
PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for December

Divine Knockout: Founder's Edition, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Biomutant. All available on December 6.

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darthv72604d ago

Well its official... gotta get me some of that biomutant.

sinspirit604d ago

I was tempted to buy it during the sales. Heard good things about it and that it was underrated.

deleted604d ago

I don't even know anything about Divine Knockout, but Mass Effect and Biomutant already make this a great month.

Biomutant was just one of those titles that a lot of people didn't want to take the risk with their wallet as an unknown AA with mixed review, but many of us will gladly give it a shot on a service like this. I've heard enough people say that they enjoyed it to at least give it a go.

SullysCigar604d ago (Edited 604d ago )

Just seen we get all three Mass Effect games and over 40 DLCs thrown in! Awesome!

Turns out Divine Knockout is launching on Plus. Looks like a fun multiplayer fighter.

deleted604d ago (Edited 604d ago )

Yea, I looked into it and Divine Knockout is apparently a free to play game by Hi Rez studios. That doesn't necessarily make it bad, as I quite enjoyed SMITE by them. (actually quite a lot, despite not being a big fan of the content structure typical of f2ps. The gameplay was solid.) This PS+ release is the Founder's Edition which includes 8 Gods, cosmetics and a special bonus for SMITE. (according to Hi-Rez's website)

Even if I don't end up playing much of Divine Knockout, Mass Effect and Biomutant are definitely wins. I'll give it a shot though.

crazyCoconuts604d ago

Never played 3 and have been waiting for a sale so good timing

604d ago
Knushwood Butt604d ago

Eh, I heard PS Plus never gets day and date new games. Surely this is a mistake?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 604d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic603d ago

We've had alot of good months recently with PS Plus.

SullysCigar604d ago

Good month! Anyone know what the xbox gwg games are yet? They've been awful of late.

Terry_B604d ago

think they were announced yesterday and were really really bad.

SullysCigar604d ago

Oh God, I just checked. Why do they even bother? It's actually insulting.

darthv72604d ago

they are like Bruno... we dont talk about Bruno.

SullysCigar604d ago

I hate myself for knowing what you're talking about. I also hate you because I can't now switch it off in my head, you git!

604d ago
monkey602604d ago

I'm really pleased with this lot. Only down side is no time to play them in December ha

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Biomutant Review - Thumb Culture

Biomutant has finally arrived on Switch! Dive into a world of cute mutants and monster-bashing combat. Find out what we thought about it!

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Crazyglues50d ago

This game could have been huge, but sadly it fails big time at just being a lot o fun to play... Which is what it should be because that's how it looks when you first hear about the game.

-But at every turn they fail at fun to play.. What do I mean? Glad you asked -(remember Mario from Nintendo, any Mario, the first time you played it, there was one thing really clear right off the back) -It's super fun to play... Period, no matter what your doing it's fun.

Bungie once said the secret to good game design is take something that is really fun about the game, and extending it to all over the game.

Biomutant could have hit that bar with very little effort. The game has so much going for it. In my opinion the only thing they needed to nail was how it plays / and that's where it fails the most. This is a game that could have sold 23 million copies and instead did 1 million...

anast50d ago

I was really hyped for this game.

Glemt50d ago

I'm still wondering "what do you mean". I've not played the game and am genuinely interested in what your argument is. But your argument boils down to:
Biomutant devs failed at every turn, because Nintendo made their games fun? Because Biomutant fails at "how it plays". Are we talking control scheme? Combat? Exploration? What exactly?

Again, genuinely interested to hear more of your thoughts on this because it seems you know exactly why this game didn't work.

Crazyglues47d ago

@ Glemt

Ok, I'll explain... I guess if you have not played the game then you are lost on what I was saying. So ok I get that. -but I think for anyone that played the game you know what I mean because it stands out like a soar thumb, what's bad in the game.

