
The GTA 6 Leak Should Not Be Applauded

Devin Rardin - The Grand Theft Auto 6 leak is unfortunate for gamers and developers alike. It should not be applauded or celebrated and here is why

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z2g672d ago

agreed. its pretty shitty actually.

LeeFender672d ago

It's very unfortunate for everyone. The only person I do not feel bad for is the leaker himself. He deserves all the hate and jail time tbh.

Profchaos671d ago (Edited 671d ago )

Yeah the leaker does deserve punishment in some regwrd especially given he actually tried to extort rockstar however given his only 17 I hope he is able to get his act together instead of ruining his life forver doing something very dumb

Jail him until gta 6 comes out as a sentence

theindiearmy670d ago

I love how sites are willingly writing articles displaying the leaked content for clicks, then doing a complete 180 of the script and saying how bad it is to have happened to get even more clicks. "We shouldn't celebrate this but let us exploit it first, please."

GamingSinceForever670d ago

💯. The very people complaining all watched the leaked footage.

Lightning77672d ago

No it shouldn't be celebrated. It's a breach for goodness sakes they're under heavy investigations and possible damage has been done.

What I'm noticing is a ton of hypocrisy. You've have ppl crying over GTA news then it gets leaked and now they crying how bad it looks despite it being a very early build of the game.

The Fable directors told Matt Booty to buzz off because they don't want to show off the game too early.

It's been said repeatedly that the process of building these game's aren't glamorous. The game looks bad, feels bad, plays bad everything about early builds of any game are bad, things are crashing, breaking etc. Imagine how a dev must feel having to look at early shitty builds of their game for many years until it's something concrete and presentable to the public. I bet that's a great feeling when it all finally comes together but in the mean time let the devs build and do there thing.

Shane Kim671d ago

You would hope the general population understand this. I mean you don't need to be professor Balthazar to know this is early build. I don't get what the fuzz is about.

ABizzel1671d ago

I'd assume the only logical reason people would criticize the game is that they'd expect it to be much further along considering Rockstar has been milking GTA5 for 3 generations now, so in that sense I don't blame the general public entirely, and considering it's using the same Rage Engine and have assets already set for GtAV and Red Dead you'd also think there would be a better running base.

That being said no one should be knocking the game for an early build regardless of what state it's in.

Lightning77670d ago

Surprisingly it's not public knowledge if they're talking crap about it.

Ninver671d ago

They've have almost a decade to present something decent. Whats the excuse for that? Some people will no longer be here to play the game.

Lightning77670d ago

R* has always done this. They never show off their game until way, way late.

This is how they operate.

Ninver670d ago (Edited 670d ago )

Well something needs to change because that is way too long. Also it doesnt make sense since ps5 (not sure about xbox) has been designed to reduced development time

RNTody670d ago

I must have missed the part where Rockstar, or any creative artist, owes you anything. Criticise a bad product or a bad practice, but don't criticise the time taken to make a great product. They can take as long as they like to make their game the way they want it and they don't have any obligation to give you news about it. Some of you guys want things immediately but you'll be the first to crush an unfinished product and say it needed more time in the oven. Regardless of how you feel about Rockstar or whether you like their games, you can't deny that their production values are insane and they produce quality.

Ninver670d ago (Edited 670d ago )


We can all agree that R* are masters of their domain in terms of producing quality/immersive games that define a generation (in gta5's case two). I am far from the type of gamer who feels entitled to anything. I've bought and will continue to to buy quality games to support devs who produce them.

What I am saying is it wouldn't hurt R* to drip feed their loyal fans even the tiniest of information or screenshot once a year. If they did, this leak wouldn't be so impactful because gamers would have an idea of were development currently is.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 670d ago
Lightning77672d ago

The only reason some are "applauding" it is because of the way R*/Take 2 handle the GTA and Ref Dead franchises. They don't show up to E3 or any event, they never schedule their own event. We have to wait over 10 years for a new GTA. When they do decide to talk about it, it's very vague updates and they do this every year until they drop a trailer and even then the game is still a year out.

I get it, I get it whole handedly. It's the way they run their big franchises so ppl feel that this is Karma or they deserve this or they feel entitled to information. When we're not entitled to JACK. We're not making them games, putting in blood sweat and tears day in and day out. I feel like we're the problem in the industry sometimes.

