
Sony PlayStation Soaring Amid Industry Decline in Consumer Spend

With less money being spent on games, the console leader is showing what it takes to maintain gamers’ interests.

blackblades560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Popularity, name and knowing what they are doing will do that

jznrpg560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

They wouldn’t be popular without the great exclusive games and great hardware.
MS could be in the same boat as PS if they made games these last 20 years and didn’t rely only on buying games .

S2Killinit560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Yes, and their name, or “good will”, was created by continuously delivering the best games. Not one or two, here and there, or in a major push, but continuously and systematically delivering to the point that people know they are in for a good time.

fr0sty560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Just scored my PSVR2... I like the payment plan they offer, even to people with terrible post-COVID concert/festival industry worker credit like myself. Half up front, $100 every 2 weeks from there. Makes it much more reasonable.

ravens52559d ago

I got mine on Klarna. $146.60 every two weeks. I have the money to buy it out right, but $586.43 is a lot and I'd rather pay in increments as I get paid. Makes it seem like less money spent, even tho it's not lol. Also I haven't had VR since my Psvr1. I love it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 559d ago
SullysCigar560d ago

Great games and great hardware. We're still in Q1 and PlayStation already launched a high-end controller and cutting-edge VR headset, both to high acclaim. Looking forward to Switchback and Burning Shores very soon, too.

RaiderNation560d ago

You'd think it was some big secret lol.

badz149560d ago

apparently, it is. MS had to get their lawyers to subpoena Sony for it

Thundercat77560d ago

Buying big games to keep them from other platforms and making 10 years deals to put those games on platforms no one knows will do that...

Oh wait....

MoonConquistador560d ago

It seems like some people are just blind to sarcasm when you don't mark your own posts as such (looking at you Chris)

Sad times

TheCaptainKuchiki560d ago

Something Microsoft Corporation™ is yet to understand.

The Wood560d ago

So much for being anti consumer. Weird to hear some faux complaining year on year about brands clearly doing better than their preferred choice. The shift in excuses and slight of hand as to why the demand and support of the ps in this case is higher both baffles and amuses me. These brands aren't equal

560d ago Replies(1)
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 559d ago
883560d ago

Well, that and finally having consoles (widely) available after over two years... People wanted a PS5, they just had more of a challenge getting one until now. This is great.

jonny897560d ago

This is why Microsoft should acquire Activision, Ubisoft, Capcom, CDPR, Sega and EA

italiangamer560d ago

🤣 You forgot Valve, Square Enix, Embracer and Tencent 🦍

Outside_ofthe_Box560d ago

Yep the only way for MS to compete is to buy every publisher in existence apparently. Otherwise you don't like competition.

EvertonFC560d ago

Even then MS don't know how to run them

XBManiac560d ago

But... then... they'd compete with themselves... Well, they could loose too.

anast560d ago

The would turn them all into mobile games.

The Wood560d ago

The rich dweeb that can't get a girl then buys a Ferrari in order to compete against the alpha's

Who's playbook does that sound similar to

Knushwood Butt560d ago

Then crashes the Ferrari because they can't drive worth a ****.

FinalFantasyFanatic559d ago

@The Wood,
It wouldn't be very Chad of Microsoft to buy everything.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 559d ago
Redemption-64560d ago

Funny thing is, if Sony keeps dominating Xbox even after the acquisition. I can literally see Microsoft trying to buy some of these publishers, using the excuse, look Sony is doing good, let us buy all these companies so we can compete.

AmUnRa560d ago

When the Activision Blizzard buyout is a bust, MS wil not ever get a change to buy a big publisher again...same for Sony....

DarXyde560d ago

Lazy c*nts have practically limitless resources and STILL can't figure out how to compete without purchasing publishers.

Granted, I know Xbox cannot utilize so if those resources, but they're very clearly in this space with a ton of money to burn.

I swear, they're like (or literally ARE) the stupidly wealthy guy who can't figure out how to survive on less than 10k a week.

Apologies, it really rubs me wrong when they float that "let us compete" nonsense.

EvertonFC560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

If playstation keeps dominating after the acquisition which they 110% will, then MS shareholders will just pull the plug on Xbox.
If they see no improvement with GP over the next 3 years it's game over for Xbox as they put all there eggs in one basket.

Redemption-64560d ago (Edited 560d ago )


Sony I believe is in a much better position to purchase a publisher than MS, as they have not purchased two publishers back to back like MS, especially Japanese publishers. Regulators would more than likely not approve such a purchase from Microsoft.

Honestly speaking I don't want Sony to purchase any publishers, they should focus more on buying smaller studios and develop them. That would be far more beneficial to Sony in the long run

crazyCoconuts560d ago

I really wish MS would stop escalating with these buyouts and focus on putting out good games with the huge number of teams they have. As gamers that's healthy competition that forces everyone to get better. Buying up the industry is unhealthy and anti-competitive because nothing new is really created... Things are just taken away

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 560d ago
Charlieboy333560d ago

Even then Playstation would still put out the best games money can buy and still be the only console with VR.

