
High on Life Is Xbox Game Pass Biggest 2022 Launch, and the Biggest 3rd Party Game Pass Launch Ever

High On Life is the biggest Game Pass release of 2022, the biggest 3rd party launch in Game Pass history, and the biggest single-player game launch on Game Pass ever.
High On Life is out now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Windows, and is available as part of Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.
Today, we’re happy to announce that High On Life — the comedy-shooter featuring charismatic talking guns from Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland’s Squanch Games — is Xbox Game Pass’ biggest launch of 2022, the biggest 3rd party Game Pass launch of all time, and the biggest release of a single player-only game in the service’s history. Those stats are measured in terms of engagement, based on the number of hours played in the first five days of release.

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Jin_Sakai584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

Yes the majority of reviews were mediocre. Guess reviewers can’t take some humor in games.

Fishy Fingers584d ago

Not sure thats fair.

Im enjoying it as a R&M fan. But I can still see why its not everyones cut of tea. Humour is subjective. I can easily see some of my friends giving it 5/10 and some giving it 10/10 (or anywhere in between). Thats "jokes", its individual.

Like it or not, i commend them for being decisive and sticking with the direction.

Lifexline584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

I agree comedy is a very underrepresented genre in gaming and it’s great to see developers take a risk and do something like this a game that’s full on comedy not just jokes here and there. It’s a fantastic amazing game. But comedy is subjective it’s a hard thing to really get a good general consensus of.

But it seems like this is the sleeper hit of 2022 it’s super popular and has great word of mouth. This is one of those games where users and some critics differ vastly.

-Foxtrot584d ago

I don't think it's the humour, maybe they personally just didn't like it.

I mean I think it sounds like my type of humour but if everything else is average then it won't make me go "Oh I'll ignore the flaws, 9/10"

CBaoth583d ago

yes it is the humor. I can't stand neurotic comedy, ergo I hate the constant ramblings in Rick n Morty. I tried the game but couldn't stand the banter of the guns after awhile. I know in the menus I can tone down/turn off the dialogue, but then I'm left with a mediocre FPS with a stupid plot. It is the humor. IF you like R & M give it a shot. If you don't.....well I hope you tried it on GP

wiz7191583d ago

But besides the jokes the games is pretty good , combat feels good and the replay ability is there … you can also tone the jokes down in the menu

porkChop584d ago

I'm having a good time with it but I recognize the humour won't be for everyone. One thing I really love though is the COLOUR everywhere. It's so nice to sit back and play a shooter that doesn't look bland or hyper realistic.

GotGame818583d ago

Splatoon 3 is better if that is what you're looking for.

porkChop583d ago

I wouldn't say "better". Splatoon and HoL are totally different games.

badz149584d ago

I'm not siding with any party here but myself personally can't get into R&M no matter how much I tried. so the jokes here most probably would elude me too

Lexreborn2584d ago

Oh I thought you guys were experts on compelling dialogue… you telling me you don’t understand/empathize with their gripes?!

Bathyj584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

I think humour is the only thing saving this game.

If it wasn't for Rick and Morty would this game even get a second look? Would it stand on its own shooter legs?

Flawlessmic583d ago (Edited 583d ago )

Yep I'm with you, humour was the only good thing about it, every thing else was bang average.

You got people put here acting like it some master piece and the only reason people don't like it is cause of the humour lol.

Its a 7 out 10, 7.5 at bestt, shows you the desepration the blind fans propping up the discourse around a game that isn't even good.

Plenty of copium going on around here.

ChubbyBlade584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

I just don’t find the game very funny. But I also don’t find it funny when characters just ramble on for a while or announce the obvious. It’s not for me.

CrimsonWing69584d ago

I just don’t think they know how to critique a game, that or they don’t know what a good game is from a mediocre one.

itsmebryan583d ago

Have you watched the movie on the TV at your house. They are supposed to have 4 full length movies you can watch. The Paul Walker and Denes Richards movie is awful. Lol

FinalFantasyFanatic583d ago

I thought part of the souring towards the game was because of the AI artwork/voice-work.

Christopher583d ago

This is a bad take as an argument as to why reviewers called the game mediocre. Same as saying reviewers can't take progressive storytelling or conservative ideology. It's purely subjective.

