
Neo Berlin 2087 - Unreal Engine 5 Gameplay & Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games

Neo Berlin 2087: Technological advancements and cyberization have divided society into a two class system, where the rich are ruling over the city while the poor are fighting for survival inside the slums and in the deadly wasteland outside the new Berlin city walls. Dive into an emotional cyberpunk journey about justice, friendship, love, guilt, sacrifice and betrayal.

blackblades538d ago

Looks iight but also looks kinda off in away.

bloop538d ago

Gameplay is very flashy but overall production looks very low budget.

jznrpg538d ago

It did say pre alpha footage in the beginning so yeah.
The action looked good to me it was the cinematic part that looked a little off.

abstractel537d ago

... no one's really mentioned the abuse of slow motion usage? It has elements that look fine, but the trailer is really poorly put together. This feels like demo made by 1-3 (I'm being generous to be completely blunt by saying it might be 3) people hoping to catch a publisher or VC.

I don't want to be completely negative, hope they keep working on it as it's not awful but it needs a lot of work still to be shown to the public.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 537d ago
Eonjay538d ago (Edited 538d ago )

For more context: this game used to be called "Shadow of Conspiracy - Section 2"

It was originally announced for PS5, Xbox and PC. Here is the original trailer showing more gameplay:


repsahj538d ago (Edited 538d ago )

The trailer still shows PS5 only. But trailer is way better than this one.

jznrpg538d ago

Maybe Series S requirement made them change direction.

Sonic1881538d ago

I doubt the Series S can even handle the Unreal Engine 5

gangsta_red537d ago

Seeing as how you can play The Matrix Awakens which is done in UE 5, on the Series S, I'm thinking it can handle it.

537d ago
EvertonFC538d ago

Definitely a better trailer, certainly keep an eye on it

SullysCigar538d ago

Same, Unreal 5 games sure look great and that gameplay being from so long ago means I'll keep an eye out for more news. Liking the cyberpunk hover car - reminds me of another game coming this year for PSVR2 called Low-Fi.

repsahj537d ago

My only concern is the impact, it seems to have no weight when melee and gunfire hits. I hope they improve that.

masterfox538d ago

So it receive a new name, this is a good thing cause it probably will not be a vaporware game then, looking forward to it, the atmosphere of a futuristic industrialized cyberpunk feel is spot on imo, and yes it looks amazing as well.

Melankolis538d ago

Too early to tell about the game but the direction of the trailer looks very cheap, they could've made it more interesting, bad publication i think

Duke19538d ago (Edited 538d ago )

Looks interesting (albeit kindof a dud of a teaser/trailer imo. Will be very curious to see it once its matured a bit more) - but also cant help but laugh at how much it seems like they basically sat down and watched Minority Report, The Matrix and Bladerunner in a row and said "Yep - do that"

jznrpg538d ago

That’s not a bad thing to me

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Neo Berlin 2087 - Gamescom 2024 Gameplay Trailer

Dive into the dystopian cyberpunk future of NEO BERLIN 2087 - a unique, 3rd- and 1st-Person Action-RPG!

Showcasing new and re-designed characters as well as never-before-seen gameplay, levels and cutscenes.

red2tango41d ago

The AI enemies look really bad. They just walk towards you without shooting and hang out in the open.

DiRtY41d ago

looks good.
It will be on Xbox as well (Tag is missing).

Christopher41d ago

I'll update. The company only lists Epic, Steam, and PSN on their site for some reason, but there is that ID@Xbox trailer.

CrimsonWing6941d ago

Look, real talk, Cyberpunk is my favorite genre so I’m already going to give this a shot. Stuff finally looking like we’re entering current-gen.

purple10141d ago

This has come on leaps and bounds
Your right. Finally entering next (current) gen

Lightning7740d ago

We don't know if the gameplay is as engaging as they make it look. In terms of next gen it only took us nearly 4 years into the gen. I've never been part of a gen where it took this long to get a gen going.

Hereandthere41d ago

Its also on pc and xbox series sx

Christopher41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

PC tag was already there...

Added Series X after seeing the ID@Xbox trailer. The company isn't advertising Xbox on their site, so likely marketing deal with Sony.

Edit: Does look like the PressKit mentions it. Weird it's not on the main site.

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Neo Berlin 2087 - Gamescom 2023 Story & Gameplay Trailer & Full Game Details PC/PS5

CG writes:Some more cyberpunk themed shenanigans in this new gameplay trailer for the rather cool looking Neo Berlin 2087 game from Elysium Game Studios. Announced only for PS5 and PC via Steam or EGS for now.

Read Full Story >>
ROCKY28405d ago

This game is in early development and look so freaking awesome

purple101404d ago

unreal engine 5, one of the first to be on new consoles probs, lighting is completely different isn't it

ROCKY28404d ago

first next gen game that really looks next gen
very early (most likely pre-alpha) but with polish and a great story
could be ground breaking ?

thesoftware730404d ago

That looks fantastic.

Did he just slit a robot's neck? lol, I guess he cut the circuits on the neck area but it made me chuckle.

phoenixwing403d ago

the presentation vibes i get from it are when i saw killzone 2 in trailers before it released. that's just my opinion though.