
The future of Capcom games looks brighter than ever

Capcom has been on a run of releasing consistently high quality games over the last few years. The future of the company looks promising.

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Orchard695d ago

100% agree. Capcom is back!

brewin695d ago

Did Capcom ever really leave?! They have been the most consistent 3rd party company in history in my opinion! They have made very few errors over all these years. I hope they never sell to anyone and just keep getting stronger!

darthv72695d ago

It's nice to see them thrive, but deep down I know something is missing.

Orchard695d ago

Just came here to say, 10/10 word play. Kudos sir.

CrimsonWing69695d ago (Edited 695d ago )

My favorite company and I’ve been sticking by them even before they went full ree ree when Inafune was running the show.

I keep holding out for a Breath of Fire collection! Please let this happen!!!

sourOG695d ago

They are in a good place right now. They seem like a well oiled machine these last few years. Konami looks like it’s trying to make a comeback too. The tmnt is a good faith head start, I’m kinda hyped about the announcement.

HeliosHex694d ago (Edited 694d ago )

Capcom is a beast. Legendary company been around a very long time. If only Konami could stop embarrassing themselves and get it together too that would be nice.

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Cheaters in Street Fighter 6 Ranked Are Getting Out of Hand & Capcom Needs to Do Something About it

The Nerd Stash: "Cheaters in Street Fighter 6 ranked have become more and more common, so much so that pro players are constantly running into them."

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Einhander19727d ago

Play on PlayStation and turn off cross play problem solved.

bloop5d ago

They need to add the option to filter out matchmaking with modern controls in online too.

jznrpg5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

If it’s online and PC it has cheaters. It was pretty bad when I quit PC gaming years ago and I’m sure it’s worse now

DivineHand1254d ago

This is why I don't play fighting games online. You are either going up against a cheater or a guy that sounds like he was there while the game was being coded. It is not a place for casual players.


Street Fighter 6 – Year 2 is Upon Us

Street Fighter 6 Year 2 has been announced, with a new Ultimate Pass to purchase. It includes 4 new fighters... and... 2 new stages.

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The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne26d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.