I'll try to keep this short / I'll try / the game has bad combat, bad exploration, bad overall game mechanics, in the way it feels... Now mind you, that's just one persons opinion but it's also just a gaming thing. (meaning as a gamer you know what you like and what you don't) So for example:

Iin Grand tursimo 7 gas, or making the car go forward on the track is the R2 button on the PS5 controller / as a game designer you can change this to something else, but it is a bad idea because it's a universal idea.. Something people have just come to expect and something they know without reading instructions.
People start to play a racing game or just start driving and they expect R2 to be gas or to go forward...

So expectation is important in game design. (I remember the Watchdogs developer was doing an interview and he said all the playtest they did / people hated the driving, it didn't feel right. And it was bringing their view of the game way down. Because they were expecting it to drive like Grand theft Auto. And he said, "But our game is not about driving, that's a small part of the game." --> But that is Gamers Expectation.. or you can call it we are Spoiled because of Whatever game did driving really well / that becomes your standard or expectation.

Biomutant does not play like what you expect. It's very dry, very un-rewarding, and overall boring. Not fun.

Some will push pass this but most gamers won't. They won't forgive the game for that and will stop playing very quickly. Why?
It's like just how gamers are, some get really into your game mechanics and push past what's hard and find the sweet spot, but most gamers just want fun, so if it's not fun right off the back they stop playing or move on.

It's why a ton of gamers look at game reviews, they want to know if the game is any good, worth my time. Will it be fun to play in the end. People want their game time to be interesting and fun.

I can get into how you would do this step by step in making the game, but I don't think you want to hear all of that.
So let's just say this, Steve Jobs, never made or invented anything at apple, he was the person who decided what needed to be made or designed. (they put five of apples best iPods or Mp3 players as they were called back then on a table and Steve played with each one, and then he picked the one Apple would go with) that became the iPod we know today with the scroll wheel / he knew the feel of that would be a game changer it made it work in a way that was really interesting and fun to scroll thru your music. Keep in mind No one else of the people at the top of the company knew which one would be good or why.

Game design seems to be the same way, they need a Steve Jobs leading the team, or just someone who's really into gaming / someone that really get's Gamers, a gamer like me. To explain why this is fun and why this is not. (I think I really need to start a company to help game companies) I would have showed them how to make that game sell 23 million copies instead of 1 million...

Right now I'm sure Biomutant could have made the character walk 22 different ways, but only one of those ways is going to be really good, and fun to play, who is deciding which one is the one to go with? You need that person to make decisions on all aspects of the game.


THQ Nordic says Biomutant on Switch has sold more copies than they expected

Biomutant received a surprise release by THQ Nordic on the Nintendo Switch and while it has various compromises to run on Nintendo’s now aging Switch hardware, it is still good fun.

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Philaroni63d ago

Good for them, I miss games like this is, was rough at some points but by now I feel it must have got better. Maybe I'm just a sucker for fuzzy things like Ratchet and Clank, and the old Conker and Jak/Dax games. Don't know, just reminds me of those times.


Biomutant – Three Years Later

After launching three years ago in a relatively disappointing state, how does Experiment 101's open-world action title hold up?

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sweatyrich69d ago

I played it on the PS5 in 40fps mode and it was pretty decent. Looked great, gameplay was a little but clunky at time, and fairly repetitive, but there's a large map to explore, LOADS of things to do, and you're a gun-toting, kung-fu'ing racoon !!
Accept the game for what it is, and you'll have a good time like I did.

Can't speak for how it was at launch, but the game I played was a 7.5/10

anast69d ago

I would like to see this game get a sequel with all the lessons learnt from the rocky launch and with newer tech.

Demetrius69d ago

I finished this not too long ago, definitely one of my most favorites I was really in tune with it, I didn't silence the narrator cause it always felt like I was being told a story, lol just like real life I enjoy old people telling me stories every since I was a kid I've always enjoyed that, biomutant 2 would be so mf nice to happen, definitely going for a 2nd playthrough on ps5 this time around