I'm not sitting here asking for more Claptrap comedy, personally, but certainly there are people out there who want more. Comedy isn't just one thing.

gurp583d ago

the game is actually a fun fps, humor requires getting used to, and the graphics are good and very colorful, the only problem is 4k very high is hit/miss with an RTX 3090, the optimization is poor

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 583d ago
darthv72584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

Started playing it the other day. It takes certain liberties and influences from many other games and that is really cool to see. I dont know which is funnier, the knife or the gun. both have their moments.

Orchard584d ago

It’s the knife for me, he’s a total maniac and it’s hilarious.

And I’m not gonna lie - being Australian just makes him even funnier 😂

-Foxtrot584d ago

Isn't it because people would rather have Gamepass to try it rather than hearing it about the mixed reviews and buying it full price.

I mean cool I guess, but it feels like a little bit of a spin to hype Gamepass....you know the service they played down to Sony just a little while ago.

Orchard584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

Does it really matter why though? They launched a game, people are loving it, engagement is high, their game is a success. That’s all that matters.

And GP doesn’t need hype, it already has hype, just talk to anyone who’s been using it for the past few years.

There’s a reason why Sony copied it - if it didn’t have hype they wouldn’t have.

Hopefully the success of the game means we’ll get a sequel.

badz149584d ago

Sony copied Gamepass how??

Orchard584d ago

@badz Check out the new PS+ sub.

shinoff2183584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

Sony actually had psnow first before gamepass. Gamepass actually copied Sony and tweeked it. Being a trillion dollar company they can put day one games on their from their studios. It wont last forever though. Especially when they still can't keep up with Sony. Mind you they haven't released any ms studio games but like 3. Halo, forward, and pentinment(another 10 out of 10 bs score)

Redemption-64584d ago

Seriously were you born recently? You do know both PS+ and PS Now have all existed long before GamePass right? Maybe in whatever world you come from GP came first. But combining two existing services into 3 tiers (Which GP doesn't have) is not copying GP

Orchard584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

I’m aware that PSNow existed, but let’s be honest, it was dead, old games and a different model. In the time it existed it only managed about 5-10% of the subs that GP had mustered in far less time.

So Sony saw the popularity of GP and took the opportunity to copy GP, merge the services and offer PS+ premium tiers.

While it still doesn’t have 1st party day 1 titles, it has some day 1 titles.

Traecy584d ago

The game may be played by a large amount of GP subscribers but was it a success far as retail digital sales only?

Orchard584d ago


Does that matter? Dollars are dollars - it doesn’t matter if they came from sales or from GamePass.

If anything, for a new IP, visibility is the most important thing. So they were also smart to get this into GP.

Traecy583d ago (Edited 583d ago )

Money from GP & retail sales are different,the very reason newly released AAA multiplat games never really land on subscription services. PS Now doesn't even put their newly released first party exclusives on their service. The game may be a hit on GP because people didn't have to pay retail price but did a slew of people buy the game at retail price on PC & Xbox consoles where it really counts. I'm for one who didn't pay & I'm quite sure you & many others didn't either.

Orchard583d ago

“ Money from GP & retail sales are different”

Is it? Do we know that? How much did they pay for HoL?

Unless we have that info, you can’t make such a statement.

EvertonFC583d ago

Sony didn't copy it, psnow came out way before GP

MrNinosan583d ago

Where in the story did you find that people are loving it?
I'm sure a few does, I even liked it the first two hours, but that's not what the story is about, is it?

The story is about GamePass subscribers have downloaded the game.
Most likely because there haven't been that many great games lately on GamePass, except Plague Tale.

wiz7191583d ago

@Tracey just because a game is on gamepass doesn’t automatically make it a success .. lol it’s obvious you don’t have gamepass so why are you even speaking on it lol High on Life is just a good game and it’s a shame you can’t enjoy it

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 583d ago
KillBill583d ago

"you know the service they played down to Sony just a little while ago." you mean the service that Sony hyped up just awhile ago? lol

Orchard584d ago

Having a blast with it so far. Highly recommend picking this up if you haven’t already - it’ll make you laugh more than any other game.

