
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Patch Will Finally Fix PS5 Flickering Issue Tomorrow

Wow, it's actually happening: Ubisoft will deploy a patch for Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PS4 tomorrow (that's the 23rd February) which will finally fix the game's flickering visuals when being played on PS5 via backwards compatibility.

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banger88519d ago

I just wish they'd patch Black Flag on consoles to enable 60 fps. Of all the earlier AC titles that was my favourite.

519d ago
Relientk77519d ago

That's really cool that Ubisoft is finally patching this even though its too late for me. I never thought they were going to patch it, so I beat AC Syndicate on PS4 end of last year. That's one game off my backlog.

anast519d ago

Sweet. This is one of my favorite ACs. I'll fire it up when I get the chance.

Pedrof519d ago

It's cool. It's just a bummer they didn't take the opportunity to also unlock the framerate.

chicken_in_the_corn518d ago

Awesome news. This is the main reason for pushing back my replay.


Ubisoft is Giving Away Its Most Underrated Assassin's Creed Game Right Now

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is free on PC when you have a Ubisoft Connect account until December 6th, 2023.

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Profchaos241d ago

Underrated that's debatable.

chicken_in_the_corn241d ago

One of the most overrated imo. A big step backwards from Unity.

Relientk77241d ago

I loved Syndicate! I played this game mostly as Evie because of her stealth abilities and loved using a cane sword.

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Is Assassin's Creed Syndicate worth playing in 2023?

GF365: "Is Assassin's Creed Syndicate worth playing in 2023? Many veteran fans consider this game the last “real” Assassin's Creed game. Did that opinion age well? How does Syndicate compare against the previous game, Unity?"

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shinoff2183512d ago

I would say more maybe when you burned through your backlog.

cbuc1125512d ago

I thought it was great back in the day. Evie was a master at stealth, while Jacob was the fighter. Good 💩!

glennhkboy510d ago

I didn't find them that different in terms of stealth vs power.

cbuc1125510d ago

Well they were. She could go full invisible and blend into the environment at the highest level. Jacob could shoot a gun mid punch while fighting. You needed to build out the skill tree.

Chocoburger511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

It was the last in the series I actually liked, before they went full-blown grindfest. This game had grindy features too, but at least it had some limits.

My biggest issue was that it didn't move the modern story forward which was a let down. Still a fun game, though.

robtion511d ago

Definitely, it is a great game with a really detailed setting.

Unfortunately, you can't play it on PS5 though as it has a major flickering glitch with the lighting/shadows which makes it unplayable.

robtion510d ago

Really? Great, thanks for letting me know. It must have been relatively recent because when I downloaded it to play again on PS5 sometime in the last 12 months it was still really bad.

Good news though, now I can give it another play through. Never did the Jack the Ripper quests previously so want to give them a try.

P_Bomb510d ago

Yeah the patch was most appreciated. That graphic breakup/flicker was awful.

MadLad511d ago

Still consider it the best since Brotherhood.

DarXyde510d ago

Brotherhood was the last one I liked, but in fairness, I checked out after Revelations (which I really struggled to maintain interest in long enough to finish it. I eventually did but I couldn't tell you a thing about it though because I really did it out of necessity to finish something I started).

By that time, fatigue really set in and I simply don't care about it anymore.

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Best crime video games that aren't GTA

While the GTA games remain some of the greatest crime games ever, they are well known. Here are eight great crime video games that aren't GTA.

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sourOG684d ago

Condemned criminal origins

porkChop684d ago

That was such a cool game. I didn't like Bloodshot nearly as much though.

MadLad684d ago

It lost the grounded soul of the original and became a kind of corny take on horror.

The sequel was by no means a bad game, but it's like they didn't understand what made the first so good.
Not much different than FEAR 2.

I still would have liked to see what they would do with the third, but WB turned them into a license developer for years now.
I doubt they'll ever be given a chance to work on old IP unless they get from under WB.

Profchaos683d ago

I hate they ended the 2nd on a cliffhanger

sourOG683d ago

I’d love a remaster of the first game: same with fear.

sourOG683d ago

I agree about that the FEAR comparison. First was amazing. 2nd was meh.

TheEnigma313683d ago (Edited 683d ago )

I loved that game. My first 360 game. Loved the concept

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 683d ago
Tetsujin684d ago

Surprised The Getaway didn't make the list.

ClayRules2012684d ago

I am too. Loved The Getaway, such a fun time I had with that game. Shame it never came out on PS3 back in the day😢

Good-Smurf683d ago

They did showed tech demo of the third game until it stuck in development hell for years and cancelled it for some unclear reasons.
Same with Eight Days very impressive looking crime game but got cancelled for unclear reasons.

RedDevils683d ago

It was 8 days, and I was so hyped wish they didn't cancel it.

ClayRules2012683d ago

Yeah, I remember that PS3 tech demo for The Getaway, it was really stunning at the time, and the density in traffic (for the small section on display) had me really impressed. I guess I wouldn’t say traffic, just the amount of vehicles on display in general in that area.

And I remember that Eight Days, that first trailer (where it looked like gameplay) with animations that still today blow me away, specifically the guy jumping throw that diner window and landing onto that table, that was a 🤯wtf moment! I remember hearing it was cancelled and was so bummed.

I wish Rockstar would’ve done something with that Sony exclusive they never delivered on (for various reasons we don’t know) shame on that too.

Yui_Suzumiya684d ago

Kane and Lynch series was awesome. Still waiting on a sequel to Dog Days.

neutralgamer1992684d ago

Scarface needs a remaster

True crime series was a lot of fun. Hopefully MS will reboot the series

Saints row 1-2 needs a remaster

Sleeping dogs is great but I feel like it's on all lists now a days

ClayRules2012684d ago

Scarface, I put so much time into that game! LOVED IT!

Would love a True Crime again, loved NY.

And Sleeping Dogs, great it is!

MajorLazer683d ago

Probably my favourite PS2 game ever, Scarface.

porkChop684d ago

With Xbox buying Activision I would love to see them reacquire the license and remaster the game. Then resurrect the cancelled sequel in Las Vegas. Scarface could have been a huge franchise but Activision bought Sierra, and COD4 had just exploded the shooter market. We know where their focus went after that.

Good-Smurf683d ago (Edited 683d ago )

Urban Chaos Riot Response is also deserves a mention one of many hidden gem of PS2 era.
Getaway is simply a darker more realisitc GTA in London crime world the second game pushed PS2 to its breaking point alongside SoC.

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