
Rumor: did sony drop PS3 price in europe?

a couple of neogaf members are now reporting that sony has dropped the price of the 80b PS3 from 399euros to 299euros. the bundle also comes packed in with a bluray remote and a game(or movie).

is a official pricecut announcement coming soon?

TOO PAWNED5695d ago (Edited 5695d ago )

It looks like photoshop at work to me, pay good attention

Sarcasm5695d ago

Yeah I highly doubt it's real

gaffyh5695d ago

Looks real, but it could be photoshopped, you never know.

Aaron Greenterd5695d ago

people like me are paid to make sure gamers do not see things for what they are. there is no price cut in Europe for the ps3, a) because Europe doesn't exist, and b) because there will never be a price cut for the ps3, anywhere, ever.

i hope this clears up any confusion among gamers. the only console available to you gamers is the Xbox 360, with it's highest rated games in 2005 to its superb hardware quality and reliability. there is only one choice for gamers this holiday season, and that is to believe everything i say.

from the beach5695d ago

Your work pleases me Greenterd, long may it continue.

The Killer5695d ago

there is no currency on it, so its most probably in POUND, because in UK the ps3 80GB cost 299.95GBP

N4360G5695d ago

I doubt SONY would lower the price this early,this is probably just a store speacial or something.A price drop next year would make more sense.

gaffyh5694d ago

@The Killer - There is no shop like that in UK, also the language on the labels is not English.

lsujester5694d ago

I see a copy of Fuego beside the sign. I don't know about proving a PS3 price cut, but it does prove the fact that David Carradine pretty much acts for food nowadays.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5694d ago
TIKUP5695d ago

dude that looks real but i doubt it because woudnt have sony announced it publicly??

Max Power5695d ago

if you look at the 299 price in the lower right corner you'll see the reflection on the last 'nine'. while not the hardest thing to fake, just a little too much work to do for a forum post.

ar5695d ago

I'm not going claim it to be either fake or real, but there's a flaw in your argument. If the price have been photoshoped down from 399 to 299 why would anyone photoshop a nine that's already there?

Max Power5695d ago

it is also on the whole picture try looking really closely and you'll see people in the reflection through out the photo.

Lucreto5695d ago

Not an official price cut but retailers lowering the price to gain sales.

Coheno5695d ago

That's my guess to... But it's just not the only store, Amazon.co.uk , play.com and gameplay.co.uk offer the same budles to the same prices...

Lucreto5695d ago

If it is a price cut now I see it turning well for Sony.

People will be waiting for the January sales to get everything at a discount and hopefully seeing this will move machines.

If this is real that is.

resistance1005695d ago


Thats £299.99 POUNDS NOT Euro's like the pick above shows

Darkseider5695d ago

Fishy to me. If anything it is a bundle that that particular store is offering to spur holiday sales. I don't see this as a worldwide price drop for the PS3 at all.

Notice in the description on Bartsmit.com for the 299.95 euro model.

Uw voordeel 100.00 which translates to: You save or You Benefit 100.00

Then the fact that the PS3 80gb + LBP is still 399.95 as is the Motorstorm 2 bundle. Me thinks this is nothing more than an in store or chain deal to dump off the Blu-Ray bundles. No more, no less.

R_19935695d ago

Amazons lowered their price to £279.99, I'm guessing it's a stealth price cut.

uie4rhig5695d ago

on neogaf they're talking about euro's not pounds.. that is € and not £

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I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

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Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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