Vengeance1138560d ago

Don't forget Apple, Google and Amazon!

XBManiac560d ago

And Nintendo... and Sony... and an dinosaur...

MADGameR560d ago

Microsoft cannever get CAPCOM because CAPCOM is a Japanese company, and to the other guy that said Square Enix, Square Enix is a Japanese company. CAPCOM and Square Enix will be aquired by SONY, mark my words.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 559d ago
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Ubisoft CEO says Assassin's Creed Shadows and Ghost of Yōtei 'can both sell very well' in 2025

“I would like to say that there’s a lot of space for very high quality games," says Yves Guillemot.

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Kaii3h ago

" very high quality "
That's only true for one of the two though, and we all know which one that'll be.

DarXyde3h ago

I promise, only one of them will.

And it's the one that is the better franchise and respects the historical context of the region.

Hotpot3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Dude’s getting the sweat because star wars outlaws underperformed, and that’s with far smaller controversy compared to AC shadows.

Abnor_Mal3h ago

Well of course, but AC: Shadows will be on more platforms so I would expect it to sell more than Ghost.

raWfodog1h ago

I won’t be buying either until 2026 though lol

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Game Journalism is too corporate to trust

Game reviews have been around since the mid-1970s. Play Meter was the first of its kind. During their time, it was mainly coin-operated machines that were covered, as certain arcade games that many of us consider classics such as Space Invaders were popular. Other publications sprang up, such as Arcade Alley in 1979. From then on, gaming journalism was on the rise. Electronic Games Magazine, Famitsu, The Games Machine, Nintendo Power, and others all gave way to gaming journalism’s growing popularity and importance. In the beginning, gaming journalism was about the love of the games, the history of the product, and giving potential consumers genuine insight. The passion was there. The commitment was there. The insight was there. And most importantly, the trust was there.

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jznrpg1d 2h ago

That and a bunch of haters have made gaming a big negative cesspool.

lodossrage1d 2h ago

True, that's almost as much of a problem as the gaming media itself

CrimsonIdol4h ago

There's a fair bit to hate about big corporate game companies

thorstein6h ago

They've become nothing more than corporate shills. Rather than speaking truth to power, they're just looking at the latest clickbait no matter how false it is.

The straight up lies are annoying. Then journalists claim that a lie is an opinion. Um... no.

Tacoboto5h agoShowReplies(1)
gold_drake5h ago

yea its been like this for years and only has gotten worse during covid.

they are sometimes worse than celeb. trash news ha.

"you will NOT believe what the DEV of XYZ said"

or and those are my favourites,

"XYZ game gets REMASTER TREATMENT" and you click on the link and its just a god damn mod ha.

Tacoboto4h ago

"XYZ Players are saying THIS about the new update!"

And the article is based on a single tweet from someone with an anime profile image

Profchaos5h ago

The gaming landscape today is full of corporations trying to suck as much money out of us as possible while giving us as little as possible in return that's the biggest problem I see right now and the fact the journos should be the ones calling the gross practices out now suckle at the teat of the publishers to stay in favour and maintain working relationships to avoid being blacklisted for reviews and preview events show their interests do not align with ours.

HankHill5h ago

Consume the new product and don't ask any questions.

Christopher3h ago

Always question change, always seek out facts.

victorMaje2h ago

Hey Chris, not sure if others have already suggested but here’s another idea for N4G, a website trust meter.
There used to be a way to click on the website of an article and downvote or something like that.
It can be like Steam’s rating, all time & recent.
Then the list of journalism website ratings accessible from a subdomain, jowebrat.n4g dot com :)


Spider-Verse Inspired Action Adventure: Tenet of the Spark Revealed

An ambitious cinematic adventure with bone-breaking brawls, Tenet of the Spark has been unveiled. But it won't be here until late 2026!

Read Full Story >>
Christopher1d 13h ago

I do not get the Spider-Verse inspiration here. Does the journalist not know that you don't swap between or share abilities with other multiverse spider-peeps? This feels more like Assassin's Creed to me, where it's likely a bloodline/historical thing.

spicelicka7h ago

It's clearly click bait. I'm struggling to see anything related to spiderverse that is being alluded to. Perhaps a reach at the art style and perhaps because the character is black.

ZeekQuattro6h ago

The sad thing is game journalism hasn't really evolved. I still remember reading either a review or preview of Spider-Man 2 The Movie Game and the particular author was comparing it to whatever GTA was out at the time. This is on par with that piece.

KwietStorm_BLM4h ago

Sees black protagonist in a city.

Oh shit it's the Spiderverse!