
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review – The Beginning and the End | GamingBolt

GamingBolt writes:

As you may have guessed, there is a lot to say about Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and I’m not sure I’ve said all of what I could yet. It’s fitting, really, for a series of games that prides itself on the excess it delivers in quite literally every possible regard, without compromising on the core quality of the experience (something very few other developers have managed to do). Xenoblade games are massive, they defy the imagination, and they can often break the mind with their scope and sheer volume. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is no different. In taking together over a decade long narrative arc that the geniuses at Monolith Soft have been working towards, it takes on the best of Xenoblade 1 and 2, and then brings its own additions to the table. The end result is something so jaw-droppingly big, it’s a wonder it doesn’t collapse under its own weight.

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Cuzizkool779d ago

Never tried this series. But with these reviews I think I may give it a shot. I hope it doesn’t rely too much on previous game lore otherwise I’ll be lost.

Sirk7x779d ago

They're all self contained games, but the lore does tie in. You could watch a YouTube video and understand (maybe, the stories are a bit complex lol) everything. If you like JRPGs, I honestly suggest starting with Xenoblade Chronicles: DE, because it's probably one of the best the genre has ever had to offer. Really incredible game.

jznrpg779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

The first game is awesome . The second one was good but not nearly as good as the first Chronicles game. 3 is already shaping up to be competition to 1 imo but I am only 10 hours in or so .

RedDevils779d ago

Meh a 7 at best for me, boring than the XB2. Just an overhype game. Slow and sluggish gameplay which really put me off in the first 20hr. Live A live and triangle strategy are more fun than this.

pietro1212779d ago

You complain about it being slow, but praise Triangle Strategy?

RedDevils779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

Yes. So I take it you did not play XB3 yet? Triangle Strategy a strategy game at heart still feel more faster gameplay wise than XB3, and yes is that slow.

pietro1212779d ago

Playing both of them atm. I have 20th (last I checked) in XB3, which is a lot faster than the previous entries. Triangle Strategy is really slow pace which is fine considering it’s a SRPG, but it’s pace in gameplay is not faster than XBC3.

repsahj779d ago

What are you talking about? XB2 is one of my fave this gen, and now I'm playing XB3 and having a blast. Definitely better than XB2 overall.

King_Noctis779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

Live A Live is super slow with all the farming that is needed. Therefore I respectfully disagree with your comment. And Triangle Strategy, a tactical game faster than an action game? Alright.


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16d ago
QuestionMark15d ago

I’m hoping they’ll do a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X sometime. It ended on a cliffhanger, and concept art shows that the areas we explored in X are just a small part of a larger world. I still think the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy and X are connected somehow.

jznrpg15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I agree with you Remaster X and make a sequel. I own the Wii U Version but I’d like to have it on Switch 2

Vithar15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Whatever it is, I'm in :) loved all the Xenos!!! X sequel or Gears/Saga remake would rock or something completely new


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