
High On Life Review - Low On Laughs - Game Informer

Mediocre gameplay and an annoying sense of humor make for an unsatisfying space romp.

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Lifexline589d ago

It seems the users and the news outlet differ in opinion for this game. It’s very popular right now currently number 3 on game pass on number 2 on pc I believe. It’s the sleeper hit of 2022 such an awesome game.

Christopher589d ago (Edited 589d ago )

*** number 3 on game pass on number 2 on pc***
***sleeper hit of 2022***


Edit: Also, being the only latest game out and being a top seller isn't really big news when it's also not even in the top 100 played games daily or current players https://store.steampowered.... that just means it had no competition because everyone already bought MW2 or whatnot.

RpgSama589d ago

Yeah, MS be like:
"Here is the latest mediocre to average free game for you guys to try for a few hours and then jump back to COD. Game Pass totally worth it right?!!"

JEECE589d ago

Actually what it seems like is that there is a general consensus that the game is mediocre at best and not particularly funny but that there are also a handful of people on this site trying to create a narrative that the game is awesome and the the media is treating it unfairly.

shinoff2183589d ago

I can definitely see that. It's just a handful of them but boy are they loud about it.

shinoff2183589d ago (Edited 589d ago )

Of course it's popular on gamepass. Not alot going on. Something new to try.

It's like working in manufacturing mostly with guys and a female starts.

Also now that the reviews are starting to really roll out. I'm seeing alot of low scores.

Profchaos589d ago

It really comes down to if you enjoy rick and Morty style humour because you're in for about 10 hours of directly being talked at by Morty in gun form.

I am a little over the while oh gee I don't know schtick I did enjoy it for the first two seasons.

But imo the game just doesn't have any quiet points at least as far as I have played as in the game has constant dialogue and most of it is unimportant.

I can clearly see why it's mixed and no side is right or wrong the game outside of this feels well balanced and polished graphically it's really nice I've played it on PC, xcloud and the og Xbox one all platforms felt solid despite load times being unexplainably long on the og x1 with occasional fps drops but not unplayable.

Lifexline589d ago (Edited 589d ago )

Lol at all of you above you are all really upset huh. What’s wrong with people actually enjoying a game and having a valid opinion on it that differs from yours.

When people rave about any other game it’s okay but god forbid rave about an Xbox game and it’s some sort of conspiracy. Look at the user reviews how high they are compared to the news outlets. This game should be appreciated much more it’s something different finally. The developers took a risk and hopefully it pays off for them.

SullysCigar589d ago (Edited 589d ago )

Yeah man, people are being way too harsh. Just like they were with Scorn. And The Medium. And Crackdown 3. On second thoughts...

STARS589d ago


Imagine thinking this game is "sleeper hit of 2022" over games like Signalis and Neon White. Yeah, I don't think so man. I'm sure it's good for what it is, but let's not go overboard here.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 589d ago
shinoff2183589d ago

Probably not. It's just words but I'm also a heavy cursor

Software_Lover589d ago

I understand, but if I were to play this game, my 5-year-old would be around, and I would prefer to have clean dialogue.

Epicor588d ago

Not a game to play with your 5-year-old. Play Minecraft together and play this when he/she is asleep.

Terry_B589d ago

88% positively reviewed currently on steam by almost 1000 players. Somehow I believe them more than gaming sites reviewers these days.

Nyxus589d ago

'Believe'? It's just an opinion, that can differ from person to person. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like this game either.

Terry_B589d ago

Well, a review by one guy who gives a game a 5 of 10 on a popular gaming site is indeed just one opinion.

But if almost 900 of 1000 people that actually payed for the game give a game a positive rating, its a damn good indication that the game is not a 5/10.

MadLad589d ago (Edited 589d ago )

It's exactly as Terry said. People on this site always talk about how critic scores don't matter. Of course unless it's an exclusive, and then it matters a great deal.
Play the game and choose for yourself. Well, this game is getting a bunch of bad reviews from sites that are openly admitting it's not their type of comedy, yet the user reviews are great. So the majority of people who actually were interested in the game seem to be having a great time with it.

I've played the game. There is no reason this thing should be getting 5's. Remove the humor, and the gameplay is still solid. It's no Doom, but 5's are basically games that function, but have little redeeming quality.