583d ago
a7madRyan584d ago

man thay waited for a year to play any new HD game, grats for the fans hopefully they enjoyed it and got there 120-180$ worth of games.

The Wood584d ago

Yikes..... thats gunna leave a scar. The levels of the output of xbox vs the ps and Nintendo is vast. Imagine championing games like this as a must haves to demonstrate why the worlds most powerful console trumps what the other boys release. It really is a thing that xbox fans set higher standards for others than they do their own.

Lightning77583d ago

I'm still pissed at MS lack of output and they still need to prove to me that the games they got are real with release dates. But what your saying Here is really not that serious. It's just a bunch of Rrick and Morty fans playing the game. Or anyone thats curious about it.

This doesn't set some new standards on Xbox or anything like that.

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You can get these 7 Steam Deck games for $25 right now, and some are actually decent

Humble Bundle has introduced a new bundle, thanks to which you can get seven games for your Steam Deck for only $25.


High On Life PS5 and Xbox Series limited print physical editions announced

Squanch Games will open pre-orders for physical standard and Collector’s editions of High On Life for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 27 via Limited Run Games and IGN Store, the developer announced. Pre-orders will close on March 31.

ravens52153d ago

I guess it's better than no physical at all. I was using LR when they first started. I have Oddworld New and Tasty, Octodad, Shadow Complex etc. I fell off at some point and just felt I couldn't continue so I stopped. I just would much rather be able to purchase these games off Amazon.

LoveSpuds153d ago

I used to give into fomo a lot in the early days but I am much more choosy these days. I did play this on Gamepass back in the day and had a good time with it, so I have pre-ordered a copy as I'd like to Plat this on my PS5.

jznrpg152d ago

These aren’t super limited prints so whoever preorders will get one.

BrainSyphoned153d ago

Does it come with the layer of dust this game deserves or do you have to work at it?


High On Life's DLC Hilariously Mocks God Of War Ragnarok's Puzzle Spoilers

The recently released High on Life DLC, High on Knife, takes a jab at God of War Ragnarok's puzzle-spoiling mechanic that irked many players.

ravens52291d ago

Lol. I always got em before he said anything anyway lol

Seth_hun291d ago

How? Because boy spoiling the puzzle before you even see it :D

MrNinosan291d ago

Same, wasn't there a setting for how quickly Atreus would spoil shit 😏

JEECE291d ago

Yeah I heard a lot about this before I played, and then it almost never affected me when I played the game (the few times it did were with bird form Freya).

Honestly it makes me wonder if a bunch of people are just really terrible at puzzles and took forever to do them and got hints. It's either that or they patched the game to slow down the hints (I played about 5 months after launch).

H9291d ago

Couldn't get more accurate tho

GoodGuy09291d ago

I like GOW puzzles but honestly I felt there was way too much in Ragnarok.

LoveSpuds291d ago

Perhaps another dev will include content in their game mocking devs who devalue their work by giving their games away on streaming services and then expecting to be able to charge full price for it a year later?

PhillyDonJawn291d ago

That doesn't devalue their work. They get paid regardless. How you wanna spend to play is up to the consumer

LoveSpuds291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Getting paid my MS still devalued their work squire. Rightly or wrongly, when they announced the PS5 version of the game, I didn't give two hoots. It was an old game by the time it came, all the buzz had gone and I knew it was free elsewhere; there was no chance I was paying full price for that
now old game, it wasn't worth it in my view.

Lightning77291d ago ShowReplies(2)
babadivad291d ago

Even in articles that have absolutely nothing to do with GamePass, someone will inevitably bring it up.

Welcome to N4G.

Rgbsquad291d ago

Yeah I cringed when I read his comment. Like fr

porkChop291d ago

It's just a lighthearted joke. Don't take it so seriously.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 291d ago
jambola291d ago

Sad when other developers put more effort into Mocking a flaw than Santa Monica does into fixing it

Christopher291d ago

Literally a setting in Ragnarok to turn it off/lessen how often it happens.

Juvia291d ago

There is

All you are doing is showing that you never played it. What a fool.

jambola291d ago

Then tell me where
and if you're saying that, you're saying the same about the actual developers too

Christopher290d ago

Nah, jambola is correct and I was misremembering the setting. It was Time Delay for puzzles, not hint delay.

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