
Pentiment Proves a Great Point About Diversity in Historically Grounded Games

Pentiment’s medieval European setting still has diverse characters while feeling authentic, contrasting other historically grounded games.

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DeathTouch614d ago

This is honestly a non-issue. It has more to do with world building and writer’s intention, not a requirement.

MrBaskerville614d ago

The article doesn't state that it's a requirement. It just notes that Pentiment manages to find representation in medieval history and that it brings something interesting to the table while doing it. Point being, maybe developers could explore more facettes of the medieval setting to give us a broader perspective. It's meant for inspiration not force.

Sciurus_vulgaris614d ago

Medieval Europe wasn’t diverse. Being ethnocentric and xenophobic was socially normalized.

DeathTouch614d ago

“Point being, maybe developers could explore more facettes of the medieval setting.”

Sure, if that’s their intention and part of their world building. Exactly like I said.

Angyobangyo613d ago

Or....devs can make the games they want to make without being lectured to "explore" representation and certain themes. If Pentiment manages to find way to explore those facets, then it was their direction to make it so. Not every developer making a game with a European Medieval setting has to follow that same vision.

Lifexline614d ago (Edited 614d ago )

It’s a non issue for yourself but to many out their it is an issue and it’s good to see diversity in games for those that it matters to. Did you even read the article?

If it doesn’t matter to you then why comment or pay attention to it keep living your life but subconsciously it bothers people like you for some reason wonder why……

DeathTouch614d ago

I never said diversity in games isn’t good. Read my statement again.

Extermin8or3_614d ago

It is a non issue. There are plenty of games with loads of diversity regardless of their setting. Not every game has to be this incredibly diverse mixing pot of races and cultures and views. It should depend solely on the story and artistic vision. If someone has an issue with a game that isn't that diverse- don't buy it. It really is that simple.

Adrian_v01613d ago

Diversity matters to me but if there's something that really rubs me the wrong way is diversity just for the sake of diversity, e. G. all latest netflix shows and games geared to Gen Z

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 613d ago
TricksterArrow614d ago

Agreed. Nothing against a fantasy game based on reality, go nuts in it with whatever suits your needs. But if you go for a game just based on reality and real events and issues, it’s almost a disservice to portray reality as anything but.

Nintentional613d ago

The left makes it an issue and they demand diversity in appearance, but never diversity of opinion. They want everyone to look different but to believe in the same delusions they do.

senorfartcushion613d ago

Sort of, but the argument is mainly used by the center. The vast majority of leftists are clad absolutionists, meaning that they see progress happening (mostly) through wealth alone. You know that these issues can be tackled by people who aren’t on the left. Just because you care about social classes, it doesn’t mean that you’re a leftist in any way. Your opinion on things like freedom and wealth can diversify them from anyone on the left of the spectrum.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 613d ago
SatanSki614d ago

I like this kind of articles, they let me know what to avoid :-)

SatanSki613d ago

Because whole diversity idea while good itself, was perverted by entertainment industry, and do more harm, then good. By closing my wallet, i'm showing i don't accept the current state of things.

aconnellan613d ago

“ Because whole diversity idea while good itself, was perverted by entertainment industry, and do more harm, then good. By closing my wallet, i'm showing i don't accept the current state of things”

I don’t disagree with your sentiment, and I don’t want to sound like a jerk but did you read the article? Seems like it doesn’t fall into the usual bucket of a diversity checklist that other games have done.

The specific examples the author cites are an Ethiopian person who passes through the village, and you can learn about their character and culture. Second example is a Jewish person, also just passing through.

Definitely a far cry from the Diversity(TM) that other games put out these days that almost seems like it was focus-grouped into the game, wherein I would agree with your stance

SatanSki612d ago

Yeah, normally i wouldn't mind. Nowadays i turn back on the first mention of diversity, "created for modern audiences" etc. Too much is too much.

Aussiesummer614d ago

I want to see a game about ancient African tribes with nordic, asian and hispanic people in it.

Crows90614d ago

What's funny to me about this claim of historically grounded mess is most of the time things are not properly portrayed....they are portrayed in a superficial and ignorant way....which makes it historically inaccurate.

614d ago Replies(1)
Gardenia613d ago

Those are my thoughts exactly. If they would do that the backlash from the woke people would be insane. Just like the African looking people in Little Devil Inside. Some people were complaining and they changed the characters, how sad is that?
Same goes for the Witcher season 2 that I am currently watching. The amount of colored people they force into the series is ridiculous.

SeTTriP608d ago

Go watch the passion of Christ, their is a whole lot of diversity just to push a agenda, which is white superiority.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 608d ago
Welshy614d ago

To quote the late, great philosopher Peter Griffin - "Oh my god, who the hell cares".