RaidenBlack589d ago

IGN gave it an 8 actually ....
the devs tried to do something different, took a risk, with their comedic approach ...
and that's still appreciative over the n-th number of battle-royales and boring medieval fantasy RPGs with no soul

VincentVanBro589d ago

Loved the game, finished it last night!

HyperMoused589d ago

This game definitely is aimed at Rick and Morty fans and has a lot foul language other than that its a blast, its full of humour and the gun play is nice the game doesnt reinvent the wheel but i havnt played a game this year that does, but what it does is fun, aside from the very weird characters and situations you will encounter if you go off script a bit, such as (possible spoilers) after you can kill 9 Torg you can kill 5 Torg and get some extra dialogue, there is a place on the forest level where if you get to a ledge not using the usual means the games knows and gives you some extra dialogue ..plus it looks great, im convinced some of these reviewers just shit on everything that isnt mainstream such as gow or Cod.

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You can get these 7 Steam Deck games for $25 right now, and some are actually decent

Humble Bundle has introduced a new bundle, thanks to which you can get seven games for your Steam Deck for only $25.


High On Life PS5 and Xbox Series limited print physical editions announced

Squanch Games will open pre-orders for physical standard and Collector’s editions of High On Life for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 27 via Limited Run Games and IGN Store, the developer announced. Pre-orders will close on March 31.

ravens52153d ago

I guess it's better than no physical at all. I was using LR when they first started. I have Oddworld New and Tasty, Octodad, Shadow Complex etc. I fell off at some point and just felt I couldn't continue so I stopped. I just would much rather be able to purchase these games off Amazon.

LoveSpuds153d ago

I used to give into fomo a lot in the early days but I am much more choosy these days. I did play this on Gamepass back in the day and had a good time with it, so I have pre-ordered a copy as I'd like to Plat this on my PS5.

jznrpg152d ago

These aren’t super limited prints so whoever preorders will get one.

BrainSyphoned153d ago

Does it come with the layer of dust this game deserves or do you have to work at it?


High On Life's DLC Hilariously Mocks God Of War Ragnarok's Puzzle Spoilers

The recently released High on Life DLC, High on Knife, takes a jab at God of War Ragnarok's puzzle-spoiling mechanic that irked many players.

ravens52291d ago

Lol. I always got em before he said anything anyway lol

Seth_hun291d ago

How? Because boy spoiling the puzzle before you even see it :D

MrNinosan291d ago

Same, wasn't there a setting for how quickly Atreus would spoil shit 😏

JEECE291d ago

Yeah I heard a lot about this before I played, and then it almost never affected me when I played the game (the few times it did were with bird form Freya).

Honestly it makes me wonder if a bunch of people are just really terrible at puzzles and took forever to do them and got hints. It's either that or they patched the game to slow down the hints (I played about 5 months after launch).

H9291d ago

Couldn't get more accurate tho

GoodGuy09291d ago

I like GOW puzzles but honestly I felt there was way too much in Ragnarok.

LoveSpuds291d ago

Perhaps another dev will include content in their game mocking devs who devalue their work by giving their games away on streaming services and then expecting to be able to charge full price for it a year later?

PhillyDonJawn291d ago

That doesn't devalue their work. They get paid regardless. How you wanna spend to play is up to the consumer

LoveSpuds291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Getting paid my MS still devalued their work squire. Rightly or wrongly, when they announced the PS5 version of the game, I didn't give two hoots. It was an old game by the time it came, all the buzz had gone and I knew it was free elsewhere; there was no chance I was paying full price for that
now old game, it wasn't worth it in my view.

Lightning77291d ago ShowReplies(2)
babadivad291d ago

Even in articles that have absolutely nothing to do with GamePass, someone will inevitably bring it up.

Welcome to N4G.

Rgbsquad291d ago

Yeah I cringed when I read his comment. Like fr

porkChop291d ago

It's just a lighthearted joke. Don't take it so seriously.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 291d ago
jambola291d ago

Sad when other developers put more effort into Mocking a flaw than Santa Monica does into fixing it

Christopher291d ago

Literally a setting in Ragnarok to turn it off/lessen how often it happens.

Juvia291d ago

There is

All you are doing is showing that you never played it. What a fool.

jambola291d ago

Then tell me where
and if you're saying that, you're saying the same about the actual developers too

Christopher290d ago

Nah, jambola is correct and I was misremembering the setting. It was Time Delay for puzzles, not hint delay.

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