
PlayStation VR2 is about to breathe new life into virtual reality gaming - Eurogamer

From Eurogamer: "Wow. Wow, wow, wow. That's the word that keeps springing to mind when I try to sum up my time with PlayStation VR2. As a fervent fan of VR for many years now, it's safe to say that my first hands-on experience with Sony's upcoming headset wowed my VR-loving socks off. This sleek and stylish unit was all I could have wanted for an upgraded PSVR headset and much, much more.

In terms of technological and visual quality, this feels like one of the more memorable generational console leaps. Experiencing the difference in visuals between the PSVR1 and the PSVR2 brought back memories of graduating to the sparkly, sharp, high-definition games of a PS3 after spending years playing games on the PS2 in standard definition."

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Flawlessmic741d ago

Looks like sony have created another piece of great hardware!!

Im not much for VR but if everything is a psotive as this i will defs pick one up a bit later once there is more content on there later in ita life.

crazyCoconuts741d ago

If you didn't jump in with the OG PSVR, there hopefully will be lots of content to entice new users, assuming this is backwards compatible. Hopefully they'll make it easy to patch existing games

GamingSinceForever741d ago

If it isn’t backwards compatible that will be a “major” problem for Sony and a vey good reason not to buy one.

I’m certain that they know this already so I expect backwards compatibility.

SullysCigar741d ago

I think you're right that they'll either make patching easy, or will even provide support to patch the top however many PSVR1 games, if backwards compatibility isn't a thing.

Either way, this is a day one purchase and it's awesome to hear industry VR experts heaping such praise on their time with it at such an early stage.

EvertonFC741d ago

You won't regret it, may I ask have you tried VR of any kind yet ?

741d ago
PapaBop740d ago

If developers properly implement haptic feedback, I think it will be a game changer for VR. I've owned a Rift for a few years now and if PSVR 2 can mimic the dual sense controllers with the VR ones, it will blow my Rift away and easily become my VR platform of choice.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 740d ago
darkrider741d ago

The jump will be huge, because of the specs of the ps5, the quality of the psvr2 and the new gsmepads. Now they need games with quality

741d ago Replies(1)
GamingSinceForever741d ago

@Dumahim…That’s fine but don’t complain if they then want to charge $70 or more for games because they now have a VR component that “most” won’t ever use.

EvertonFC741d ago

I'm ok with the £70 for the AAA 1st party traditional games but agree I don't want the VR games to be £70, I think that'll be small nail in the coffin if they price the VR games that high.
I'm thinking more like £50 maybe £55 for the big hitters and maybe £40/45 for the 3rd party maybe?

GamingSinceForever741d ago

@EvertonFC…What I was responding to was someone saying that the AAA developers all need to start considering a VR component in every game. That would definitely increase production cost which would in turn increase the prices we pay, which would suck because only 10% of PS gamers will ever own a VR headset.

talocaca741d ago

Mostly waiting for the price before I decide. I had the original PSVR and loved it (even with the messy set-up, horrible controllers and mediocre tracking). Seems like this is a much more elegant solution.

I live in Japan and due to inflation and weak Yen, suddenly electronics are increasing prices by up to 40% 😒 anything over ¥49,000 and I'm out (the original was ¥39,000).

potedude741d ago

Everything in Australia costs a fortune too at the moment, I'm thinking this will be around $600 Aud which ain't cheap!

FyBy741d ago

Another Wow (after new Zelda trailer). Great year ahead :-).

Shadow Man741d ago

I’m excited for village, good thing I waited.

EvertonFC741d ago

You're in for a treat, WoW you held off for the VR version.
You have the patience of a saint 😂🤣

SullysCigar741d ago

I did too. Did the same thing for Resi 7 and my God that paid off! One of the best game experiences ever, a first play through in VR.

Way scarier than I'd anticipated. I'm pathetically proud to brag that I completed it without a single heart attack or 'code brown'! I know, I'm well'ard...

jznrpg741d ago

I bought on sale it but waited to play it .

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PS5 gets another steep price increase in Japan

VGC writes: "Both the standard and digital models are going up by around $90."

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Vits28d ago

Even accounting for the weak yen, that seems a bit excessive. It’s even stranger considering the rumors of a PS5 Pro possibly launching by the end of the year, which means that in Japan, it could cost significantly more than $600, probably close to $700 - a high price for a console.

DivineHand12528d ago

The price increase is excessive. If the value of the yen is to blame, then I would expect the console price to be adjusted to match the price of the $500 disc PS5 at which would be ¥71916.58. Instead Sony added an additional $50 USD raising the total to ¥79,000.

I'm not sure if they have to pay extra fees to import the console but the PS5 has had so many revisions that Sony should be able to keep the price inline with the US price at this point. I believe part of this increase is because they can increase the price without worrying about any fallout.

JL293027d ago

Just to play 3rd party games and remasters.

ocelot0728d ago

Wtf is going on this generation with the price increases years after release?

Workshyskiver28d ago

Global inflation combined with Sony having such a large share of the console market they can do whatever they like and you will damn well accept it.

VersusDMC28d ago

Xbox has a smaller share of the market(miniscule in japan) and still raised the price(twice this year) of the series X in japan...so everyone is doing whatever they like.

Extermin8or3_28d ago

In Japan song is second Nintendo is the leading console maker in Japan.

jwillj2k428d ago

I’d like to see them try that shit in America. Xboxes will start to sell quiiiick!

rlow128d ago

Yet inflation fell in the last year in the United States. Though I’m not sure about Japan.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 28d ago
CobraKai28d ago

It’s crazy. We’d shoulda been hearing about price drops already, not increases.

The_Blue28d ago

Assassin's Creed hype for sure.

Limitedtimestruggle28d ago

Sony just leaving it up to Nintendo at this point. PS5 obviously not gonna be a mainstream product over there. Xbox is not relevant.

ChasterMies28d ago

Folks in the U.S. don’t understand that the U.S. had one of the lowest rates of inflation. It’s worse in almost every other country and the U.S. dollar is a lot stronger which makes imports even cheaper. I would love to see deflation but we’d need a recession and mass layoffs before that would happen,

Extermin8or3_28d ago

Nooooo you do not want to see deflation that spells complete disaster for an economy. What you want is wages and growth to be consistently higher than inflation.

jwillj2k428d ago

That aint ever happen lol

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Every Game Announced at the August VR Games Showcase - VR Tech Tube

The VR Games Showcase has come and gone.

So much stuff has been announced and revealed. We get our first look at games like Grim, Hitman 3 VR, Vendetta Forever and much more.

Here is everything that was announced.

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Skydance's Behemoth Launch Date Slams Down in November

Upcoming VR adventure for Meta Quest, PSVR 2 and PCVR, Skydance's Behemoth, has a confirmed November launch date.

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VRTechTube39d ago

This looks amazing. Shadow of the Colossus crossed with Blade and Sorcery combat. I can't wait.