
Fallout 4 gets 4K, next-gen PC update as Bethesda overhauls RPG

Fallout 4, the beloved apocalypse RPG game from Bethesda, is scheduled for an official next-gen update that will bring bug fixes and improved 4K performance

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Tacoboto641d ago

"Coming in 2023, this free update will be available for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and Windows PC systems, including performance mode features for high frame rates, quality features for 4K resolution gameplay, bug fixes and even bonus Creation Club content."

Free update on all supported platforms, contrary to the perpetuation of certain False Narratives being rampantly spread about a publisher "taking games away".

CantThinkOfAUsername641d ago

How does an update to an already released game on said platforms relate to taking games away? Last I checked, Starfield isn't coming to PS systems and it was announced 3 years before the ink dried.

HardKnockKid24641d ago

Can you “take away” a game that was never on a platform? Did Starfield get announced for PS and then dropped?

VersusDMC641d ago

In 2018 Todd Howard revealed that Starfield would be for the next generation of consoles. Plural.

That included PS5 at the time.

shinoff2183641d ago

Yes starfield was being released on ps console

Lightning77641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

The game was never officially announced for PS. However Sony was trying to get the game as timed exclusive until MS swooped in so it's Said to assume there 100% was a PS5 version.

An example of taking a game away that was originally multiplat would be Stellar Blade. That game was 100% multiplat until Sony paid to can the Xbox version. Sony doesn't even own the studio so that makes it worse.

At least here MS is keeping there word on supporting legacy titles.

porkChop640d ago


If I remember right, Todd announced Starfield briefly and said it was still a few years away. He didn't mention any platforms. New consoles hadn't even been mentioned until Xbox announced Project Scarlett at E3 2019. There's no way a 3rd party was walking out on stage to announce new generation consoles were on the way.

Regardless, it doesn't even matter. If the game was never announced specifically for PS then the game technically can't be taken away. When Xbox bought Bethesda any game that had been announced for PS still continued to released on PS.

sinspirit640d ago

@ the deflecting of Starfield being on PS or not..

Obviously it was going to come to the platform with majority sales. Quit playing that game and just accept the obvious.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 640d ago
neutralgamer1992641d ago

The only reason they're releasing this update on other platforms is because they will get sued if they don't since they sold the game on other platforms

Please stop trying to fit this against a company trying to buy another publisher for 70 billion dollars and trying to make themselves look like the victims. So 2 trillion dollar company cannot compete against another company which is worth a fraction of that. And why you as a gamer are supporting anything like that how does this help you in any way

HardKnockKid24641d ago

Lol but the 2 trillion dollar company is competing, hence the acquisition. If you were MS what would you do? Truly

TheColbertinator641d ago (Edited 641d ago )


Invest in new franchises or abandoned IPs with potential from defunct studios. 70 billion could build you new studios in Japan and they can build everything from a top MMO like FF14 to a new fighting game that could challenge Street Fighter or Tekken

Not that I disapprove Microsoft's acquisition. If both Activision and MS came to the agreement and has legal approval, then by all means go for it. I'm not in favor of Sony's deals with Square Enix for FF16 but I can't do much about it except boycott.

HardKnockKid24641d ago

@ TheColbertinator, appreciate the response. I agree with you that they could do all those things. The issue for them is that those things take far longer that buying companies that are already online. I also would offer that MS messed up, they dropped the ball hard. The acquisitions are a result of needing to catch up and needing to do so quickly. That said, if a company wants to be sold and is asking for MS to acquire them….. just failing to understand how they’re evil because of this. Not that you’re saying this but the sentiment around these parts.

FGHFGHFGH641d ago (Edited 641d ago )


" I also would offer that MS messed up, they dropped the ball hard. The acquisitions are a result of needing to catch up and needing to do so quickly. "
That's them not being able to compete

neutralgamer1992641d ago

I would fund many IP's that haven't received my attention

MGS remakes and new entries (timed exclusives)

I would fund legacy of kain, time splitters, ominusha

I would create a site where fans could vote to which games they want to see come back

Sony help fund Street fighter 5 and final fantasy 7 remake for example

I would try to acquire studios which could use the resources like embracer group has been doing

I am totally against anyone buying whole publishers and Ms got one through with Bethesda but they shouldn't get approval for any other

HardKnockKid24641d ago

@FGHFGHFGH, huh? No… since when does an error equate to not being able to do something? We’ve seen Xbox compete before and we’re seeing it again now. I think that folks that are staking their lives on the failure of Xbox are in for a bad gen lol Get both consoles if you can and just be happy. I love that my backlog right now is FH5 and Ghost of Tsushima

Lightning77641d ago

"The only reason they're releasing this update on other platforms is because they will get sued if they don't"

I dunno if that's 100% true because Psychonaughts 2 doesn't have a PS5 update, patch or anything. Unless Sony gives MS for it, Sony obviously doesn't care enough about the game.

There would be a contract saying that whatever game Bethesda updates will have to update on PS. I don't think anything like that exist. What does exist is games like Deathloop and Ghost Wire have to hit Premium day and date it hits gamepass. Contracts, legalities etc is all messy and confusing. It's all going to get more confusing as Sony and MS continue to buy up more studios/publishers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 641d ago
Jin_Sakai641d ago

“Free update on all supported platforms, contrary to the perpetuation of certain False Narratives being rampantly spread about a publisher "taking games away".

They took Starfield and ES6 away no?

mkis007641d ago

Can you imagine MS not including playstation in this while they are fighting to get their deal approved?

shinoff2183641d ago

That doesnt even make sense taco. Its an update. Not a game or games that were multi platform.

gold_drake641d ago

come on.

can we not?
also, releasing a free update to a already existing game is not the same as bring exclusive to some platform. dont delude yourself.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 640d ago
Seth_hun641d ago

F76 needs it more, hope thats coming too

Profchaos641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

I'm assuming that's next but since frame rate impacted the core game so much on PC it's probably harder allegedly the frame rate tied into gamespeed and physics for the PC originally that's not a problem in 4.

Also next gen updates have been a roadmap item since the consoles launched.

Aloymetal641d ago

The update I've been waiting my whole life...

Father__Merrin641d ago

Worth another play through then

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Epic Games Store copies of Fallout 4 won't be compatible with the new Fallout: London mod

If you bought Fallout 4 via the Epic Games Store, you may be unable to install the upcoming Fallout: London mod at launch.

TheNamelessOne11d ago

That sucks for the seven people that actually use it.


You'll need to actually buy Fallout 4 to play the London mod as it won't work on Game Pass

Fallout: London will require you to own the game. Game Pass users, unlucky.

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Modders and Voice Actor Team Up for Fallout 4 Charity Mod

Fallout 4 modders have teamed up with legendary voice actor Wes Johnson to create a new mod for the game in the name of Alzheimer's research.

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