
The Callisto Protocol Is Not The "AAAA" Experience We Were Promised

Is it becoming a norm for companies to make promises they don't intend to keep?

Knushwood Butt648d ago

No idea about XXXX as I don't pay any attention to that kind of PR talk, but I started playing this yesterday and I'm reasonably impressed with the production values and game so far. Certainly atmospheric. Better than I thought it would be after reading all the negative stuff. The dodge mechanic seems fine.

646d ago Replies(1)
fr0sty646d ago

My main turnoff is how much it borrows from Dead Space... the whole aesthetic... I actually thought it was a sequel when I first saw it... which brought to mind the quote "Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness." It's good to hear it's still a decent game, but I think I'm going to stick to Dead Space for my space survival horror, at least until something a bit more unique comes along.

RedDeadLB646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

I mean, the creative director on Dead Space and Callisto is the same guy, is it not? I kind of think that this is Dead Space in all but IP.

MrChow666646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

Forget Dead Space for a while and enjoy Callisto for what it is, it's not Dead Space

Sonic1881646d ago

Dead Space sequel won't be the same without the original developer. EA doesn't have a developer to create a new Dead Space sequel on the level as the first two games. After the Remake Dead Space is probably Dead unfortunately

SurgicalMenace646d ago

How much different are you expecting a horror game to be? As much as I love DS, I can clearly see the apparent inspiration drawn from the Aliens movies. That's no reason not to play it. How different were Jason and Michael Myers, but being into horror, I'm sure you still watched/enjoyed them both. Furthermore, I've played both, and they are two totally different experiences.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 646d ago
MrChow666646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

I agree, the game looks and sounds incredible ( good headphones recommended) on PS5 and plays fine, it's no Dead Space but it's good

Ramboforlife646d ago

What about length? I hear ppl complaining about how it's easy to beat in a few hours, 5-6 or so. True?

wiz7191646d ago

The dodge mechanic isn’t bad just have to get used to it since it’s the same as the movement stick … which makes it kinda awkward to me , but once I got use to it it’s fine

SurgicalMenace646d ago

Yeah, this current society is more likely to tear down what doesn't cater to the "gold star for participation" mentality. I thoroughly enjoy Collisto, much like Evil West, I'm not expecting it to reinvent the wheel just be entertaining. The dodge mechanics are a very real take on how any of us would have to be if we encountered the same challenges. I'm glad that I purchased it as it adds a unique enough experience to my library.

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Abracadabra647d ago

What else is new... people will say any kind of BS to promote their game.

Eonjay646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

The Initiative is the world's first AAAA studio remember? That's why they got CD making the game for them 😂. Except the claim made here was Investor facing while Microsoft's was Consumer facing. Context matters

SullysCigar647d ago

Nobody can deny that, but people still having fun with it. And it looks gorgeous. I hope they get to work on more for this IP.

Orchard646d ago

+1 I would love to see a sequel.

I took a gamble and ignored the reviews and ended up enjoying it quite a bit.

Now onto DS remake and RE4… let’s see how those fair up.

Sonic1881646d ago

Or they can try to get the Dead space IP back if EA is cool with that

Binarycode646d ago

Haven't played it yet. But i'll get it and will get the dead space remake as well.

MadLad646d ago

Hoping so as well.
Didn't like what I heard from the small handful of critics that I actually put weight to, so I'm waiting for a solid sale before I play it.
That said, I hope they take the criticism to heart, and legitimately hope sales allow for a better sequel with those points in mind.

Lightning77647d ago

AAA devs always Use buzzwords to hype their games. Each gen is a little different. Last gen was traversal and immersion, before that it was HD graphics. Now it's AAAA production. Which doesn't even make any sense anyway. How much money and production was thrown behind it to make it AAAA. Or maybe it was AAAA in their eyes considering the help they had with the production. Maybe they associate graphics with AAAA production? That's just it, it's made to confuse and is up for interpretation.

Regardless, to me it makes no sense at least "traverse" and "immersion" paints the pictures of how games will be. Or "HD graphics" makes perfect sense. The first time graphics will be in high def (720p) at the time. This games is "AAAA" ???? Ok

Eonjay646d ago

Only difference is games can be immersive and have great traversal and also have great high definition graphics. Games cannot however, be AAAA lol because AAA already means top end. When FF7 came out on PSOne it was AAA. When FF16 comes out next year it will also be AAA. And furthermore, the AA and AAA system refer to required monetary investment. Marvel's Avengers cost Square $190 million. That makes it AAA without regard to quality. If you make a game for $100K it doesn't matter if it is the highest quality ever it's still AA.
So the only way to make a AAAA game (f theoretically) is if it costs over a billion.

Elda647d ago

I'm enjoying the game so far but to me it's an AAA game.

