
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review - A JRPG masterpiece | Eurogamer

Monolith Soft closes out its loosely connected trilogy of epic RPGs with its most adaptable, malleable and high-spirited adventure yet.

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whitbyfox789d ago

Yet another stunning exclusive for Switch.

whitbyfox789d ago

🤣 the bitter Sony fans downvoting 🤣

DarXyde789d ago

Could be disagreement with the idea that Switch exclusives have been stunning. Don't know, don't care. But I will say bravo to Monolith because I've always felt that their games are never bad. A little underwhelming in rare instances, but never bad.

Really looking forward to this one. It's a long one too.

whitbyfox789d ago

They really know how to push Nintendo hardware. How they made those gigantic worlds on Wii with Xenoblade 1 was staggering.

788d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic788d ago

The Switch really does have some bangers for exclusives though, pity the hardware shows it ages on games like BotW and Arceus (ugh, that draw distance).

DarXyde788d ago

Items should not be multiplied without necessity, Nidhoggers.

I definitely have a PlayStation bent, and I don't try to hide that. I must have missed the Elden Ring hatred, but I do recall the BOTW critics. Honestly, it's kind of expected: very popular titles and they're hyped to a point that they can never realistically meet expectations... So the fans overreact with exaggerated positive reception and the critics leverage (sometimes) fair critiques and it becomes a whole mess. I'm worried that will be the case with GoW Ragnarok where it will be a great game, but the hype will be so insurmountable that someone is going to be disappointed in some way with something. Something like Starfiekd which looks exactly like what anyone would expect from a Bethesda game, was somehow the best thing ever to a lot of Xbox fans. It's overreaction, and we've been dealing with it forever.

I really enjoyed BotW and it was a pretty bold new direction—genuinely curious to see what a direct sequel looks like. There's a lot to appreciate about it, but I can also see why the critics complain. I do think it's weird that a lot of that is "it's not like other Zelda titheis" which is an odd one. To each their own.

Anyway, I'll try not to be too cynical about the hate. XC3 sounds awesome.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 788d ago
LiViNgLeGaCY789d ago

I'm so excited for this! 3 more days!

789d ago

Need to finish torna the golden country, then part 2 and finally move on to this one, so I will buy this now 😁

lucian229789d ago

Do I need to play the other games to enjoy this?

iplay1up2789d ago

I don't think so. I never played the OG until the Switch remastered it. My first Xenoblade game was X, and that game was fantastic. I did have to Google at a couple of points, because X didn't hold your hand, and sometimes needed help figuring things out. Xenoblade 2 was also great, and would have been easy to pick up, if you hadn't played any others.

LiViNgLeGaCY789d ago

To put it simply, no. Pretty self contained stories.

Outlawzz789d ago

I'll be playing it and loving every minute lol . The other games are fantastic though so I highly recommend but I never finished them because their basically 100 hour games and my time is very scarce these days. Even so I still got my money's worth with all of them, and the music is unmatched imo.

They have some interesting background connections from what I've seen having gotten through about 75% completion on all of them but the main meat of the story is self contained in all of them.

CDbiggen789d ago (Edited 789d ago )

Probably, and it's hard to explain why without giving anything away if you plan to play the previous two. If I were you I'd play through the first two first.

DefaultComment788d ago

It's like Final Fantasy, every story is different however if you have played the oprevious installmente youlll get familiarized with gameplay and some references here and there.

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Ideas for the future of Xenoblade Chronicles

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14d ago
QuestionMark13d ago

I’m hoping they’ll do a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X sometime. It ended on a cliffhanger, and concept art shows that the areas we explored in X are just a small part of a larger world. I still think the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy and X are connected somehow.

jznrpg13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I agree with you Remaster X and make a sequel. I own the Wii U Version but I’d like to have it on Switch 2

Vithar13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Whatever it is, I'm in :) loved all the Xenos!!! X sequel or Gears/Saga remake would rock or something completely new


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