
Forza Motorsport will need to add more personality to its racing if Turn 10 wants to overtake GT7

Why Turn 10 should ditch the Drivatar system for more defined AI in Forza Motorsport

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Orchard750d ago

All it really has to do is launch and not be always online, and not be filled with egregious MTX and it's already got way more 'personality' than GT7. Any AI improvements are just icing on top.

Knushwood Butt750d ago

Locking cars behind DLC paywalls has way more personality.

The AI in GT7 is dire, so if this can do better then at least it's not a full course yellow.

Mr Logic750d ago (Edited 750d ago )

There was no point in spending time and resources on GT7 AI when they announced that Sophy is coming.

Knushwood Butt749d ago

Good point about Sophy, but someone at Polyphony definitely spent time on the GT7 AI because it is notably worse than it is in GT Sport!
Let's hope Polyphony fix it and add PSVR2 support, then I'll be happy. Honestly have no motivation to play GT7 events with AI cars involved. If I do play it, I do things like circuit experience.

EvertonFC750d ago

Just to be clear you do realise you have to do a one time verification online to play FM7 so isn't that the same some what ?
I think it's stupid GT7 included but let's not pretend forza is any different, how is someone without internet going to do the the one time verification ? It's the same with train simulator can't play it without the 1 time verification.

TinkerNation750d ago

You are right, it is exactly the same. In fact, I think there is so little difference that all games should be always online. Everyone hates single player games anyway, and loves simply renting the games and losing access the moment the servers have issues, are updating, or when they are eventually taken down. Because games without always online are so outdated. Wanting full access to the games you bought is just gamer entitlement, and obviously an outdated way of thinking.

Yes, all games should be always online and filled to the brim with expensive microtransactions. Because then when you earn those things by grinding for hours and hours of your real life time, you can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that is greater the more expensive the microtransations are.

AuraAbjure750d ago

I won't buy any game that has a robust single player mode if it requires an internet connection.

Orchard750d ago

One time activation? You can just dump the Forza disk in and play offline.

Also, even if it did have a one time activation, that's still not always online. Let's not forget, GT7's singleplayer was unplayable for over a day near launch due to server issues. Servers that are wholly unrequired for singleplayer. That is always online.

Forza's servers can go down / you can go offline, and you can still play singleplayer.

SurgicalMenace750d ago

Why do so many people complain about optional antidotes? I've never explored microtransactions and nor have their existence ever affected how a game plays. Can we give it a rest now?

Aren't our phones, smart TVs, security systems, etc all always online? Why would our games be any different? It's just the way things are now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 750d ago
Obscure_Observer750d ago

"All it really has to do is launch and not be always online, and not be filled with egregious MTX and it's already got way more 'personality' than GT7. Any AI improvements are just icing on top."


Leave all that "personality" for GT7 and you´re good to go.

EvertonFC750d ago

It doesn't launch without the verification which needs internet ? I'll let that one sink in.
What you going to do take your console round a friend's house or neighbours house to verify it ? Also you'd have to do that with every update.
Like I said GT7 rightfully so gets the always online hate but let's not act all dumb thinking forza is any different.

Orchard750d ago

@EvertonFC I literally just threw the FM7 disk into a 2013 Xbox One VCR that has been offline for years. It took a system update (presumably from the disk), and played fine.

Also, I could play the singleplayer without internet. Something I can't do on my PS5 w/ GT7.

philm87749d ago

@Orchard. GT7 doesn't have egregious microtransactions. You would know this if you played it rather than listening to the bull online.

GT7 is perfect for me, has a massive nostalgia factor and helps me learn new stuff about cars. Not played Forza since the 360 so can't comment too much on that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 749d ago
lelo2play750d ago

Overtake GT7? LOL.

Forza has been better then Gran Turismo for quite some time...

CrimsonIdol750d ago

I would've agreed with you back in the 360 era but something about the way they shove you all over the place with auto-tuned supercars against auto-tuned supercars from the get go, handing cars out like candy and de-emphasising tuning really took a lot of the fun out of it for me in the newer ones. I think GT was always onto a winner with the whole CarPG thing and Forza was silly to more-or-less abandon it in favour of a constant barrage of rewards and events.

The cynic in me feels like this is to build up some dopamine hits in regular flow to ease them into paid loot boxes and the like and the whole progression system was probably designed by someone who designs slot machines but what do I know.

dumahim750d ago

I think the campaigns in Forza got pretty bad too. 7 was a bit of an improvement over what 6 had, which I think was the worst, but 7 overall felt a bit stale for some reason.

ChiefofLoliPolice750d ago (Edited 750d ago )

Yeah...no. Besides the monetization GT has always been top class in terms of gameplay and class compared to Forza. GT's career mode was always in a class of its own from the mainline games that is. I love Forza mind you but it's always been a bit arcady compared to GT as well.

However now that I have has the chance to play every GT game, AC, ACC, Raceroom, Automobilista. It's kinda of hard for me to recommend Forza at this point. If your on PC that is.

neutralgamer1992750d ago

This is all subjective. What criteria are we using?