646d ago
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The Epic Games Store Has Two Freebies and One is a AAA Title

The Epic Games Store continues their giving ways and have a AAA title to add to your library, plus a fun 5v5 MOBA game as well

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TheNamelessOne34d ago

Eh. Finally played Callisto Protocol via Gamepass. It was fine, but didn't feel like playing more than a couple hours in. I'll still grab it for free though. Have yet to purchase anything from the EPIC store, but still have over 20 games in my library.

Jingsing34d ago

Maybe it would be smarter to just play the free stuff on Epic rather than pay for a Microsoft rental service that gets removed from your library.

darthv7234d ago

Well thanks for that one Epic. Happy to add CP to the library.

blackblades34d ago

I have a lot in my library just need a handheld pc.

N4GTG33d ago

I have over 450 games in my Epic library and haven't purchased anything from Epic. Ever.

phatak34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

honestly even tho I still prefer steam, over the last 4 years I always collected the weekly epic games, and now suddenly when you look at your library one day you realize you picked up around 400 free games a good portion of which are AAA, big win, and with gog, amazon prime, crazy powerful gpu's like 4090, windows 11 being way better than the dark days of windows 8 there has never been a better time to be a pc gamer, this is simply the best time for pc gaming fhat I can remember.

blackblades34d ago

Basically epic for the free games, steam for the deals and both for the free of charge online play amongst other things.

truthBombs33d ago

ahh the freedom of PC gaming.

EasilyTheBest33d ago

What is everyone's guess on the Next Xbox I'd like to know.
I really think it'll be a PC Console that's open to all Game Stores. I think there will be more than one version aswell including a high end expensive one.
It looks like it's the only way out for Microsoft but an interesting one too..

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The Callisto Protocol director says lots of content was cut and the game was forced to ship early

From ex Dead Space devs, The Callisto Protocol is a hidden horror game gem, and now director Glen Schofield opens up on production problems.

Read Full Story >>
ROCKY2848d ago

Game had so many problems - bad frame-rate was #1 problem

BeRich23348d ago

I played it a year later after release on series x and there wasn't any problems, although that is a problem lol

ROCKY2848d ago

cool - I will redownload and give the game another chance :)

Inverno48d ago

All too common for games to have ridiculously long dev cycles and have so much cut. Also too common for newer IPs to have their dev cycle cut short and be forced out before they're anywhere near a complete state. We're playing incomplete games either way cept some get good scores others are thrown to the wolves. 70 dollar standard be doin fine work this gen.

DivineHand12548d ago

I blame this issue on poor project management and directors.

Inverno48d ago

There's that, but these companies know they can hook people with early previews. Show proof of concept with a nice cinematic CG trailer and then show some gameplay with pretty graphics and then push out an incomplete product. Your modern consumer is overprotective about products they know nothing about, they will buy things without much thought.

anast47d ago

It's 100% a management issue from the top-down.

Green-Smurf48d ago

So much can be added but it was decent. Needs a sequel

mastershredder48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Game was a already-done-before regurgitated mess. More content was not going to save it. Stepped off on the wrong foot altogether. Even free, it goes unplayed.

DivineHand12548d ago

There are points in the game that felt like it was drawn out so if content was cut then it was probably for the better.

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The Callisto Protocol 2 Plans Discussed by Director; Mentions Cut Enemies, How They Wanted More Time

The Callsto Protocol 2 plans shared by Glen Schofield, as he also confirms they had to cut enemies and bosses in the first game.

XiNatsuDragnel50d ago

Callisto protocol 2 should use those cut features

excaliburps49d ago

We're never seeing a sequel unless Krafton greenlights it which I highly doubt.

-Foxtrot50d ago

Why? The DLC pretty much wrapped everything up and was awful.

Especially what they did to Jacob over making a sequel which could have gave him better character development.

Toecutter0049d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Callisto Protocol is an extremely underrated game (after the updates). Krafton, however, made a mistake by looking to overmonetize a single player game by cutting out content and selling it as dlc. Paying for extra death animations was scummy. And you can't get away with that crap with a new IP. Save it the sequel or, better yet, don't do it at all. Survival horror is a crowded market.

thesoftware73049d ago

I agree, I played and enjoyed the game very much.

Paying for death animations was a ridiculous proposition from the start, and was destined to fail.

Azfargh49d ago

I still play from time to time, kept installed on my pc and even some mods (dlss mod and some INI config optimizations) improved even more the experience. It is still an fun experience and the graphics and animations helps me want to go back even more... Yeah, paying for death animations: what they were thinking?

49d ago Replies(3)
RiseNShine49d ago

amazing horror game and unbelievable graphics, really happy that a sequel is being discussed.