After10Ben614d ago (Edited 614d ago )

This kind of thinking is childish at best, toxic at worst. I think the word toxic get overused, but it's apt here. The amount of unfounded assumptions plaguing this article are too many to name. Basically the argument is race representation trumps historical accuracy while providing nothing to support it other than emotion. Representation is seen as some kind of virtue. It's not.

Some people simply feel uncomfortable when caucasions make art depicting people who, wait for it, look like them. The obvious logical flaw is that any other kind of art depicting people of color only, does not make them feel uncomfortable. If you were to map that out on a venn diagram, it would be an invalid argument. But the writer is an emotionally immature person who is impervious to logic. I'm Mexican and many of my favorite books and movies mainly depict caucasions and I have never felt uncomfortable.

Good art is good art regardless of the representation.

senorfartcushion613d ago

It’s because in this day and age, class issues remain at the back of the queue in terms of importance. The majority of the companies behind games like this are relatively conservative compared to most. All they know to concentrate on is race and gender, mostly because it’s enough to avoid class talks.

Along with the mishandling of these issues by the conservative companies, the kids online having hissy fits about the idea of replacing societies with such childish rhetoric also doesn’t help the issue. Yours is good. Most comments on here will fail to correctly criticise the creative choices made by Pentiment’s devs.

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Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Review: Final Fantasy 16 — The Rising Tide | Console Creatures

Bobby writes, "Final Fantasy 16 — The Rising Tide is a great expansion but it's on the short side."

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30d ago

Final Fantasy 16's Two Expansions Put a Bow On An Already Great RPG

The Nerd Stash: "Final Fantasy 16's DLC is a worthy adventure that adds a lot of jaw-dropping moments and more Hollywood-style fights to an already great RPG."

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LordoftheCritics93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

I don't know about ''great'' rpg.

Most epic fight sequences and presentation? Yes

Worst side quests ever? Yes
Boring traversal? Yes
Empty worlds? Yes
Demo is infinitely more mature than the actual game? Yes
FF16=MMO side quests + Devil May Cry Lite

Alos8893d ago

I'd give it the great part, it's the RPG part I find dubious.

EternalTitan93d ago

There is no Roleplaying/decision making in this game.
No crafting there isnt even character builds because just like Dante/Bayonetta Clive has all skills and loadouts available to him.

CrimsonWing6992d ago (Edited 92d ago )

What do you mean there’s no role playing? Also, I’m fairly certain I made builds with Eikon abilities and I’ve gone to the blacksmiths to literally select craft weapons and gear. 🤷‍♂️

EternalTitan90d ago

How many 'builds' can you make?
Weapons and gear only increase numbers. Tell me about elemental weaknesses and status.

CrimsonWing6990d ago (Edited 90d ago )


Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element.

What statuses are you asking about? F*cking status buffs and debuffs? You talking about stats that increase with gear crafting? Because all that’s present in the game.

The fact that you even admit there’s builds and RPG elements contradicts your claim. No matter how limited they may be, they exist in the game, therefore it is an RPG. I think the correct critique is instead of claiming it’s “not an RPG” you really mean to say it’s an RPG not as in-depth as it’s contemporaries. Regardless, it’s an RPG nonetheless even without “elemental weakness” playing in combat.

EternalTitan89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

"Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element"
Why not?
Where is your source for this?

CrimsonWing6989d ago


So you’re telling me if a game has all the elements and mechanics of an RPG except elemental weakness exploits in combat that they’re not an RPG?

C’mon man, how about you show me where it says an RPG must have elemental weakness mechanics?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 89d ago
CrimsonWing6993d ago

Let’s be honest, this isn’t a “great” RPG. I am in the camp that it IS an RPG, no DMC game I’ve played is designed like this… but in terms of being a great RPG… well, I much prefer the RE-Trilogy over this.

That being said, I do think the DLCs have probably the best boss battles I’ve played in a game. Omega was crazy and the battle theme just amplified that for me. In the other hand, I’m struggling to think of a game that has a boss battle as great as Leviathan. Like, I played it on FF mode and it was sooooo intense and just a gorgeous and fun experience. The music was also top notch!

However, I really disliked most of everything of FF16. The Benedikta arc was fantastic, but after that the game was boring and a slog to get through. I think the boss battles were the best parts, but also inconsistent for me. Bahamut was peak for the base game, but everything else didn’t surpass that experience until you play the DLC bosses.

VersusDMC93d ago

The 2 DLC's were great. 2 new eikon ability sets (leviathan and...) and a survival/bloody palace mode with Rising Tide were great as well.

repsahj93d ago

The Base game is already great for me IMHO and the 2 DLC will even make it better.