
Is High On Life's AI Art Really That Controversial?

DualShockers Writes "Aggressive reactions against High on Life’s AI feel a little pre-emptive."

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HeliosHex581d ago

"Some argue that it takes work away from actual artists, which is essentially the ‘anti-automation’ argument–this idea that automation and using technology for tasks once carried out by humans takes jobs away from humans."

Seriously man.....what in the living hell is wrong with some people today.?

My God it was just a few small paintings generated for the game world. Most people don't even care or wouldn't even notice. Obviously it was more cost effective and time saving just to have the paintings generated than to hire an expensive time consuming artist. There will always be a place for artist of all kinds who's works are appreciated.

Are we ever going to be able to just enjoy a game without someone nitpicking and flying into a fear induced rage for such trivial things? Dam it's getting old and sickening already.

lucian229581d ago

Say you aren't an artist without telling us.

It isn't about the art pieces in the game, ur even you admit it just took away a job from a real artist. This is happening all over. Yes in general there will always be a human drawing, but that doesn't mean that humans won't lose their jobs just because there are some human artist left.

Art was already over saturated with talent, and not it has to compete with zero talent people typing in one or two words or even worse, inserting someone else's art work and generating a variation.

Art isn't just about money, it's about feeling fulfilled, and being able to work while doing it is even better. It'd be like saying you like watching ai play a video game for you..... No, that's lame.... Automation isn't the key to everything.

HeliosHex581d ago (Edited 581d ago )

Bro its fear mongering. There's tons of work for artist, there will always be work for artist as needed. There's hundreds and hundreds of positions for artist in thousands of fields. Who's to say an artist would've even wanted the job? Maybe none wanted it. There's room in the world for both. Automation has its benefits from a business standpoint but also it gives artist more options. For example let's say an artist had two offers to do a job but he can't do both he would automate one get paid still while going to the other job and physically doing the work. Win win for all. It's not all doom and gloom is what iam saying. And a small business Like the ones who did this game needs to save money so I understand the choice. And look at that the game didn't even do well with mediocre reviews and is not selling well. Imagine paying more money for an artist for an unproven title. It just makes more sense to have options and be prudent with an untested new ip.

CS7581d ago

1. Progress always means that some jobs would become obsolete. Prepare for that eventuality by constantly learning new skills and providing value. It’s not nice but whining and complaining does nothing to stop. AI will decimate alot of jobs in the next 50 years. Prepare for that accordingly.

2. For all the jobs that AI destroys it would generate entirely new industries that we can’t even fathom right now. (Try explaining YouTube to someone in the 1970’s) For example, with AI art it become much easy to become an indie game developer and release even bigger games. With automation, maybe AAA quality games may be able to be done by a single developer.

Automation is coming to everything that it possibly can. Stop moaning and look for opportunities in the challenges.

porkChop581d ago

Bro using AI for small, meaningless shit like this frees up artists to focus on the other parts of the game that are far more important.

Zeref581d ago

AI art will never replace human art because human art is more about the person who made it and their vision rather than purely if it's good art or not.

I think what this will do is make things a lot easier for indie developers who might not have the money to hire an artist or programmer to build their games.

I feel like this is more freeing than people realize.
As AI Art becomes more prelevant.

The demand and price for human art is gonna go up. So the end I believe it will benefit artists.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 581d ago
lucian229581d ago

you are missing the point; imagine spending 100 hours, you post a piece on art station and it's instantly buried in 5 mins by cheap AI art. People who were scouted on Artstation now have way less of a chance to get a job or be seen. YOU are not an artist and it shows lol. it isnt fear mongering, it's happening now; people are literally stealing peoples art on purpose and cant be sued.

AI can be cool as a utility but people are using it to be thieves. Blame them.

Christopher581d ago

My issue is that AI is generated off the backs of other artwork, so is it appropriate to use it for a project in which you will earn money in any form? I know it's not a big thing in the game, it's just a general issue I have with AI being used in to make money when AI only exists because of other peoples' IP.

porkChop581d ago

Is it any different from artists taking inspiration from other artist's work to create new art?

Christopher581d ago

***Is it any different from artists taking inspiration from other artist's work to create new art?***

Yes, especially when you are making work based on said inspiration and it isn't being used as satire/parody.

generic-user-name581d ago

"AI is generated off the backs of other artwork"

While that's true, it's never a direct copy and serves more as 'inspiration'. If I draw a portrait of Winnie the Pooh in Yoji Shinkawa's art style in real life, nobody can tell me I can't sell that or use it any way I want, but because I took a shortcut by not dedicating 1000s of hours of my life to it to achieve the same outcome, it's bad?

Christopher580d ago

***If I draw a portrait of Winnie the Pooh in Yoji Shinkawa's art style in real life, nobody can tell me I can't sell that or use it any way I want***

They literally can. Pooh and his image are copyrighted.

porkChop580d ago

Winnie the Pooh is public domain. There is no copyright. That's why there's a Winnie the Pooh horror film coming out next year.

lucian229580d ago (Edited 580d ago )

Yes pork chop because with AI you can grab any art piece, add it to the AI and create a close variation. It isn't exactly the same but it's very very close. You can also type in the name of an artist and use their art style.... So yes it's very different than inspiration.

Besides as the Oxford definition says, art is something from a human. Ai doesn't have talent. You can spell mickey mouse wrong and still get copyright stolen material to sell

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 580d ago
notachance581d ago

where were all these protesting people when companies replaced factory workers with robots?

There’s no stopping technologies, better get used to it.

Christopher581d ago

Umm... Unions in the U.S. had a ton to say about being replaced by automation.

franwex579d ago (Edited 579d ago )

At one point the Unions will have to concede that paying someone $100K a year plus benefits is too much as other jobs open up due to AI.

