
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition Review - A Messy, Broken Port Of A Timeless classic - PSU

From PSU: "Between the poor, blocky visuals, the array of glitches and bugs, the sub-standard UI and lack of any attention given to making the game more accessible to a contemporary audience, it saddens me to admit that Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition should be avoided at all costs. Tragically, this is because under all of this scarred and badly implemented design, there's a roundly excellent and atmospheric detective yarn just bursting to come out, but is now seemingly condemned to be lost to time, like tears in the rain."


The Worst Games of 2022

Probably should've seen Diablo Immortal's flaws from a mile away...but there's actually something worse.

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Vengeance1138535d ago

Going purely by revenue, Diablo Immoral is actually a massive success. Gamers have embraced lootboxes and microtransactions in order to grow their e-peen.
There really is no reason why we shouldn't see games like Diablo Immoral everything, nickel and diming gamers 100% works.

RetroCaptainSteve535d ago

No doubt. Just seems a little depressing that a series built upon a hardcore audience becomes more of a tool surrounding "nickel and diming."

chicken_in_the_corn535d ago

I thought Babylon's Fall was pretty good


Blade Runner Enhanced Edition Review - Mixed Bag of AI Modernization | COGconnected

Without the lost original Blade Runner assets to work with, AI Smoothing Algorithms brings pluses and minuses to new Blade Runner.

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Petebloodyonion696d ago

I remember playing this game in the 90s on pc and it blew my mind!


Blade Runner Enhanced Edition Review | TheXboxHub

Paul writes: "Unless you are a rabid Blade Runner, you’ll want to steer clear of Blade Runner Enhanced Edition."

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