ClayRules2012671d ago

“The only reason some are "applauding" it is because of the way R*/Take 2 handle the GTA and Ref Dead franchises.“ I’m so glad you’ve said this, because I couldn’t agree more!

I can’t quite find my words tonight for this, but you summed up pretty much exactly what I wanted to say, so thank you haha!

Lightning77671d ago

That's really what it is. Admittedly I don't necessarily like how they market GTA myself but that doesn't mean I'm gonna harass the hell out them. And say they "deserve" it because they don't at all.

Kombatologist671d ago

I wouldn't say I applaud it, but it certainly got me more excited about GTA6.

ClayRules2012671d ago

I’m glad you don’t applaud it. While I haven’t watched any of the videos, I do understand how some (based on people talking in videos, explaining in detail what the videos showed, along with people in YT comments) would be excited/more excited than they initially were for GTA6. I mean, heck, from what I’ve heard people detail I’m really excited for R* to reveal the first trailer and than some to us.

badboyz09671d ago

I watched like 10sec. I hate leaks

TheColbertinator671d ago

It shouldn't be applauded but it should not be completely discarded. I'm happy to see footage of the most anticipated game of the decade,

P_Bomb671d ago

Not gonna lie, I jumped at the chance to peek behind the curtain. Never held the look of anything against them.

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Grand Theft Auto 6 Character Info Surface; Severance Actor Spotted for Possible Undisclosed Role

Grand Theft Auto 6 characters have been spotted, with one Severance actor seemingly connected for an undisclosed role.

Amplitude8h ago

"A guy named Michael Turned has a small nondescript role listed for GTA6. Turn this into a multi paragraph article"

ChatGPT: Creates an MP1ST article

Literally everything from this whole site man


Former Rockstar Dev Warns GTA 6 Won't Be Too Different From GTA 5

"I Think People Might Be Disappointed"

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Goodguy013d ago

Makes sense. Don't think they'd want to make it too different from the success that was in 5.

phoenixwing3d ago

i'm not really going to be impressed if we play as terrible people. nico from 4 was more likeable because he had the underdog immigrant story. if i play as a psychopath like in 5 i'll be dissapointed.

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

You’re playing a game called Grand Theft Auto. You play as a criminal…

I think the whole “terrible” people thing is overblown about 5. Trevor was the only real “psychopath” and quite frankly one of the best characters in the franchise. Franklin was more grounded in the “I’m tired of this same ol’ sh*t,” and Michael was great as a character who didn’t necessarily want to get back into crime but got pulled in and had to deal with Trevor and losing his dysfunctional family and seeing how it was affecting him.

It’s just weird to me how I see this “I don’t want to play psychopaths,” bit when the only character that happened to be truly crazy was Trevor and it added to the story bit of Michael trying to hide from him. I found him to be hilarious… not sure what that says about me though.

KwietStorm_BLM2d ago

Are we talking about Grand Theft Auto or Hello Kitty? V was not an aberration in the franchise. It was just the most recent.

andy852d ago

I won't. Trevor was one of my favourite characters in gaming

scorpio_20492d ago

I felt the same way about 4 and 5. I liked that Nico was a regular guy pulled into doing all of the stuff. Trevor and Michael were pretty much psychopaths but Franklin was an underdog. I like the rags to riches character more than someone who is a psychopath.

Dfooster2d ago

You need crazy characters to justify the crazy gameplay otherwise it wouldn't be that believable watching driving miss daisy take out 4 helicopters with a bazooka

Cacabunga2d ago

There is a limit into how much you can reinvent the biggest entertainment franchise ever. Then colossal funds to develop.

I just want the world to be more alive, which i have no doubt they will deliver after what RDR2 achieved 6 years ago!!! If they make an even better open world than RDR2 then we’re in for a threat

Lionsguard2d ago

So Niko gets a pass to commit crime because he's an immigrant? Nice.. very modern of you.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2d ago

But he's not talking about the way the game plays from minute to minute. He means the game design and advancements in the game world won't be so big, partly due to console limitations, which doesn't really make sense since GTA V is a PS3/360 era game. He also hasn't worked at Rockstar since 2009, so he has no idea what direction they've gone in with the game.