The only one that matters to publishers are sales and GT never been outsold by any Forza games. Metacritic doesn't matter if you don't believe me just look at what world war Z developers said about metacritic

These goal posts change a lot in arguments. Depending on the argument sales couldn't matter and metacritic only matters or vice versa

Just enjoy the games you want to play

YodaCracker750d ago

Depends on what you are arguing. Sales measure popularity and Metacritic measures quality.

Lifexline750d ago

Lol right I was going to say the same thing it’s been quite a while since any gran turismo has surpassed forza.

Tspite750d ago (Edited 750d ago )

Back in GT5/GT6 days, yes Forza was dominate! However major changes and advances came with Sport. GT7 is an upgrade from Sport.

When it comes to circuit racing games/simulators, GT still remains the King.. Something that Gran Turismo does better than Forza is GT actually incentivizes you to race and improve your skill/lap time. It has a great esports structure, with events that happen monthly and World Tour Championships(that we saw in Sport and an actual Olympic's time trial). This will continue to happen even without the FIA's involvement.

Kaz has stated he wants sim racing and esport motorsports to grow, so I'm looking forward to what PD does with GT7. The game got some justifiable flack early on, but PD has added a lot of cars and a new track for free! Just like in Sport. No DLC, no need to pay more, it's just added into the game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 749d ago
Father__Merrin750d ago (Edited 750d ago )

There's nothing about forza that's ever been better than GT apart from mabey damage modeling. In fact mainline Forza is going downhill compared to the Horizon spin off

Om4ever750d ago

Everything has always been better in Forza

MajorLazer750d ago

The most important thing, the physics, are shite on Forza to say the least.

SierraGuy750d ago

When I play Forza it reminds me of f2p mobile app store racers...and not much better.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 750d ago
darkrider750d ago

It's not just a question of personality. It's a question of name. Gran Turismo is the racer most know worlwide, with biggest fan base. I won't even talk about numbers, because they are world apart. Microsoft by making year after year a forza game made it common. Righ now the horizon version is the best of the two. I think they should try and made a forza rally next. There is space and demand for a game like that

RaidenBlack750d ago

Forza Rally? That sounds interesting. Would prefer a casual one like Dirt over a hardcore one like Dirt Rally.
Dirt Rally is doing spectacular and doesn't need competition.
They can even change the bi-annual Forza release to tri-annual one.
Forza Moto -> Forza Horizon -> Forza Rally, then repeat.
Damn, this makes me want a Motorstorm revival even more.

darkrider750d ago

Exactly. I think it would be a great idea! Yeah, they could launch that way

Hikoran750d ago

Yes to the motorstorm bit!

Obscure_Observer750d ago

"I think they should try and made a forza rally next."

No need for another Forza. Microsoft already have Rallisport Challenge franchise which is awesome

RaidenBlack750d ago

Forza is a bigger name. A "Forza Rally" announcement will attract a lot more attention than digging up the old Rallisport IP, which incidentally was made by EA's DiCE. (There are only 2 Rallisport game and the last one came out in 2004).
Microsoft didn't even resurrect the beloved PGR IP for a new casual racer and instead went with a new Forza Horizon branding. That should explain a lot as well.

porkChop749d ago

That's not a name people will recognize though. That was way back when DICE didn't only make shooters. RalliSport has been gone since 2004. They could call it Forza RalliSport though to bridge the gap between the two franchises.

wiz7191750d ago

There hasn’t been a Motorsport game in two to three years …

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Gran Turismo 7: The seven best features in its latest game update

Gran Turismo 7 has skipped one month of regular updates to deliver ‘Version 1.49’, which adds significant changes. Here are the most notable new features.

andy852h ago(Edited 2h ago)

What bugs me (and don't get me wrong I appreciate free updates) but they say skipped a month to bring a decent update...but I'd done the new races and bought the new cars within 45 mins. Doesn't seem that substantial


Gran Turismo 7’s New Physics Are Not Entirely Going Well

Although today's Gran Turismo 7 game update, 1.49, has brought in a sweeping set of physics changes that have largely been for the better, it's safe to say that not everything has gone to plan.

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shadowT1d 10h ago

"Polyphony Digital has confirmed that it is aware of the issue and working on determining a cause in order to fix it."

1d 9h ago
VenomUK18h ago

I thought the image was a photoshop but it’s not! Time for me to jump back in!

17h ago
GamerRN1d 3h ago

Just so I understand...

Game breaking physics in a Sony game is considered fun, but if it were Microsoft, we would mock them for "doing it again" or whatever

VenomUK15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

@GamerRN @TheNamelessOne I don’t think this is the same as a brand new game that’s released in a broken state which can dissuade the public from playing and kill all sales momentum. Gran Turismo 7 is an already established game with an already established player base. The bugs in this update have broken the game causing severe and absurd events like multiple flying cars! It’s funny, worth enjoying as it will likely be fixed v. soon. Not every conversation has to be about the formats wars!

StormSnooper12h ago

They know that but they want to take a shot since well, they have nothing going for them.

Also, they are the same person.

mandf11h ago

Gamern yes just to play around in just the vr aspect.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 11h ago
purple1011d 6h ago

Skys the limit
- not in gran turismo!!

