
Ghost of Tsushima Is Weirdly Similar to Resident Evil According to Former Capcom Producer

From IGN: "Resident Evil's survival horror and Ghost of Tsushima's open world action couldn't seem further apart on paper, but the worldwide appeal of both games makes them weirdly similar according to a former Capcom producer.

Speaking to IGN, Hiroyuki Kobayashi said the U.S.-based Sucker Punch's creation of a globally appealing Japanese game like Ghost of Tsushima is very similar to how he and his colleagues at Capcom created the very American seeming Resident Evil franchise.

"As a game about Japan made by non-Japanese developers, Ghost of Tsushima kind of reminded me how we [at Capcom] as Japanese developers made a horror game set in the United States with Resident Evil back in the day," he said. "At the time, it might have been surprising for people that it was made by Japanese developers."

-Foxtrot633d ago

I love this because at its core his statement is a giant middle finger to journalists trying to play the subtle racist card about how an American studio was making a Japanese game.

“Oh hey remember when we, a Japanese developer, made a game based in the US with a bunch of white guys”

senorfartcushion632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

True. American politics is so individualist now. It’s annoying. It’s very much starting to influence how people in other countries, like The UK, address politics. It feels as though The UK is trying hard to be Little America lately. It’s no wonder this article is even penned by a British person.

It’s what happens when we have so many centrists wanting a pat on the back for not hating people of different races.

ANIALATOR136632d ago

I wouldn't say the UK is trying to be little America. I'd say we're even worse than the US but most western countries are going the same sad way.

Bathyj632d ago

It's actually odd, just a week ago I was thinking about this exact thing, that resident evil was in an American setting but made by Japanese Devs. I don't know why I was thinking of it and I certainly wasn't drawing any parallels to Ghost, but there you have it. Get out of my head internet.

CrimsonWing69632d ago

I’m sorry, but I will never f*cking understand how this became a controversy. We have so many American made movies that take place with and Star people with different culture.

When did this become something to be frowned upon? The world has become so annoying that it makes me want to puke.

TheEnigma313632d ago

everyone wants to play victim and be offended these days.

jznrpg632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

Make good games that I like and I will buy them . Wherever they come from isn’t a factor . Though I do enjoy Japanese made games I play all types of games from many countries I’m sure . Not that I ever try to find out where they came from .

FernDiggidy632d ago

That's the similarity you're talking about -_______________-


Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.24 Enables Matchmaking Between Consoles and PC This July 16

Players will be able to download Ghost of Tsushima update 2.24 (PS5 version 2.024) this July 16, and this is for the Legends multiplayer mode.


Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer24d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook723d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.


AMD FSR 3.1 Frame Gen 15% Faster than DLSS 3.5: Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden West

Nixxes just added FSR 3.1 to all recent Sony titles on PC. This update improves quality and temporal stability while boosting frame rates by up to 10%. It also allows you to pair AMD’s open-source (works on everything) frame generation with DLSS-based upscaling.

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DarXyde25d ago

I'm genuinely curious on results when stacking DLSS+FSR. I imagine it will create some inconsistencies but I haven't seen any circumstance where they're paired.

Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough because something like this would definitely be tested and analyzed.

DustMan25d ago

DLSS plus AMD frame Gen can be used together via a mod that's easy to install on most games that support DLSS 3.0. It's a difference maker and both work very well in tandem with each other. I can see it being implemented moving forward as the Frame Generation aspect of FSR does not need to be coupled with it's it's upscaling tech. That said. FSR is getting better with each and every upgrade. Honestly it's getting hard for me to see a difference at this point with my 40 year old eyes.

Started up Last of Us, and honestly I had a really hard time finding quality issues with the new FSR vs DLSS. Yes. DLSS has an edge, slightly noticeable when you stop moving and analyze all the details. However I'm not playing games to simply judge the games fidelity.

If AMD can figure out how to beef up their Ray Tracing performance they'll really be on to something. I personally will find it difficult to buy another Nvidia GPU when I fear a set of features will be locked behind a paywall in 2 or 3 years.

Zeref25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

It shouldn't be a problem at all. The tech is completely independent of eachother. If NVIDIA wanted to they could do the same.

ED20225d ago

Yea and fsr looking horrible while dlss is no brainer looks like native+ without amd pixelation,shimmering and ghosting. Nvidia and sony did good job on horizon fbw it looks increbile and play maxed out 4k visuals(with dlss quality) 120fps

DustMan25d ago

I have a 3080, and the difference is becoming less and less apparent. Not saying FSR is perfect yet, but It's improving bit by bit with every update. Depending on your setup the difference is really becoming negligible, and in a couple years AMD's equivalent will be just as viable. Won't need to buy a new GPU to take advantage of it either.