
Rayman 4 Would Still Be Worthwhile, Even After All These Years

It's been a long time since Rayman got his very own video game, but there's definitely room for a Rayman 4 in the modern games industry.

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XiNatsuDragnel616d ago

Yes it would be man if Rayman 4 comes out I'll buy in an instant

ravens52616d ago

A current gen only Rayman. That'd be very welcomed.

616d ago
gold_drake616d ago

they could remaster the first one that came out on the ps1.

that game still looks amazing.

MadLad616d ago

I want another game in the vein of 2.

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Rayman 4's Source Code Leak Showcases Canceled Title's Gameplay

The facade has been fully revealed after the source code and the editor of the mysteriously canceled Rayman 4 leaked online.

-Foxtrot641d ago

Oh man we need Rayman 4

I liked Origins but Rayman didn't need to go back to a 2D side scroller.

Snookies12641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

Yeah, I honestly really enjoyed the N64 Rayman back in the day. This IP does well with 3D platforming. We need more 3D platformers anyway.

-Foxtrot641d ago (Edited 641d ago )


There’s a lot of different things you can do with a 3D platformer compared to the side scrollers

XiNatsuDragnel641d ago

Rayman 4 plz plz ong plz even if you have to use old code do it.

MadLad641d ago

Please give us a proper new 3D Rayman.
At the very least a really solid remake of Rayman 2. It's one of my favorite platformers of all time. So much atmosphere.

Profchaos640d ago

I didn't enjoy the 2d games I wish they just continued to evolve Rayman 2

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Did Michel Ancel Just Tease Rayman 4?

Rayman first appeared back in the mid 90s and quickly became an icon of his era along with the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. In more recent years, Rayman’s popularity has been in decline and, whilst Rayman Legends received critical acclaim, it failed to meet sales expectations. However, it seems there may be hope on the horizon.

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shuvam092535d ago

Do it, good Sir...
Just do it...
Oh, and also don't forget about WiLD...
Hoping to hear more at PGW...

giyopilam2535d ago

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Everything We Want for Rayman 4 If the Series Does Make a Return

The Glade of Dreams get better with age.

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DirtyPete2536d ago

Would love to see the game become reality. I like the light-hearted nature of Rayman

-Foxtrot2536d ago

I just want a 3D platform game like Rayman 2 and Rayman 3

They were great games with fantastic fun, comedy elements. The newer side scrolling ones were alright but felt samey after a while, especially when you have games like New Super Mario Bros, Kirby, Yoshi etc doing the same thing.