Typists used to be a job 100 years ago. How many typists still exists?

Christopher578d ago (Edited 578d ago )

***At one point the Unions will have to concede that paying someone $100K a year plus benefits is too much ***

At one point you'll need to concede that you shouldn't get your pay scale and benefits scale from billionaires who don't want people to make a living wage or to have benefits at all. See: Railroad workers who literally don't even have sick leave and have a history of being denied time off in general to meet economic demands and leave them unable to make reasonable doctor appointments because of this. Also see massive decline in benefits in general and <2% on average increases in wages on average, even at unions.

***Typists used to be a job 100 years ago. How many typists still exists?***

Data entry is still a massive job market. You just don't realize that the name changed.

franwex576d ago (Edited 576d ago )

Noticed how I was referring to Unions and you’re referring to me personally? I’m not anti-union. Both of my parents had unions. I’m not a labor Union either-I don’t have to personally concede anything.

I’m simply stating that due to automation even labor unions will have to realize that a lot of jobs will become outdated as new jobs are created.

Also my mom used to be a typist many-many years ago. That did not translate to a data entry as they’re a completely different industry. A locomotive diesel mechanic will not translate to an airplane turbine mechanic.

Jobs are protected to a degree, not guaranteed by unions.

Christopher576d ago

***Noticed how I was referring to Unions and you’re referring to me personally?***

I've addressed your argument. And I still stand by what I said.

***Also my mom used to be a typist many-many years ago. That did not translate to a data entry as they’re a completely different industry. A locomotive diesel mechanic will not translate to an airplane turbine mechanic.***

This is nonsense. Typist easily translates to data entry. Same keyboard layouts and purpose of entering data with them. And then you're metaphor is laughably wrong.

franwex576d ago

I see. We’re trying to win arguments with strangers, not engage in dialogue. My mistake.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 576d ago
EazyC581d ago (Edited 581d ago )

I do programming for a living -- and it looks like we're going to get replaced by AI in time. Ironically, part of the reason I took up the field I'm in is because I wanted to avoid being made obsolete by machines!

We're all being replaced.

Duke19581d ago

People just want to be angry nowadays. What a non story

Ninver581d ago

The next apocalypse can't come soon enough. These cancel culture pansies will be the first ones eradicated. Then the world can go back to its glorious originality.


You can get these 7 Steam Deck games for $25 right now, and some are actually decent

Humble Bundle has introduced a new bundle, thanks to which you can get seven games for your Steam Deck for only $25.


High On Life PS5 and Xbox Series limited print physical editions announced

Squanch Games will open pre-orders for physical standard and Collector’s editions of High On Life for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 27 via Limited Run Games and IGN Store, the developer announced. Pre-orders will close on March 31.

ravens52153d ago

I guess it's better than no physical at all. I was using LR when they first started. I have Oddworld New and Tasty, Octodad, Shadow Complex etc. I fell off at some point and just felt I couldn't continue so I stopped. I just would much rather be able to purchase these games off Amazon.

LoveSpuds153d ago

I used to give into fomo a lot in the early days but I am much more choosy these days. I did play this on Gamepass back in the day and had a good time with it, so I have pre-ordered a copy as I'd like to Plat this on my PS5.

jznrpg152d ago

These aren’t super limited prints so whoever preorders will get one.

BrainSyphoned153d ago

Does it come with the layer of dust this game deserves or do you have to work at it?


High On Life's DLC Hilariously Mocks God Of War Ragnarok's Puzzle Spoilers

The recently released High on Life DLC, High on Knife, takes a jab at God of War Ragnarok's puzzle-spoiling mechanic that irked many players.

ravens52291d ago

Lol. I always got em before he said anything anyway lol

Seth_hun291d ago

How? Because boy spoiling the puzzle before you even see it :D

MrNinosan291d ago

Same, wasn't there a setting for how quickly Atreus would spoil shit 😏

JEECE290d ago

Yeah I heard a lot about this before I played, and then it almost never affected me when I played the game (the few times it did were with bird form Freya).

Honestly it makes me wonder if a bunch of people are just really terrible at puzzles and took forever to do them and got hints. It's either that or they patched the game to slow down the hints (I played about 5 months after launch).

H9291d ago

Couldn't get more accurate tho

GoodGuy09291d ago

I like GOW puzzles but honestly I felt there was way too much in Ragnarok.

LoveSpuds291d ago

Perhaps another dev will include content in their game mocking devs who devalue their work by giving their games away on streaming services and then expecting to be able to charge full price for it a year later?

PhillyDonJawn291d ago

That doesn't devalue their work. They get paid regardless. How you wanna spend to play is up to the consumer

LoveSpuds291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Getting paid my MS still devalued their work squire. Rightly or wrongly, when they announced the PS5 version of the game, I didn't give two hoots. It was an old game by the time it came, all the buzz had gone and I knew it was free elsewhere; there was no chance I was paying full price for that
now old game, it wasn't worth it in my view.

Lightning77291d ago ShowReplies(2)
babadivad291d ago

Even in articles that have absolutely nothing to do with GamePass, someone will inevitably bring it up.

Welcome to N4G.

Rgbsquad290d ago

Yeah I cringed when I read his comment. Like fr

porkChop291d ago

It's just a lighthearted joke. Don't take it so seriously.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 290d ago
jambola291d ago

Sad when other developers put more effort into Mocking a flaw than Santa Monica does into fixing it

Christopher291d ago

Literally a setting in Ragnarok to turn it off/lessen how often it happens.

Juvia291d ago

There is

All you are doing is showing that you never played it. What a fool.

jambola291d ago

Then tell me where
and if you're saying that, you're saying the same about the actual developers too

Christopher290d ago

Nah, jambola is correct and I was misremembering the setting. It was Time Delay for puzzles, not hint delay.

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