😛. Haven’t experienced any of this myself. Apparently it’s just if you engine swap or something, it hasn’t affected the daily races
Still hilarious though! This is he game I spend most time on, so it’s slightly worrying
They have fixed all previous bugs very quickly, like in a week or so ..

ABizzel11d 6h ago

The second clip took me out lol

babadivad1d 3h ago

Why did they mess with it. The physics were fine. Trying to fix what isn't broken.

badz1491d 3h ago

It was fine but there are rooms for improvements. For one, the tweak on the tyre physics is very much welvomed IMO. Now tyre deg have a more severe impact on performance and make you actually care about tyre management. There were many events where people were pushing their tyres to the very end with very little performance penalty which kinda made pitstops as disadvantages instead of a strategic call.

ChiefofLoliPolice17h ago

Look I LOVE GT games and even 7 but they're was Def room for improvement on the physics side of things.

Abear2110h ago

I agree it feels more floaty now like the cars aren’t connected to the road as much, less feedback and fight through the controller from the road imo. Disappointing.

Drove three of the new cars on the new track and while they perform differently the steering feels more samey now across different cars. Have to applaud them though, all these updates have been free and they are clearly committed to making GT7 better and better.

You’d think the physics of this release would been iron clad solid on release and through the development process this would be locked down, only adjusting wear and weather…not sure why they overhauled the steering?! Either way this will always be my favorite racing game on PS5 as it just keeps getting bigger

TheColbertinator1d 2h ago

Gran Turismo or Rocket League? You decide.

LotusViridis22h ago

This is cinema. Keep it in the game for april fools or something. I think this is amazing.

Snookies1221h ago

Would love for stuff like this to just be a fun "cheat" option or something to turn on whenever you feel like a having a laugh. I'm always kind of bummed when hilarious glitches get patched out completely. I mean, I know GT is a serious simulation game. And it does need to be fixed. But things like this are comedy gold when unexpectedly triggered.

It's why I loved UFC so much too. That game had no end to wild game breaking moments that would happen out of nowhere.

Azfargh13h ago

They should keep as an permanent game mode. I miss when games knew the right way to not take itself seriously (big head mode, funny cheat codes, stuff like that)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6h ago
lucian2291d 6h ago

this looks actually fun lmao

GamerRN1d 3h ago

This is game breaking. How do they release something like this?

gold_drake21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

to answer your other comment
this is a patch to a game thats been around for 2 years.

this is "actually fun" because the game shipped without any major bugs and wasnt gamebreaking when it came out. this is the first time this happened for this game specifically and will be fixed within a day.

meanwhile, some of the games on the other side, are still fundamentally broken.

THATS the difference.

GamerRN15h ago

Ohhhh.... So if a patch breaks a game 2 years later and makes it unplayable, then it's ok?

As long as it came out and stayed without bugs for a long time, then when a patch severely destroys playability, it's just fun that it happened.

Ok that makes perfect sense, thank you for clarifying.

Flakegriffin11h ago


Comprehension is difficult, eh?

IRetrouk9h ago

It's unplayable? So what the fuck have i been doing since the update came out? It's a glitch that happens when you use certain suspension settings, it's getting fixed and is certainly not game breaking, gotta make it seem worse than it is though eh? Cant leave free ammo lying around in the console war now can we.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9h ago
Reaper22_1d 4h ago

I'll stick with Forza Motorsport and Horizon.

Hypertension1401d 3h ago

Not like you had a choice. Anyone that has played both will tell you that GT7 is the better game, it's not even a contest anymore.

babadivad1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

Meh, I like them both. I wouldn't say one is clearly superior to the other.

GamerRN1d 3h ago

Played and own both, prefer Horizon lately...

I miss the old GT

Reaper22_23h ago

Lol..no, ive played them all and Forza is the better series.

22h ago
Babadook721h ago(Edited 21h ago)

DF tried to take a neutral stance. Then they agreed it’s not worth it in this case. Forza isn’t in the same league, this updates anecdotes not withstanding.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 21h ago
DivineHand1251d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I haven't played GT7 but I did play both motorsport and Horizon. The issue I have with Motorsport is that it is a racing sim. Not my cup of tea it seems.

Horizon is actually fun to play and I like the set pieces where you are racing against fighter jets. The version I played was horizon 5 and the only flaws I found with it are it is sometimes no clear how to proceed further in the game and the music is not good. I wish I could load my own sound track in the game.

purple1018h ago

it says its a racing sim ,and horizon is the more arcade one,

to me horizon feels like need for speed,
motorsport feels dead, in fact its like a codemasters 'grid' from last gen, in fact code masters grid has better physics, I need to stop flamebaiting, (all truth tho') but yeh GT7 is a masterpiece and they fix these bugs Pretty quick.

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Honda Racing's Gran Turismo 7 Esports Event Returns for 2024, With Global Live Final

After a successful debut in 2023, Honda Racing is bringing its Gran Turismo 7 esports event back this year -- and opening the live final to players around the world.

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Babadook74d ago (Edited 4d ago )

This is way off topic but I watched their live event earlier this month and received a 6 star vehicle. Got the LaFararri in red. WHoo!