
The Weirdest & Most Interesting Games of Summer Game Fest 2022 - GUI 130

Join Alex & Mike at GreenDragonCVR for a look back at weirdest, most interesting games of Summer Game Fest 2022. Highlights include Bear & Breakfast, Nightingale, Zenless Zone, Choo Choo Charles & Planet of Lana.

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"So many waifus" Zenless Zone Zero fans want more male characters in the roster

One Zenless Zone Zero fan on Reddit has called out the current roster, claiming they want to see more male characters added.

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IAMRealHooman2d ago

Male gacha don't sell as well. look at genshin, best selling banners are female

YourMommySpoils2d ago

No they don't. That's just the developers excuse to make it more of a cash in with unwanted pulls.

H91d 20h ago

No it's just Twitter addicts that are only 1% of the player base thinking they would be progressive if they asked that, they wouldn't pull for them either

StarcrossedBits1d 10h ago

"Zenless Zone Zero fans want more male characters in the roster"

"One Zenless Zone Zero fan on Reddit"

Wait so is it fans (plural) or a single fan complaining? Won't click cuz these articles are the absolute worst. All Videogamer does is dredge Reddit and Twitter for a single fan complaining and then write an entire article about it, acting like the one fan represents a huge part of a fanbase.

Hot take - people complain on the internet. Doesn't mean anything.

IAMRealHooman1d 9h ago

3 days old 4 posts..... on that subreddit. Your 100% on the money here.

jafino1d 5h ago

The site is garbage all these articles are misleading at best and just outright lies at worst. I am pretty sure most are AI generated because they are filled with the type of inaccuracies that AI makes and the "journalist" can't tell because they don't even play the games.

And the articles are all negative and obviously just trying to damage the games.

StarcrossedBits1d 5h ago

Yeah a lot of their content gives off serious 'AI' vibes. Low quality filler content with hot takes to drive traffic at minimal cost to the company.

EternalTitan1d 6h ago

Ask them to play Concord. And Flintlock: Siege of Dawn.

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Zhu Yuan is an Ideal Cop in Zenless Zone Zero Trailer

HoYoVerse has uploaded a new trailer for Zhu Yuan in Zenless Zone Zero, showing her both on and off the clock.

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Zenless Zone Zero Is One Of The Most Played Games On PlayStation

Zenless Zone Zero is a hit, breaking into the top ten most-played games on PlayStation last week.

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gerbintosh3d ago

It is a f2p game. Would be more impressive if it cost anything upfront

Flewid6383d ago

The production value is still pretty high for a f2p game.

Einhander19723d ago

To be fair, tons of free to play games never come close to the top ten. And it's also competing with other FTP games in the top ten.

It's an accomplishment to make it into the top ten for any game.

jznrpg3d ago

If it a was a full priced game I would check it out but I don’t want to support the free to play MT model. Looks well made though.

phoenixwing3d ago

if you don't buy anything how are you supporting it?

raWfodog3d ago

I’m guessing they’re referring to adding to the download count, maybe.

I’m having fun with ZZZ though. Honkai Star Rail is another Hoyo game that I’m enjoying. And I don’t have to pay anything? Win win win in my book lol.

franwex3d ago

Essentially by giving fodder to the paying customers.

phoenixwing2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@fran isn't ZZZ pve not pvp?

phoenixwing2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'm playing wuthering waves and haven't spent a dime. I've been enjoying the gameplay and exploration. Don't see a downside either.

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FlameWater3d ago

This can't be right, according to game journalism, modern gamers want overweight hags who identify as everything.

rpvenom2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Definitely worthwhile game to play for at least 30 hours. I didn't spend a dime and really enjoyed this. First F2P PVE game I thoroughly enjoy.