
The Callisto Protocol will be a much gorier game than Dead Space

From Eurogamer: "Glen Schofield is feeling relaxed. It’s been, you sense, a whirlwind few weeks for the Dead Space creator, his new team having finally put out the first glimpse at its stylish, slick and incredibly gory space horror Calisto Protocol at Geoff Keighley’s Summer Games Fest - a reveal that marks a significant milestone in a project spun up some three years ago alongside new studio Striking Distance.

"It feels like freedom," Schofield says as we chat in the sun in an annex to Summer Games Fest's LA venue. "It always feels that way, but somehow this one was more cooped up for longer. I'm kind of used to it because Call of Duty always made you keep your mouth shut, but this one felt longer."

Put some of that down, perhaps, to the challenges of working through the pandemic - challenges that Striking Distance had to adapt to just as it was spinning up development. "We were about 50 people or so when we moved into our brand new spot," Schofield says of the studio's headquarters in California's San Ramon valley. "We'd been working on it for six months: designers, artists, architects, you know, everybody. Nine days later we got kicked out."

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Mobis-New-Nest720d ago

As long as the game offers, no season pass, free DLC content, 8K resolution with with the option of 120 frame rates and decent 30 hour campaign, could care less about the gore.

VersusDMC720d ago

Considering the game it is you will get none of that. Maybe free skins dlc.

ClayRules2012720d ago (Edited 720d ago )

Realistic expectations is always an important thing to have…

If those things are what your expecting to receive with this game (be it your waiting for the devs to announce/confirm this or reviewers say so when the embargo’s lift for the game, I think your gonna be disappointed with the news you hear that doesn’t match up with your expectations.

Possibly free DLC, in the form of character skins and guns🤷🏼‍♂️but I wouldn’t take my word for it.

If only you knew the expectations I’ve had in waiting for GTA6 since finishing GTA5 in 2013… heck, than to experience RDR2 on PS4 hardware…only to realize I’ll never be able to come up with what Rockstar could possibly be conquering up at their studios around the world, and although my expectations are out there and I can get a bit excited about them, I need to lower them expectations lol, to realistic levels. I’m only one person, they’ve got a team of clever minds operating in unison, well, let’s hope…they don’t let this society nowadays ruin what once was GTA…Oh Rockstar ugh. That’s another story…I don’t doubt Rockstars ideas and execution on those ideas will be remarkable, in terms of the open world and gameplay aspects.

But just expect a fun and hopefully great game with The Callisto Protocol on day 1! It looks horrifying and intense. All the other things will fall into place. The team is hard at work on delivering something different, and I really think they’ll surprise people, in a good way.

Shinkus720d ago

Are you sure you don't want the game to also be free? To wash your dishes, mow your lawn, fold your laundry?

ClayRules2012720d ago

Nice! I like this😄 Ok, I say that, and than when I see all that gore I’ll scream and get disgusted (much like I did in TLOU Part 2) and say “I can’t take anymore of this” give my fiancé the controller, and let her kick butt for awhile, while I contemplate if it’s worth my time and mindset to go back into this dark world and face the horrors and no doubt expending tortures and death that await me lol…😬😅

It’ll be bloody fantastic and I know we can’t wait for the game!!😄

VersusDMC720d ago

I'm excited. Replaying the Dead Space trilogy and i am up for a next gen version of that.

Knightofelemia720d ago

You should give Extraction a run it's a rail shooter but I actually enjoyed it.

VersusDMC720d ago

I played it back on the wii. It's not available on current systems. Just got release on wii and ps3. Don't feel like connecting my ps3 and buying it.

Just figured out how to install the dlc for ds2 (severed) so i will play that and on to DS3(which i still find good)

RaveTears720d ago

I am hoping that they remake Extraction for VR. I would honestly buy a VR (probably PSVR2) just to play it again.

Aloymetal720d ago

Great!....But that ''no space combat'' is kinda letdown, hope I'm wrong though.

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The Callisto Protocol: Previously Exclusive Skins Now Free to All Owners

Derek writes: "To celebrate the holidays, The Callisto Protocol is giving away previously exclusive skins to all current and future owners starting December 21 – and we wanted to debut the news with our Xbox community."

