
Minecraft Legends Campaign Review - An Unexpected Challenge - Lords of Gaming

Minecraft Legends is an all-new strategy game with a few and interesting twists, here is our review of the campaign and what to expect of it!

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The Necromancer Cometh! Early Access Review: A-Mazing Tower Defense Game - GamesHorizon

Even though the basic gameplay mechanics do feel repetitive, each level in The Necromancer Cometh! presents a new challenge that sometimes feels impossible to beat.

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PS Plus Monthly Games for April: Immortals of Aveum, Minecraft Legends, Skul: The Hero Slayer

All playable April 2.

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ill be trying Immortals of Aveum since i have been waiting for it to be very cheap since i heard its not a very good game.

thesoftware730121d ago

It's a good game, and a couple of weeks ago, it was on sale for about $8.

I am enjoying it.

Christopher121d ago

It's an okay mediocre shooter-style game with typical RPG bloat. It dragged on way longer than it should have, though. If you're not looking to play only 'the best' it will definitely be enjoyable.

thesoftware730121d ago

I agree, not the best, not the worst.

I did really enjoy the acting, and the spell effects, and the nice graphics. It was also kinda cool so have some much effects popping while still controlling like a standard FPS.

VenomUK120d ago

Minecraft Legends? Now a first party Xbox game that is free to Game Pass subscribers will be free to PS Plus subscribers.

It makes me wonder if Microsoft could do this again in the future with other non high profile games.

Soy121d ago

It falls in that "I don't regret playing it, it was fine" category. It got the basics right at least. Just nothing all that memorable.

jznrpg121d ago

Wanted to play the Immortals of Aveum but I didn’t want to pay much for it so I’ve waited .
I’ll check it out on plus if I actually like it I’ll buy a physical copy sometime. Never heard of Skul I’ll try that as well. Minecraft Legends is crappy my kids played it for a little bit but gave up on it fairly quick. MS can’t even please little kids that’s how bad they are with most games.

thesoftware730121d ago

Stop lying. You won't buy a copy of Immortals. They have had a long demo out for this game for a very long time, since launch or close after I believe, and the game has gone on sale many, many times, not to mention all the videos and walkthroughs you could have used to gauge if it was your cup of tea.

It comes with a service that you are already paying for, and it's a good game, not stellar, but just good, and you wanna claim you gonna go buy it physically? I call BS; you are attempting to cover your GamePass-hating propaganda, but at the same time, feel self-conscious about loving the same shit on PS+..so your front, "I'm gonna go buy this physical," lol.

I just bought it a few weeks ago for $8...I was waiting for a good sale or for it to come to one of the 2 sub-services I pay for to play it.

isarai121d ago

There is no PS5 demo, wtf are you talking about?

Crows90121d ago

Stop passing judgement on what you clearly don't know

thesoftware730121d ago

No, wtf are you talking about?

"First-person "magic shooter" Immortals of Aveum is free to try courtesy of an all-new demo.

The free trial is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, and gives you a chance to sample the opening three chapters for yourself."


@ Crows,
What are you talking about? Passing judgment? Not really, calling out hypocrisy.

I just told you what I know, and I know that comment he made was full of ish. I'm not quite sure what you are claiming I don't know...but ok, be vague, and make an asinine comment about passing judgment.

redknight80120d ago

Yeah, lol - who in the bloody hell would buy a physical copy of a so-so game they were so hugely on the fence with when it comes out completely free to play. I suppose if they do REALLY fall in love with it then sure, one could buy a physical copy but yeah, I just also find that unlikely when you get the full game to play for free unless they are the type of person to start and stop services like this often and for extended periods.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 120d ago
isarai120d ago


Oh please, like how many people were going to spot the article from months ago that informs you to make an EA Access account, download the app, generate a voucher code, THEN redeem it on PSN. Get real dude

thesoftware730120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Huh? what?

It wasn't one article; it was advertised in many places, including storefronts. I just pulled this one to give a source; are you okay?
Wow, man, I'm not even going to respond to the rest of that junk you typed because it makes no sense. Just say you were wrong and move on; you are making yourself look silly. It went from no demo, to some mumbo jumbo speak that you attempted. It's okay; we all are wrong sometimes, move on.

poppatron121d ago

Great month! Buzzing to try immortals, would never of paid money for it but have always watched from sidelines knowing there’s a chance I may really like it!

thesoftware730121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Yeah, I felt a similar way, after I played the free trial/demo I thought it had some fun mechanics.

It had a fair amount of sales on it, and once I saw $8 I jumped on it. So far it's been fun, a cool amount of customization, ok story, really good acting and graphics.

It will take a bit of time to get use to the light show when in combat, but once you do, it's nice to look at. The controls play like a standard FPS, but the spells, and effects give it a different feel.

ReignMan_27121d ago

Had a feeling Immortals of Aveum was going to come to Plus when I bought the Digital Deluxe Edition for $20 a couple weeks ago. Need to start listening to my gut more.

Relientk77121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

I actually wanted to give Immortals of Aveum a shot, but for really cheap or preferably free. I think the game launched at $70, yikes lol

blackblades121d ago

Apparently as soon as I ended my sub thats when they have games I wanna try 😆

darthv72121d ago

...you didn't download the demo?

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Dragon's Dogma 2 Review | Immersion and Wonder Meet - The Guide Hall

Dragon's Dogma 2 manages to impress beyond belief with its immersive open world full of wonder, activities, and memorable monster fights. Let's delve into a fantasy worthy of your time!

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