
The Finals Destruction Showcase - Bringing Down the House Literally

If you're curious how The Finals destruction looks and plays out, check out how the former DICE devs at Embark has evolved the formula.

masterfox470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

seems like the initial trailers of this game weren't doctored gameplay trailers a while back and thats effing great, this looks actually fun.

HomoLuden470d ago

Reminds me of the time I used to get all excited about Batttlefield 3 trailers!

Spenok463d ago

This may not look hyper realistic, but it's a damn sight better than most games destruction these days, and I am freaking stoked about it!


The Finals Devs Remove an Unpopular Requirement

The Finals players managed to persuade the developers that there is no need for a 5 rounds of TA requirement. New players can play all modes.


The Finals Players Insist on a Nerf for a Popular Weapon

One weapon was buffed for Season 3 and The Finals players are now asking for it to get a nerf. Some players think it's perfect for its build.


The Finals Players Rally Against Terminal Attack Ranked Mode

A new ranked mode called Terminal Attack arrived with Season 3 of The Finals. Players plead for the return of Cashout.