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Einhander1972186d ago

One of these days I will get around to playing the PS Plus version I got as a monthly game in October.

Julion0715186d ago

You should im really enjoying it

Luc20185d ago

There's something about this game that once you start playing it it's difficult to put it down. Very enjoyable and it gives you the sense of dread and loneliness which not many horror games achieve due to boring fetch quests and going over the same areas multiple times. We probably won't see a sequel though. I'm yet to play the dlc I bought on sale.

Profchaos185d ago (Edited 185d ago )

I played it and it surpassed my expectations a actually loved it and was kicking myself for not paying for it and supporting the team.
Maybe it's because I had a fully patched and polished version but I played the 10 hour campaign and walked away a fan

Julion0715185d ago

Same I really enjoyed it as well but I bought it on sale

ChasterMies185d ago

Just rip through it at the lowest difficulty. Turns a bad game into a mediocre game.


Soulslikes Pave an Unorthodox Path of Revival for The Callisto Protocol

Soulslikes typically bank on action-RPG familiarity while offering a signature touch, which The Callisto Protocol attempted in survival-horror roots.

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PS Plus Finally Made Me Appreciate The Callisto Protocol

History will be kind to The Callisto Protocol, as an ambitious ultra-high-budget game that was flawed but ultimately fun.

Rimeskeem224d ago

I think it’s a lot easier to appreciate a game when you don’t pay for it.

MrNinosan223d ago

I see it the other way around.
I have played so many games on PSNow/PS+ and GamePass that should be could, but I end up doing the same shit as on Netflix. A few minutes here, a few minutes there, and then play nothing.

When I actually buy a game, I invest in it more.

GamingSinceForever223d ago

Then why waste your money paying for PS Plus and GamePass? Sounds like the smart thing to do is only pay for what you want to play.

MrNinosan223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

The money I spend on GPU and PS+ Premium is so little, I rather have that Netflix experience from time to time than not.
Also my kids love it and plays a lot of different games.

Then every now and then, there are games I didn't had time to buy, but would play.

Right now I'm going through all the Star Ocean games, and every single one (except Second Story R) is on PS+ Premium, which makes them easily available.

nitus10223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

When you purchace a PS+ subscription (even if it just "essentials") in addition to free games you can get discounts on some games and some of those discounts can be as much as 90%.

Rimeskeem223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

That's fair, I find it easier to enjoy a game when I don't pay for it because I know there is no loss to me. I will invest in a game if I buy it but if the game itself isn't great then I have a hard time actually caring to play it. I also criticize more when I buy a game rather than playing it for free. Feels more like a chore.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 223d ago
Profchaos223d ago

I disagree I barely give games I haven't paid for 5 minutes of my time it takes more for a free game to grab me when I've paid for a game I can push myself to love it at times and make sure I get my money's worth

Elda223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

I would definitely think it's the other way around. When you buy a game you invest time into playing. Where games on sub services you may play for a bit & then forget about it & so on.

ModsDoBetter223d ago

The game wasn't as bad as the backlash would lead you to believe. It just wasn't great - it had great visuals, solid world building and sound design.

I feel it was let down by the story and the somewhat inconsistent melee combat. Also marketed as if it was the next Dead Space. At least DS had some scares - there were none in this game.

I played it, I enjoyed it, I immediately sold it whilst the trade price was still high. Glad its on PSPlus now so I can finish off the trophies.

CrimsonWing69223d ago

Yea, game journalists went full r*tard with this game, but now that you didn’t pay for it, it’s a game you can appreciate.

Makes sense..,

jznrpg223d ago

I’ll have to play it eventually. I won’t buy games that less than 10-15 hours at generally. I’ll buy a physical copy really cheap someday

ModsDoBetter223d ago

Honestly the price tanked hard and if went from £50 to £15-£20 within about a month. It'll definitely be bargain bin material soon.

I actually prefer shorter games myself since my backlog is atrocious BUT I just made the mistake of starting Hades this week. Like a 60hr platinum

Double_O_Revan223d ago

Well Gamestop has had several sales where it was literally $5. So, I don't think you're gonna find it much cheaper.

shinoff2183223d ago

Right there with you jznrpg. It's gotta be a long game for me to drop day one money

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