 recoil"

I can go on and on but belive me and israi the game is out of alpha closed beta and open beta stages so you can now play it like day one battlefield 4 but with less content sound design weapons vehicles worse squad system/ui and 2042 has paid microtransactions.

fuck that was sad to type out "modern gaming"

outsider1624468d ago

I would play bf3 instead, if they brought it to PS5. Rather play that than this.

just_looken468d ago


I play on pc that error is just another day using the app once in awhile i get errors also.

I even got a your pc does not meet spec error on a 3080 12th gen i7 rig lol.

Digital foundry even had issues back in the day also actman.

I would recommend keep trying on off times/days

Rynxie468d ago

How are you guys even playing? I downloaded the PSN version and it keeps giving me the internet error, so I deleted it.

P_Bomb468d ago

Didn’t miss much. I mean, you missed out on getting sniped in the back of the head by a speck on the other side of the map. LOL! But I could live without that.

REDGUM468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

I disagree about the bullet sponge comment as it feels way to fast/COD like to me making there no point in being in a squad at all and most are running around solo gunmen/women from what I feel from the game. Battlefield for me has always been about the teamwork & the need for team play but this game, similarly to B5, feels too mainstream and 'just another shooter' now.
Battlefield Bad Company & Battlefield 4 was where it was at it's peak for me. It's just changed so/too much now and have lost interest entirely. Sad, for me, as Battlefield has always been my go to online shooter till the last 2 entries into the series. If there's no teamwork in these games then I'm out & might as well be playing COD (which is fine I might add) but I played Battlefield for the point of difference as there is none now bar the bigger arena's.
Pretty much forcing us to play crossplay is a no no too. When you turn crossplay off (ps4/5) I can never find a game and forced to turn it on and get pummelled by p.c. players.

Please bring back what made Battlefield good innthe 1st place, teamwork, destruction & most importantly make it fun again! Oh and give us a damn campaign to play please.

jukins468d ago

Gotta play with friends

just_looken468d ago


You need to use more than a few guns alot of the smgs are weak compared to one and last year they started to bring over guns from there past games unchanged a M16 from bf3 does not do well against a m4a3 from 2042.

Then you had that one dmr that was doing 3dmg for 4 months

GoodGuy09469d ago

Go free to play and then maybe I'll give it a try lol

isarai469d ago

I got it "free" on PS+ and still feel like I was scammed

Inverno468d ago

2 years later is around the time people start praising DICE after they've updated a game no one wanted nor liked two years prior enough times to turn it into what it should've been from the beginning. Bring on the next BF game where they make the same mistakes all over again.

just_looken468d ago

Remember they got some Seattle grads from the street making the next title so it will very special now.

The war of starbucks no coffee few muffins but alot of guns this is battlefield caffeine wars.

chobit_A5HL3Y468d ago

if you're reminiscing about bf3/4, i'll just tell you this isn't it lol this game is nowhere near either of those games and never will be. i didn't play this at launch, and just tried it out because it was free on psn, but if this is what people are happy about, then it just goes to show how far dice, and the bf franchise have fallen. it's mediocre at best and if this is considered good, then i would have hated to see what it was like the past 2 years lol it's been almost a decade since dice release an actual good game... i think it's time to accept that they're just not that good anymore.

just_looken468d ago

You forgot that dice you speak of left after the battlefield one disaster development remember battlefield 5 launch with coming soon adds. There are still sections of 5 with coming soon sections.


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Damn does that grant me the keys to any city???


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Psychonaut8521d ago

This is like when Ubisoft put Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon. Like breh. Not what we want, give us an actual fucking game.

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Will get a handful of new people to give the game a shot via gamepass. Little else will come of this.

TheColbertinator21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Battlefield Zombies? DICE can't even come up with original ideas anymore. They should have created that dinosaur mode fans asked for years ago.

Mroc1321d ago

They are just doing the bare minimum at this point


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