
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the game I needed right now | MobileSyrup

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the culmination of the trilogy — and it delivers on all fronts.

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repsahj787d ago

Really an awesome game! Having a blast right now. And the character expressions improved very much compared to XC2.


Ideas for the future of Xenoblade Chronicles

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Future Redeemed marked the end of the Klaus saga. What's next for the series, if anything at all?

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15d ago
QuestionMark15d ago

I’m hoping they’ll do a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X sometime. It ended on a cliffhanger, and concept art shows that the areas we explored in X are just a small part of a larger world. I still think the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy and X are connected somehow.

jznrpg15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I agree with you Remaster X and make a sequel. I own the Wii U Version but I’d like to have it on Switch 2

Vithar14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Whatever it is, I'm in :) loved all the Xenos!!! X sequel or Gears/Saga remake would rock or something completely new


Top 5 saddest Nintendo endings of all time

NE: "Today, we discuss 5 of the saddest Nintendo endings of all time."

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Monolith Soft talks about Xenoblade 3's City and fate of the Citizens

Xenoblade 3 executive director and writer Tetsuya Takahashi talks about the City and Citizens fates, including Monica and Ghondor.

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