
Resident Evil 4 (remake) review: Evil warmed up

The Resident Evil 4 remake is finally here and it’s a mostly great entry for new and old fans.

TheEnigma313451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

So the reviewer is new to the series? He's not qualified to review this particular game imo.


Overall Game of the Year 2023

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Those that made it onto the Shortlist below are each special in their own way. Alan Wake 2, a long time in the making, dazzled players with its cutting-edge graphics and brilliant narrative. Baldur's Gate III wowed critics and consumers alike with an amazing cast of characters and dizzying gameplay freedom. Final Fantasy XVI impressed with its beautiful cut-scenes and fresh take on action combat. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, a game under the shadow of impossibly high expectations, invigorated its audience with endless opportunities for experimentation. And Resident Evil 4 riffed on an 18-year-old formula, in some instances improving on one of the best games of all time."

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coolbeans137d ago


It's a Nintendo-heavy site. What else can be said?

anast137d ago

A copy-paste game over BG3...Gotta get that access.

coretone132d ago

BG3 is overrated. It's the worst BG there is.

anast131d ago

Give me some exact reasons why it is overrated. I have some ideas, but I want to hear yours first.

shinoff2183136d ago

Star ocean 2 remake. That's easy to answer


Best Lead Performance of 2023

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "As the average game script balloons in dialogue there's greater demand for marquee acting talent. And as illustrated by both good & poor examples from 2023, sympathizing with a protagonist's struggle greatly relies on both the writing and delivery. This is emphasized in two unique ways by this year's shortlist: the addition of a voice fundamentally altering Dead Space remake's story beats & the dual protagonist structure in Alan Wake II. A fumble in either of those respects would've resulted in lesser works; fortunately, they're among some of the year's most celebrated titles."

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Best VR Game of 2023

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "2023 was a notable year for VR hardware, with both Sony's PSVR2 and Meta's Meta Quest 3 arriving on the scene. Both of them have primarily earned a considerable amount of praise for their technological advancements, but that's not to say their software output was extinct. Granted, early adoption tends to favor older ports with improved visuals and new controller/headset gimmicks; it comes with the territory. But within that flow of ports and updates came an exclusive for each respective platform reaching our shortlist. It's too early to tell if that presages a bountiful surplus of future masterclass VR games, but it's a welcoming sign all the same."

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ChasterMies148d ago

“Horizon Call of the Mountain” had more bells and whistles and has some wow moments for VR newbies. But I had more fun playing “Synapse”.

DaleCooper148d ago

Synapse was my VR GOTY. Such a great game.

coolbeans147d ago

Damn. I want to try that one soon.

Leeroyw148d ago

Red Matter 2 was it for me. The visuals, scope and writing was incredible.

coolbeans147d ago

Another one I missed from last year.

DaleCooper144d ago

Just picked this up, can't wait to play it!

coolbeans147d ago

Don't spoil the surprise for everyone. ;)