
Should Resident Evil 1 Be Remade With An Over The Shoulder Camera?

Capcom have been incredibly successful remaking classic Resident Evil games, but is it time to start remaking remakes?

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-Foxtrot593d ago


It’s been 20 years since the original remake

They can add on RE0 references this time and join the games together more

myfathersbastard591d ago

Why you’re getting downvotes, I have no idea.
It needs a remake in the vain of RE2 and 3 remakes and why not throw in some RE0 references?

Jericho1337591d ago

It’s the notion of remaking a remake. The RE1 remake still looks and plays great today. Why does it need updating again just to cater to today’s audience?

-Foxtrot591d ago

God knows

Probably from the same people who thought the RE2 Remake wouldn’t work

myfathersbastard590d ago


That’s a visual remaster. Not a full remake adding in a new perspective, and adding in modern controls and conveniences that weren’t even a thing when RE1 was remastered.
It’s like saying we didn’t need an RE2 remake. Maybe we don’t. But I don’t know about you, but my god, going back and playing that static camera and tank controls is just excruciating. And I grew up with those games, and I don’t miss the camera or controls. The RE2 remake is by far the superior version.

Jericho1337590d ago

I have to disagree - as great as the RE2 remake was, losing the fixed cameras and door loading screens took away so much of the tension. If you remade RE1 like this, the first zombie and dog encounters wouldn’t really work. The tank controls, while extremely dated, added to the challenge of the game, almost like a game of checkers.

I suspect I’m in the minority but I’d prefer RE1 be left alone. They did a shoddy job of the RE3 remake, so a quality game isn’t guaranteed.

Eidolon590d ago

Keep aged, crappy controls and nuances to make it harder? what...? They can just make it harder some other way.

Chard590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

RE1 remake was a remake of the PS1 game on Gamecube. That remake was subsequently remastered for 8th gen hardware and PC.

myfathersbastard590d ago (Edited 590d ago )


That’s why it’s a remake. Yes some initial encounters would have to be changed to make sure they hit the same way. But they did it with the licker intro in RE2. It doesn’t need to be a 1 to 1 scene. Change the timing, the position. Whatever they need to do so it’s still the same scene but it plays out differently and still feels the same.
The “keep the camera and movement to make it feel hard” argument is flawed. Those weren’t done that way for that purpose. The games were made that way because they were static backgrounds. Technology and budgeting was limited. To keep things that way just because, doesn’t do the game any favors. It’s holding it back based on constraints that modern games don’t have.

I understand you may like that style of play. But just because you like it, doesn’t mean it couldn’t be improved by modern gameplay mechanics and looks. RE1 is a classic. And many people haven’t played it. And won’t because it’s so dated. A modern remake would only get more people into RE and make them appreciate where it came from.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 590d ago
Knightofelemia593d ago

I would buy the game if they remade RE1 also wouldn't mind RE0 as well. But the moment the remake 5 and 6 I am done I don't like those two.

flaming_scorpion591d ago

If they go in the same direction of REM4KE & lean more on the horror side, I think RE5 can be the game we all wanted all those years ago, IDK if there's any way to save RE6 though lmao

-Foxtrot591d ago

If you look at the RE4.5 concept art and read the direction they were originally going before co-op it sounded way better

It had Barry, Zombies, Tyrants, Night Time levels, Jill was in it more, some cool segments and there was merchants in the street however they’d only come out of their homes to sell you stuff once you had cleared the area and made it safe


Sooooo…how about the remake RE5 and just change the game. Same story-ish just with the beta ideas. Get rid of co-op and the over the top action.

I’d play that, least then it gives them an option to take the series a different direction for RE6 and by then the main games will be due for a reboot so they can just use the new RE6 as a softboot

masterfox592d ago

no! do it Isometric view just to pissed off everyone :D

SinisterMister591d ago

No, no, and no. Bring back that classic stuff!

Gamesual1591d ago

Definitely, would make it more fresh and modern.

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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot14d ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga13d ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

repsahj12d ago

RE Zero is one of my favorite game on gamecube!

Knightofelemia13d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord13d ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame81812d ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

13d ago
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cthulhucultist146d ago

Eternal Darkness was way ahead of its time especially for a Nintendo exclusive.

I would love to see a remake or sequel (multiplatform)

Ristul146d ago

When I see Eternal Darkness, I klick!

TheBrainZ145d ago

Not to sound too repetitive but Eternal Darkness all the way!

GaboonViper145d ago

Eternal Darkness is one of my most favourite games of all time.

kevco33145d ago

4 people love Eternal Darkness.

Quick! Jump on that remake, whoever holds the rights these days.


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