I think it's a curious statement. If you look at the huge jump from GTA III to San Andreas within the same generation, and then look at the different between IV to V, there's no reason to think they would hold back or be hampered with the design of VI. Yet he feels we'll be disappointed.

TheProfessional2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

There was a lot of detail missing in V compared to IV though, maybe they could improve that in VI. Also the campaign had way too many pointless missions just to hear Trevor or Michael talk and the heists had too much set up and no real choices. Rockstar also got greedy and overemphasized the mutiplayer in V and cancelled all single player dlc.

The tone could also be more consistent in VI. Trevor was just a sillier version of Lynch from Kane and Lynch with no depth. And the comedy stuff with Michael's family and Franklin was generic and uninspired. If the Franklin campaign had more of a Menace to Society type tone and no Lamar it would've been better. Lamar is a total cliche and so is Jimmy.


I agree about the multi-player but on the cliche aspect the whole game is cliche and parodies America if you look at it.

Gamingsince19812d ago


Yup even the first gta top down view game was meant to be cliches and parodies, I'm not sure this other guy gets it lol

Ninver2d ago

In other words more online dlc nonsense. Guess sp will have to do again.

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Chocoburger2d ago

Well game design wise, the series has remained mostly the same since 2001.

Go to location, watch cut-scene telling you what to do, go to second location, kill then collect item, or collect item then kill after, or escape criminals / cops. Sometimes you have to return to original mission starting point. That's their formula, don't expect anything different with 6, other than more details and a lively world enabled by better hardware.

MrBaskerville2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Dont't forget: "driving \ walking \ riding to destination while people talk."

I expect the usual extremely linear rockstar mission design. It will be expensive and impressive, but exactly the same as every other game they've made.

TheProfessional2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

That's one of the worst aspects of Rockstar campaigns recently. So much padding and unnecessary gameplay for obvious exposition. And a lot of it is bad or pointless ex. Trevor's nonsense or redundant Micah and Dutch.

The gameplay in those missions can also be tedious when they have you moving shipping containers or flying a helicopter across the map to drop something off.

anast2d ago

It will be a copy paste job...They don't make enough money on GTA V online.

1nsomniac2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

The Rockstar dev team isn't Rockstar anymore. All the top dogs have left and we've seen from the last few years that the current team is pretty inept at their job.

They seem to be doing a lot of damage control this week. It's not looking good. For the first time in history I wont be buying this GTA on release anyway. I'll be waiting and seeing what state it releases in.

Chard2d ago

All the top dogs? I knew Dan Houser left, though I don't know if he had any input to GTA6 before he left. Sam Houser is still there - I thought RDR2 was still great so I'd be interested to know how many others have left since.

KwietStorm_BLM2d ago

They did their part on VI before they left. But what are you referring to about the current team being inept? And who's doing damage control?

BillyCrystals2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'm fine with this. GTA V is still a masterpiece to me. I've played through the single player at least 4 times which is rare for me. But all aspects of V's gameplay is pure fun to me so the hours just melt away. I even enjoy the more "boring" missions because it's so satisfying to be hanging out in/driving around that world.

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Ubisoft Not Worried About GTA 6: Other Games Out During GTA's Past Releases Do Really Well

Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot isn't worried about about GTA 6 and states that from their experience, games available during a GTA launch do well.

Hofstaderman3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Brave words.... GTA V has done well since 2013 to date. 11 years, Yves.

RiseNShine3d ago

Old man, now that it's even trendy, it's time to step down, Ubisoft is looking worse than ever.

Inverno3d ago

You've not had to worry about a GTA game being released for over a decade bro. There are games bigger than what Ubi shites out that avoid releasing around the time of GTA, that's how massive GTA is.

Demetrius3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I if I were other devs I wouldn't worry neither, especially since down the line rockstar will abandon offline support and fully focus on online only bs. Hopefully Gta 6 is made with plenty of depth and not just gorgeous graphics, come on rockstar come back and show how open world games should be.

DarXyde2d ago

Rockstar putting out a new GTA or Red Dead Redemption is like Kendrick Lamar putting out a new album: it doesn't happen often.

... But when it does, it's an industry-stopping event where you'll enjoy it and go through it time and again to really peel back the layers of the experience, coming away with new perceptions each time.

Ubisoft is known for prolific, cookie cutter slop. Which I would probably compare to Drake post-NWtS.

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