
Dead Island 2 consulted diversity council for “representative” LA

Dambuster Studios' diversity council played a pivotal role in helping develop Dead Island 2's striking tone and the characters you'll find in game.

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675d ago Replies(7)
675d ago Replies(3)
675d ago
Nineball2112675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

Unbelievable. Why is this even a thing? Do the majority of gamers TRULY care about this? Ugggg....

675d ago
Christopher675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

WWI game: Ugh, why are there women warriors we can play as, they weren't on the frontlines. We need realism!

Dead Island 2: Ugh, why are they trying to make it realistic to LA? No one cares about that.

Also: “We were very cautious to take anything that would feel like a hurtful stereotype and that’s why, in the studio, we have a diversity council that helps us understand whether we’ve pushed something too far.”

So, yeah, kind of nice to see them trying to make references without making hurtful references IMHO. It kind of sucks to play games where you're the butt of a joke just because of where or to whom you were born.

675d ago
Christopher675d ago

***DI 2 isnt trying to be realistic***

Apparently, they are trying to be realistic. Otherwise they wouldn't be pulling from LA as a source to create tones and characters in the game.

frostypants675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

You don't need a "diversity council" to make a realistic LA. You just need demographic statistics and a few people who live in LA. It's the fact that they made this so hard that they felt it is a significant achievement that is laughable.

GhostTurtle675d ago

Hurtful? Youre fucking joking right?

Yppupdam675d ago

Didn't you know? Women never get enough credit for the things they didn't do. :P

Christopher674d ago

I like how upset people are at them trying to not make other people upset. Having empathy and caring for people, why would you even do it?

Nineball2112673d ago

Why are you replying to me as if I've said anything about a WWI game?

Now, explain in specificity, what "hurtful stereotype" can be made with ZOMBIES?

So, no... it's silly, unneeded and unbelievable IMHO. The butt of a joke? What are you going on about? LOL. It's ZOMBIES in Los Angeles. Again... unbelievable.

Christopher673d ago

***Now, explain in specificity, what "hurtful stereotype" can be made with ZOMBIES? ***

The exact same ones that can be made with humans since zombies are made from humans.

Just look at people's response to the saints row characters and how they are presented/written and perhaps they don't want to get into that sort of issue. Perhaps nothing too political. Perhaps nothing too Hollywood that's questionable. Perhaps not as many blondes. So on and so on.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 673d ago
frostypants675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

They could have just looked at a Wikipedia entry on LA demographics. But nah, better to pay a ton of money to a bunch of useless grifters...

Profchaos675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

LA seems like a diverse place so it makes sense it's not like they are going to make it based in Alabama no offence to anyone from there but I'm not from US it's the most country place I can think of

TheColbertinator675d ago

We already have State of Decay for that

yeahokwhatever667d ago

tell me you havent been to Alabama without telling me you havent been to Alabama.

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Dead Island 2 Sells Over 3 Million Copies Since Launch

Dead Island 2 has now sold over 3 million copies since its launch. Embracer Group officially announced the milestone in its financial report.

brandon698sherrick62d ago

Dead Island 2 has surpassed 3 million copies sold and 7 million players since launch last year. It's a amazing.

MrDead62d ago

I'm happy I got this game, the story is on the weak side but the gameplay, the semi-open world and the DLC's are great. Got way more hours out of this than I ever thought I would and playing with friends is stupid fun.


The multimillion copy selling first-person ARPG "Dead Island 2" is now available via Steam

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“Dead Island 2” has just dropped its second expansion (“SoLA”) for PC and consoles

"Deep Silver, Dambuster Studios, and PLAION are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released the second expansion (“SoLA”) for "Dead Island 2" (the said expansion is availableright now for PC and consoles via digital stores)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.