
9 years ago, one console reset the balance of power in the video game industry

The PlayStation we know today owes a lot to one video game system, a console that shaped the future of video games forever.

In 2012, PlayStation looked a lot different than it does today. The brand is now known for its cinematic approach to storytelling, with mature IP that has resonated with tens of millions of fans. Sony doubled down on this strategy in 2013 and truly left its mark on the industry with its PlayStation 4 console, which celebrates its ninth birthday this year. Many of the brand’s most iconic franchises either began on PS4 or featured game-changing entries on the platform, solidifying PlayStation as a major force in the video game industry

Orchard565d ago

"solidifying PlayStation as a major force in the video game industry.
If not for the PS4, PlayStation might not be as successful today."

What a weird article. PS was already a major force and successful prior to the PS4.

But yes, the PS4 at launch was night and day with the Xbox One, mainly due to the DRM drama, resolution-gate and the Kinect/pricing mess.

MrNinosan565d ago

Not often I agree with anything you write, but I fully agree.
Both the PS3 and X360 was the big leap, and the cinematic storytelling from Sony came already with Uncharted, Last of Us, (Heavenly Sword) etc.

senorfartcushion564d ago

The PS3 sold more than the Xbox 360 too.

And the title to this article just reminds me of the movie, Black Adam, which sucks from what I’ve heard. I’m mad that the article is now making me think of it tbh.

KeeseToast564d ago

"The PS3 sold more than the Xbox 360 too."
I still think Xbox 360 was more successful in terms of revenue generated. PS3 lost a lot of money on every unit sold at the beginning. Multi-Plat games sold a lot better on 360 most of the time and online gaming already cost money on Xbox 360.

ChasterMies564d ago

Indeed. The PS4 was not so much great as the Xbox One sucked.

shinoff2183564d ago

Ps4 was a great system.between aaa games and indies. Man indies brought it hard. I loved alot of indies I played and aaa games.

I'd rank ps systems ps1 ps2 ps4 ps3

Ps5 the verdict is still out but I feel it'll be up there between ps2 and ps4. Ps3 was good but that generation kinda blew. There were way ways to many fps and military ones at that. Eh

Crows90564d ago

Well the PS4 was great on its own especially if you consider that it has games like God of war ragnarok on it.

darthv72565d ago

The real success of the 4 has to do with switching from custom architecture to something more industry standard (x86 based).

No doubt the trials and tribulations of the PS3 lead Cerny to convince the powers that be to come at the 4 from a different angle. One that lead to ease of development. Making it approachable (even to indies) is what was needed.

Eonjay565d ago

While it was helpful to make more developer friendly hardware and SDKs the real key to their growth was it's games. They saw that their was a real market for high quality experiences and they dedicated themselves to premium content. It's probably the case that switching to x86 allowed them to deliver that content faster.

ApocalypseShadow565d ago

It's the culmination of many things:

Believing that change creates opportunity like with Mark Cerny building on what PlayStation is about. And that's providing some of the best games and experiences in the industry. Doubling down on what they do best against the narrative that single player games no longer matter. Going against the idea that you need to monitize the shit out of your games when high quality and respect for your work is more important than profits. Because that same respect can get you those profits you seek when you create high quality.

Working together with their teams in sharing technology and knowledge that will elevate the content produced. Taking the time and effort to build and improve game engines that will have the desired effect of award winning games and game of the year nominations.

Allowing their developers some room to try new things and create new IPs. Or even change the style of their current franchises for their own benefit. And not just coast on the same tired franchises that become relics. Taking risks like with VR when others have more money than them to do these same things. But can't seem to lift a finger unless it's to write out the next line in a checkbook.

PS4 is the coming together of Sony to keep the tradition alive of an outstanding console married to some of the most memorable games you'll ever play. Yeah. I drank the Kool aid and am proud of it. Because once traditions are removed, things will never be the same. And you'll regret what comes next for shunning what currently works and is best for gamers.

derek565d ago (Edited 565d ago )

It was mid-ps3 generation when Sony started to really invest in their own 1st party games, learning that they could no longer rely on 3rd party exclusives to carry them like with the ps2. Alot of the games like final fantasy were now multiplatform, appearing on the 360 and in alot instances running better.

gold_drake565d ago

Playstation was already quite popular and always successful.

not sure what this article is on about

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